964 research outputs found

    A brazilian anthropologist at a United States university

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    Anthropology and brazilian society

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    The imaginary of Brazilian Popular Music

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    Evidence for Hydrated Spermidine-Calf Thymus DNA Toruses Organized by Circumferential DNA Wrapping

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    In spermidine-condensed calf thymus DNA preparations, torus–shaped condensates were shown by transmission electron microscopy to exist under the hydrated conditions of the freeze fracture experiment. Using extremely low Pt metal deposition levels (9 A Pt/C) high–contrast replicas of the spermidine–DNA toruses were obtained that showed circumferential wrapping of single DNA double helix–size surface fibres. Stereoscopic analysis of high magnification stereomicrographs established some details of the three-dimensional organization of two DNA double helix sections winding circumferentially on the inner surface of one such torus. These measurements demonstrate the usefulness of stereoscopic analysis of these high macromolecular organization magnification. Measurements on a number of torus-shaped complexes (n=16) yielded these average dimensions: inner circumference (1840 ± 204, A) outer circumference (2800 ± 222 A), torus ring thickness (143 ± 18 A). These data support a continuous circumferential DNA–winding model of torus organization proposed by Marx Reynolds 1

    Aerodynamic Shape Multi-Objective Optimization for SAE Aero Design Competition Aircraft

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    The SAE Regular Class Aero Design Competition requires students to design a radio-controlled aircraft with limits to the aircraft power consumption, take-off distance, and wingspan, while maximizing the amount of payload it can carry. As a result, the aircraft should be designed subject to these simultaneous and contradicting objectives: 1) minimize the aerodynamic drag force, 2) minimize the aerodynamic pitching moment, and 3) maximize the aerodynamic lift force. In this study, we optimized the geometric design variables of a biplane configuration using 3D aerodynamic analysis using the ANSYS Fluent. Coefficients of lift, drag, and pitching moment were determined from the completed 3D CFD simulations. Extracted coefficients were used in modeFRONTIER multi-objective optimization software to find a set of non-dominated (Pareto-optimal or best trade-off) optimized 3D aircraft shapes from which the winner was selected based to the desired plane performance

    Sérgio Alves Teixeira (1932–2020)

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    Sérgio Alves Teixeira (1932–2020) Foto: Carlos Jerônimo Ulrich Teixeira. É com imensa tristeza que comunicamos o falecimento de nosso colega Sérgio Alves Teixeira, ocorrido no dia 8 de fevereiro de 2020. Sérgio foi professor do Departamento de Antropologia da UFRGS durante mais de 30 anos e um dos fundadores de nosso programa de pós-graduação, que o teve como coordenador entre 1986 e 1990. Idealizador de nossa revista Horizontes Antropológicos, foi seu primeiro editor-chefe. Atualmente, era ..

    Enquanto os críticos sonham, as cidades se constroem: Resposta a Santos

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    Analisando a resenha de Carlos Nelson F. Santos a respeito de meu livro Urbanização e Mudança Social no Brasil, tive a sensação de que o resenhador se frustrou por eu não ter escrito o livro que ele gostaria de ter lido. Como penso que se deve levar o crítico a sério, por mais mordaz que ele possa ser, procurei imaginar se eu poderia ter escrito o livro com o qual Santos sonha. A resposta, infelizmente, é negativa, pois o livro teria que ser uma colcha de retalhos, incapaz de satisfazer os mais elementares pressupostos de lógica

    Dinheiro e música popular

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    A primeira metade do século XX foi um período marcado por uma intensa construção de identidades nacionais no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos. A música popular desses dois países, especialmente o samba e os blues, reflete esses processos. Um dos temas centrais nas canções da época é o dinheiro e o modo como ele permeia o cotidiano.The first half of the XX century was a period characterized by an intense construction of national identities in Brazil and the United States. Popular music of both countries, specially samba and blues, reflects those processes. One of the central themes in the songs of that period is money and the way it permeates daily life

    Sérgio Alves Teixeira (1932–2020)

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