209 research outputs found

    Generalized 3P0^3P_0 and 3S1^3S_1 Annihilation Potentials for pˉp\bar{p}p Decay into Two Mesons based on a Simple Quark Model

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    Within the quark model a generalization is proposed of the commonly used annihilation potential to describe antiproton-proton annihilation into two mesons, the so-called 3P0^3P_0 and 3S1^3S_1 mechanisms. This generalized potential treats the two mechanisms in a more symmetric way, has additional angular dependence, and results in an expanded set of selection rules.Comment: LATEX, 8 pages, 1 figure (available upon request), Preprint #RU924

    Selective Photothermolysis of Cutaneous Pigmentation by Q-switched Nd: YAG Laser Pulses at 1064, 532. and 355nm

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    Exposure of skin to nanosecond-domain laser pulses affects the pigmentary system by a process called selective photothermolysis, in which melanosomes and pigmented cells are preferentially altered. Due to the broad absorption spectrum of melanin, this effect may occur with wavelengths that penetrate to vastly different depths within tissue, potentially producing different biologic responses. The effects of single near-ultraviolet (355nm), visible (532nm), and near infrared (1064nm) pulses of 10–12nsec duration were determined in guinea pig skin using gross, histologic, and electron microscopic observations. Threshold response in pigmented skin was a transient immediate ash-white discoloration, requiring 0.11, 0.20 and 1.0J/cm2, at 355, 532, and 1064 nm, respectively. At each wavelength, melanosomes were reputed within keratinocytes and melanocytes, with cytoplasmic and nuclear alterations. Delayed epidermal depigmentation occurred, followed by gradual repigmentation. Deep follicular cells were altered only at 532 and 1064 nm, which produced permanent leukotrichia. The action spectrum for threshold response was consistent with mechanisms implied by selective photothermolysis. These data may be useful for consideration of treatment for cutaneous pigmentation abnormalities or unwanted follicular pigmentation, or both

    Search for positively charged strangelets and other related results with E864 at the AGS

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    We report on the latest results in the search for positively charged strangelets from E864's 96/97 run at the AGS with sensitivity of about 8×1098\times 10^{-9} per central collision. This contribution also contains new results of a search for highly charged strangelets with Z=+3Z=+3. Production of light nuclei, such as 6He^6He and 6Li^6Li, is presented as well. Measurements of yields of these rarely produced isotopes near midrapidity will help constrain the production levels of strangelets via coalescence. E864 also measures antiproton production which includes decays from antihyperons. Comparisons with antiproton yields measured by E878 as a function of centrality indicate a large antihyperon-to-antiproton ratio in central collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Talk at SQM'98, Padova, Italy (July 20-24th, 1998

    5-Azacytidine Acts Directly on Both Erythroid Precursors and Progenitors to Increase Production of Fetal Hemoglobin

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    Abstract The effect of 5-azacytidine on erythroid precursors and progenitors was studied in nine patients with sickle cell anemia or severe thalassemia. Each patient received the drug intravenously for 5 or 7 d. 5-Azacytidine caused a four-to sixfold increase in y-messenger RNA concentration in bone marrow cells of eight of the nine patients and decreased the methylation frequency of a specific cytosine residue in th

    Antideuteron yield at the AGS and coalescence implications

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    We present Experiment 864's measurement of invariant antideuteron yields in 11.5A GeV/c Au + Pt collisions. The analysis includes 250 million triggers representing 14 billion 10% central interactions sampled for events with high mass candidates. We find (1/2 pi pt) d^(2)N/dydpt = 3.5 +/- 1.5 (stat.) +0.9,-0.5 (sys.) x 10^(-8) GeV^(-2)c^(2) for 1.8=0.35 GeV/c (y(cm)=1.6) and 3.7 +/- 2.7 (stat.) +1.4,-1.5 (sys.) x 10^(-8) GeV^(-2)c^(2) for 1.4=0.26 GeV/c, and a coalescence parameter B2-bar of 4.1 +/- 2.9 (stat.) +2.3,-2.4 (sys.) x 10^(-3) GeV^(2)c^(-3). Implications for the coalescence model and antimatter annihilation are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Latex, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for Exotic Strange Quark Matter in High Energy Nuclear Reactions

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    We report on a search for metastable positively and negatively charged states of strange quark matter in Au+Pb reactions at 11.6 A GeV/c in experiment E864. We have sampled approximately six billion 10% most central Au+Pb interactions and have observed no strangelet states (baryon number A < 100 droplets of strange quark matter). We thus set upper limits on the production of these exotic states at the level of 1-6 x 10^{-8} per central collision. These limits are the best and most model independent for this colliding system. We discuss the implications of our results on strangelet production mechanisms, and also on the stability question of strange quark matter.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Nuclear Physics A (Carl Dover memorial edition

    Mass dependence of light nucleus production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Light nuclei can be produced in the central reaction zone via coalescence in relativistic heavy ion collisions. E864 at BNL has measured the production of ten light nuclei with nuclear number of A=1 to A=7 at rapidity y1.9y\simeq1.9 and pT/A300MeV/cp_{T}/A\leq300MeV/c. Data were taken with a Au beam of momentum of 11.5 A GeV/cGeV/c on a Pb or Pt target with different experimental settings. The invariant yields show a striking exponential dependence on nuclear number with a penalty factor of about 50 per additional nucleon. Detailed analysis reveals that the production may depend on the spin factor of the nucleus and the nuclear binding energy as well.Comment: (6 pages, 3 figures), some changes on text, references and figures' lettering. To be published in PRL (13Dec1999

    Использование барий-стронциевого карбонатита при изготовлении сварочных флюсов на основе техногенных отходов металлургического производства

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    В данной работе рассмотрена возможность использования барий-стронциевого карбонатита при изготовлении сварочных флюсов на основе шлака производства силикомарганца, а так же на основе ковшевых электросталеплавильных шлаков, образованных при производстве рельсовых марок стали. В серии опытов в лабораторных условиях изготавливали и исследовали различные составы сварочных флюсов, были определены химические составы наплавленного металла, проведен металлографический анализ.In this paper the possibility of using barium-strontium carbonatite in the manufacture of welding fluxes on the basis of slag from the production of silicomanganese, and based on ladle steelmaking slags formed in the production of rail steel grades. In a series of experiments in the laboratory have produced and investigated different compositions of welding fluxes, were determined the chemical compositions of the weld metal metallographic analysis

    Antiproton Production in 11.5 A GeV/c Au+Pb Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    We present the first results from the E864 collaboration on the production of antiprotons in 10% central 11.5 A GeV/c Au+Pb nucleus collisions at the Brookhaven AGS. We report invariant multiplicities for antiproton production in the kinematic region 1.4<y<2.2 and 50<p_T<300 MeV/c, and compare our data with a first collision scaling model and previously published results from the E878 collaboration. The differences between the E864 and E878 antiproton measurements and the implications for antihyperon production are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Measurements of Light Nuclei Production in 11.5 A GeV/c Au+Pb Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We report on measurements by the E864 experiment at the BNL-AGS of the yields of light nuclei in collisions of Au(197) with beam momentum of 11.5 A GeV/c on targets of Pb(208) and Pt(197). The yields are reported for nuclei with baryon number A=1 up to A=7, and typically cover a rapidity range from y(cm) to y(cm)+1 and a transverse momentum range of approximately 0.1 < p(T)/A < 0.5 GeV/c. We calculate coalescence scale factors B(A) from which we extract model dependent source dimensions and collective flow velocities. We also examine the dependences of the yields on baryon number, spin, and isospin of the produced nuclei.Comment: 21 figures-to be published in Phys. Rev.