88 research outputs found

    Teaching Compositionality to CNNs

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown great success in computer vision, approaching human-level performance when trained for specific tasks via application-specific loss functions. In this paper, we propose a method for augmenting and training CNNs so that their learned features are compositional. It encourages networks to form representations that disentangle objects from their surroundings and from each other, thereby promoting better generalization. Our method is agnostic to the specific details of the underlying CNN to which it is applied and can in principle be used with any CNN. As we show in our experiments, the learned representations lead to feature activations that are more localized and improve performance over non-compositional baselines in object recognition tasks.Comment: Preprint appearing in CVPR 201

    Learning Cognitive Maps from Transformer Representations for Efficient Planning in Partially Observed Environments

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    Despite their stellar performance on a wide range of tasks, including in-context tasks only revealed during inference, vanilla transformers and variants trained for next-token predictions (a) do not learn an explicit world model of their environment which can be flexibly queried and (b) cannot be used for planning or navigation. In this paper, we consider partially observed environments (POEs), where an agent receives perceptually aliased observations as it navigates, which makes path planning hard. We introduce a transformer with (multiple) discrete bottleneck(s), TDB, whose latent codes learn a compressed representation of the history of observations and actions. After training a TDB to predict the future observation(s) given the history, we extract interpretable cognitive maps of the environment from its active bottleneck(s) indices. These maps are then paired with an external solver to solve (constrained) path planning problems. First, we show that a TDB trained on POEs (a) retains the near perfect predictive performance of a vanilla transformer or an LSTM while (b) solving shortest path problems exponentially faster. Second, a TDB extracts interpretable representations from text datasets, while reaching higher in-context accuracy than vanilla sequence models. Finally, in new POEs, a TDB (a) reaches near-perfect in-context accuracy, (b) learns accurate in-context cognitive maps (c) solves in-context path planning problems

    Fast exploration and learning of latent graphs with aliased observations

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    We consider the problem of recovering a latent graph where the observations at each node are \emph{aliased}, and transitions are stochastic. Observations are gathered by an agent traversing the graph. Aliasing means that multiple nodes emit the same observation, so the agent can not know in which node it is located. The agent needs to uncover the hidden topology as accurately as possible and in as few steps as possible. This is equivalent to efficient recovery of the transition probabilities of a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) in which the observation probabilities are known. An algorithm for efficiently exploring (and ultimately recovering) the latent graph is provided. Our approach is exponentially faster than naive exploration in a variety of challenging topologies with aliased observations while remaining competitive with existing baselines in the unaliased regime

    Query Training: Learning a Worse Model to Infer Better Marginals in Undirected Graphical Models with Hidden Variables

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    Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) provide a compact representation of knowledge that can be queried in a flexible way: after learning the parameters of a graphical model once, new probabilistic queries can be answered at test time without retraining. However, when using undirected PGMS with hidden variables, two sources of error typically compound in all but the simplest models (a) learning error (both computing the partition function and integrating out the hidden variables is intractable); and (b) prediction error (exact inference is also intractable). Here we introduce query training (QT), a mechanism to learn a PGM that is optimized for the approximate inference algorithm that will be paired with it. The resulting PGM is a worse model of the data (as measured by the likelihood), but it is tuned to produce better marginals for a given inference algorithm. Unlike prior works, our approach preserves the querying flexibility of the original PGM: at test time, we can estimate the marginal of any variable given any partial evidence. We demonstrate experimentally that QT can be used to learn a challenging 8-connected grid Markov random field with hidden variables and that it consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art AdVIL when tested on three undirected models across multiple datasets

    Schema-learning and rebinding as mechanisms of in-context learning and emergence

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    In-context learning (ICL) is one of the most powerful and most unexpected capabilities to emerge in recent transformer-based large language models (LLMs). Yet the mechanisms that underlie it are poorly understood. In this paper, we demonstrate that comparable ICL capabilities can be acquired by an alternative sequence prediction learning method using clone-structured causal graphs (CSCGs). Moreover, a key property of CSCGs is that, unlike transformer-based LLMs, they are {\em interpretable}, which considerably simplifies the task of explaining how ICL works. Specifically, we show that it uses a combination of (a) learning template (schema) circuits for pattern completion, (b) retrieving relevant templates in a context-sensitive manner, and (c) rebinding of novel tokens to appropriate slots in the templates. We go on to marshall evidence for the hypothesis that similar mechanisms underlie ICL in LLMs. For example, we find that, with CSCGs as with LLMs, different capabilities emerge at different levels of overparameterization, suggesting that overparameterization helps in learning more complex template (schema) circuits. By showing how ICL can be achieved with small models and datasets, we open up a path to novel architectures, and take a vital step towards a more general understanding of the mechanics behind this important capability