457 research outputs found

    Shift multiplexing with spherical reference waves

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    Shift multiplexing is a holographic storage method particularly suitable for the implementation of holographic disks. We characterize the performance of shift-multiplexed memories by using a spherical wave as the reference beam. We derive the shift selectivity, the cross talk, the exposure schedule, and the storage density of the method. We give experimental results to verify the theoretical predictions

    Volume Holographic Hyperspectral Imaging

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    A volume hologram has two degenerate Bragg-phase-matching dimensions and provides the capability of volume holographic imaging. We demonstrate two volume holographic imaging architectures and investigate their imaging resolution, aberration, and sensitivity. The first architecture uses the hologram directly as an objective imaging element where strong aberration is observed and confirmed by simulation. The second architecture uses an imaging lens and a transmission geometry hologram to achieve linear two-dimensional optical sectioning and imaging of a four-dimensional (spatial plus spectral dimensions) object hyperspace. Multiplexed holograms can achieve simultaneously three-dimensional imaging of an object without a scanning mechanism

    Lateral Impedance of Single Piles in Inhomogeneous Soil

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    The flexural stiffness and damping (dynamic impedance) of a single vertical pile in an inhomogeneous soil deposit with continuously increasing stiffness with depth, is studied. An analytical formulation based on the Beam-on-Dynamic-Winkler-Foundation (BDWF) model is implemented. The model is used in conjunction with a virtual work approximation and pertinent shape functions for the deflected shape of a long flexible pile, which are analogous to those used in finite-element formulations. Explicit closed-form solutions are derived for: (1) the dynamic pile stiffness; and (2) the damping coefficient at the pile head. Both swaying and rocking vibrations are considered and all associated impedance coefficients (swaying, rocking, and cross swaying-rocking) are determined. Results from the method are found to be in good agreement with earlier solutions, while new results are developed. The errors resulting from the use of an “equivalent” homogeneous profile with average properties are discussed

    Holographic storage using shift multiplexing

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    We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally a new multiplexing method for volume holographic storage using a single reference beam that is composed of multiple plane waves or is a spherical wave. We multiplex the holograms by shifting the recording material or the recording/readout head. The volume properties of the recording medium allow selective readout of holograms stored in successive overlapping locations. High storage densities can be achieved with a relatively simple implementation by use of the new method

    Holographic recording of fast events on a CCD camera

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    We report on holographic recording of nanosecond events on a conventional CCD camera. Three frames of an air-discharge event, with resolution of 5.9 ns and frame interval of 12 ns, are recorded in a single CCD frame. Each individual frame is reconstructed by digital filtering of the CCD frame, since successively recorded holograms are centered at different carrier frequencies in the spatial frequency domain

    Electrical fixing of 1000 angle-multiplexed holograms in SBN:75

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    We have demonstrated electrical fixing of 1000 angle-multiplexed holograms in a 1-cm^3 volume Ce-doped SBN:75 crystal. A revealing procedure yielded an average diffraction efficiency of 0.005% for each hologram, with approximately 20% variation. The erasure resistance of the fixed gratings was verified

    3-D measurements using conoscopy and application to ophthalmology

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    In this paper we present a novel method to measure 3-D quasi planar or quasi spherical reflective surfaces with submicron depth accuracy. Two implementations are presented: a scanning and a non-scanning system. The non-scanning device allows fast measurements and can be applied for eye-shape measurements. The paper is organized as follows: in the introductory section, we first demonstrate the principle of the conoscopic effect leading to the formation of the interferogram. The second and third sections explain respectively. the scanning and non-scanning methods based on the conoscopic effect. We present the experimental results from a simple measurement and show how they conform with theory

    Diffraction from deformed volume holograms: perturbation theory approach

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    We derive the response of a volume grating to arbitrary small deformations, using a perturbative approach. This result is of interest for two applications: (a) when a deformation is undesirable and one seeks to minimize the diffracted field's sensitivity to it and (b) when the deformation itself is the quantity of interest and the diffracted field is used as a probe into the deformed volume where the hologram was originally recorded. We show that our result is consistent with previous derivations motivated by the phenomenon of shrinkage in photopolymer holographic materials. We also present the analysis of the grating's response to deformation due to a point indenter and present experimental results consistent with theory

    Imaging using volume holograms

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    We present an overview of imaging systems that incorporate a volume hologram as one of the optical field processing elements in the system. We refer to these systems as volume holographic imaging (VHI) systems. The volume hologram is recorded just once, and the recording parameters depend on the functional requirements of the imaging system. The recording step offers great flexibility in designing application-specific imaging systems. We discuss how a VHI system can be configured for diverse imaging applications ranging from surface profilometry to real-time hyperspectral microscopy, and summarize recent developments in this field