58,866 research outputs found

    Allan variance of frequency fluctuations due to momentum exchange and thermomechanical noises

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    We investigate the Allan variance of nanoresonators with random rough surfaces under the simultaneous influence of thermomechanical and momentum exchange noises. Random roughness is observed in various surface engineering processes, and it is characterized by the roughness amplitude w, the lateral correlation length ξ, and the roughness exponent 0<H<1. The roughness influence becomes significant for measurement time τA so that ωoτA~1, with ωo the fundamental resonance frequency. The Allan variance increases significantly with increasing roughness (decreasing H and/or increasing ratio w/ξ) if the quality factor due to gas collisions is smaller than the intrinsic quality factor associated with thermomechanical noise.

    An integrated aerodynamic/propulsion study for generic aero-space planes based on waverider concepts

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    The design of a unified aero-space plane based on waverider technology is analyzed. The overall aerodynamic design and performance of an aero-space plane are discussed in terms of the forebody, scramjet, and afterbody. Other subjects considered in the study are combustion/nozzle optimization, the idealized tip-to-tail waverider model, and the two-dimensional minimum length nozzle. Charts and graphs are provided to show the results of the preliminary investigations

    Notes and Numbers on the Profits Squeeze

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    macroeconomics, profit squeeze

    Specifying Exposure Classification Parameters for Sensitivity Analysis: Family Breast Cancer History

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    One of the challenges to implementing sensitivity analysis for exposure misclassification is the process of specifying the classification proportions (eg, sensitivity and specificity). The specification of these assignments is guided by three sources of information: estimates from validation studies, expert judgment, and numerical constraints given the data. The purpose of this teaching paper is to describe the process of using validation data and expert judgment to adjust a breast cancer odds ratio for misclassification of family breast cancer history. The parameterization of various point estimates and prior distributions for sensitivity and specificity were guided by external validation data and expert judgment. We used both nonprobabilistic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses to investigate the dependence of the odds ratio estimate on the classification error. With our assumptions, a wider range of odds ratios adjusted for family breast cancer history misclassification resulted than portrayed in the conventional frequentist confidence interval.Children's Cancer Research Fund, Minneapolis, MN, US

    Effects of thinking-aloud pair problem solving on the troubleshooting performance of undergraduate students in a power technology course

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    A randomized post-test-only experimental design with a counter-balanced internal replication was used to determine the effects of thinking-aloud pair problem solving (TAPPS) on the troubleshooting performance of college students in a power technology course. The experimental results were stable across two troubleshooting tasks. Students who participated in the pair problem solving groups were significantly more successful (p ≤ .05) at troubleshooting engine faults than were students in the control groups. Among students who successfully completed the troubleshooting tasks across both groups, there were no significant differences in time required for completion. These findings indicate that the use of pair problem solving may be an important step in the development of metacognitive skills among students in technological troubleshootin

    Simple pressure gauge for uranium hexafluoride

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    A sensitive detector and pressure gauge for uranium hexafluoride in high‐vacuum systems is described. Negative surface ionization of UF_6 occurs on ribbon filaments operated at temperatures too low for electron emission to be significant. The ion current measured on a cylindrical collector surrounding the filament assembly varies regularly with UF_6 pressure below 10^(−3) Torr. Different filament materials are considered, including rhenium, thoriated tungsten, and platinum. Rhenium is found to be the most satisfactory material for operation of diode emitters as a pressure gauge. Gauge constants (in A Torr^(−1)) are derived from comparing negative surface ionization currents with the response of a capacitance manometer and are shown to be independent of temperature within a reasonable operating range. The effects of exposing the rhenium filament to various gases is considered, and it is shown that brief exposure to acetylene substantially improves the operating characteristics of the gauge

    Extent and mechanism of sealing in transected giant axons of squid and earthworms

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    Transected axons are often assumed to seal at their cut ends by the formation of continuous membrane barriers that allow for the restoration of function in the axonal stumps. We have used several electrophysiological measures (membrane potential, input resistance, injury current density) and several morphological measures (phase-contrast, video-enhanced differential interference contrast, light, and electron microscopies) of living and fixed material to assess the extent and mechanism of sealing within hours after transecting giant axons of squid (Loligo pealeiand Sepioteuthis lessoniana) and earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris). Our electrophysiological data suggest that the proximal and distal ends of transected squid giant axons do not completely seal within 2.5 hr in physiological saline. In contrast, the same set of measures suggest that proximal and distal ends of transected earthworm giant axons seal within 1 hr in physiological saline. Our morphological data show that the cut ends of both squid and earthworm axons constrict, but that a 20- 70-am-diameter opening always remains at the cut end that is filled with vesicles. Axonal transection induces the formation of vesicles that are observed in the axoplasm within minutes in standard salines and that rapidly migrate to the cut ends. These injury-induced vesicles are loosely packed near the cut ends of squid giant axons, which do not functionally seal within 2.5 hr of transection. In contrast, vesicles formed a tightly packed plug at the cut ends of earthworm medial giant axons, which do functionally seal within 1 hr of transection in physiological saline. Since we detect no single continuous membrane that spans the cut end, sealing does not appear to occur by the fusion of constricted axolemmal membrane or the formation of a membranous partition at the cut end. Rather, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that a tightly packed vesicular plug is responsible for sealing of earthworm giant axons.This work was supported in part by NIH Grant NS31256 and ONR Grant N00014-90-J-1137 to H.M.F., an NIAAA fellowship to T.L.K., and an ATP grant to G.D.B.Neuroscienc

    Effects of atomic short-range order on the properties of perovskite alloys in their morphotropic phase boundary

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    The effects of atomic short-range order on the properties of Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_x)O_3 alloy in its morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) are predicted by combining first-principles-based methods and annealing techniques. Clustering is found to lead to a compositional expansion of this boundary, while the association of unlike atoms yields a contraction of this region. Atomic short-range order can thus drastically affect properties of perovskite alloys in their MPB, by inducing phase transitions. Microscopic mechanisms responsible for these effects are revealed and discussed.Comment: 4 pages, with 2 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX4 and graphicx macro

    Can aggregate quarry silt lagoons provide resources for wading birds?

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    Wading birds have declined across Europe as the intensification of lowland agriculture has resulted in the loss and degradation of wetland areas. Lowland aggregate extraction sites that incorporate areas of fine, waste sediments deposited in silt lagoons have the potential to be restored for wader conservation. We set out to determine the potential value of silt lagoons to wading birds by comparing the water quality, sediment profiles, aquatic invertebrate abundance and diversity (prey availability) and wader site use at five sites representing various stages of active aggregate extraction and restoration for conservation purposes. Wader counts were conducted monthly over a twelve month period using replicated scan samples, and the invertebrate communities studied during the breeding and autumn migration season (June–September). Water quality variables were similar between sites, but sediments from active quarries were dominated by moderately sorted fine sands in comparison to the coarser sediment profiles of restored areas. June and September there was no significant difference in invertebrate diversity between sites, however richness was significantly lower on quarry sites and total abundance a factor of ten higher at restored sites than on silt lagoons, with the dominant taxa similar across all sites. Waders used all sites; albeit at lower abundance and richness on silt lagoons and two species were recorded breeding on active silting sites. We conclude that the fine, uniform sediments of modern silt lagoons limited invertebrate diversity and abundance, diminishing the value of silt lagoons to waders. Simple low-cost intervention measures increasing substrate heterogeneity and creating temporary ponds could increase invertebrate richness and abundance, and enhance the conservation potential of these sites