13 research outputs found

    Virtual reality interfaces for seamless interaction with the physical reality

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    In recent years head-mounted displays (HMDs) for virtual reality (VR) have made the transition from research to consumer product, and are increasingly used for productive purposes such as 3D modeling in the automotive industry and teleconferencing. VR allows users to create and experience real-world like models of products; and enables users to have an immersive social interaction with distant colleagues. These solutions are a promising alternative to physical prototypes and meetings, as they require less investment in time and material. VR uses our visual dominance to deliver these experiences, making users believe that they are in another reality. However, while their mind is present in VR their body is in the physical reality. From the user’s perspective, this brings considerable uncertainty to the interaction. Currently, they are forced to take off their HMD in order to, for example, see who is observing them and to understand whether their physical integrity is at risk. This disrupts their interaction in VR, leading to a loss of presence – a main quality measure for the success of VR experiences. In this thesis, I address this uncertainty by developing interfaces that enable users to stay in VR while supporting their awareness of the physical reality. They maintain this awareness without having to take off the headset – which I refer to as seamless interaction with the physical reality. The overarching research vision that guides this thesis is, therefore, to reduce this disconnect between the virtual and physical reality. My research is motivated by a preliminary exploration of user uncertainty towards using VR in co-located, public places. This exploration revealed three main foci: (a) security and privacy, (b) communication with physical collaborators, and (c) managing presence in both the physical and virtual reality. Each theme represents a section in my dissertation, in which I identify central challenges and give directions towards overcoming them as have emerged from the work presented here. First, I investigate security and privacy in co-located situations by revealing to what extent bystanders are able to observe general tasks. In this context, I explicitly investigate the security considerations of authentication mechanisms. I review how existing authentication mechanisms can be transferred to VR and present novel approaches that are more usable and secure than existing solutions from prior work. Second, to support communication between VR users and physical collaborators, I add to the field design implications for VR interactions that enable observers to choose opportune moments to interrupt HMD users. Moreover, I contribute methods for displaying interruptions in VR and discuss their effect on presence and performance. I also found that different virtual presentations of co-located collaborators have an effect on social presence, performance and trust. Third, I close my thesis by investigating methods to manage presence in both the physical and virtual realities. I propose systems and interfaces for transitioning between them that empower users to decide how much they want to be aware of the other reality. Finally, I discuss the opportunity to systematically allocate senses to these two realities: the visual one for VR and the auditory and haptic one for the physical reality. Moreover, I provide specific design guidelines on how to use these findings to alert VR users about physical borders and obstacles.In den letzten Jahren haben Head-Mounted-Displays (HMDs) fĂŒr virtuelle RealitĂ€t (VR) den Übergang von der Forschung zum Konsumprodukt vollzogen und werden zunehmend fĂŒr produktive Zwecke, wie 3D-Modellierung in der Automobilindustrie oder Telekonferenzen, eingesetzt. VR ermöglicht es den Benutzern, schnell und kostengĂŒnstig, Prototypen zu erstellen und erlaubt eine immersive soziale Interaktion mit entfernten Kollegen. VR nutzt unsere visuelle Dominanz, um diese Erfahrungen zu vermitteln und gibt Benutzern das GefĂŒhl sich in einer anderen RealitĂ€t zu befinden. WĂ€hrend der Nutzer jedoch in der virtuellen RealitĂ€t mental prĂ€sent ist, befindet sich der Körper weiterhin in der physischen RealitĂ€t. Aus der Perspektive des Benutzers bringt dies erhebliche Unsicherheit in die Nutzung von HMDs. Aktuell sind Nutzer gezwungen, ihr HMD abzunehmen, um zu sehen, wer sie beobachtet und zu verstehen, ob ihr körperliches Wohlbefinden gefĂ€hrdet ist. Dadurch wird ihre Interaktion in der VR gestört, was zu einem Verlust der PrĂ€senz fĂŒhrt - ein HauptqualitĂ€tsmaß fĂŒr den Erfolg von VR-Erfahrungen. In dieser Arbeit befasse ich mich mit dieser Unsicherheit, indem ich Schnittstellen entwickle, die es den Nutzern ermöglichen, in VR zu bleiben und gleichzeitig unterstĂŒtzen sie die Wahrnehmung fĂŒr die physische RealitĂ€t. Sie behalten diese Wahrnehmung fĂŒr die physische RealitĂ€t bei, ohne das Headset abnehmen zu mĂŒssen - was ich als nahtlose Interaktion mit der physischen RealitĂ€t bezeichne. Daher ist eine ĂŒbergeordenete Vision von meiner Forschung diese Trennung von virtueller und physicher RealitĂ€t zu reduzieren. Meine Forschung basiert auf einer einleitenden Untersuchung, die sich mit der Unsicherheit der Nutzer gegenĂŒber der Verwendung von VR an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten befasst. Im Kontext meiner Arbeit werden RĂ€ume oder FlĂ€chen, die mit anderen ortsgleichen Menschen geteilt werden, als geteilte Orte bezeichnet. Diese Untersuchung ergab drei Hauptschwerpunkte: (1) Sicherheit und PrivatsphĂ€re, (2) Kommunikation mit physischen Kollaborateuren, und (3) Umgang mit der PrĂ€senz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen RealitĂ€t. Jedes Thema stellt einen Fokus in meiner Dissertation dar, in dem ich zentrale Herausforderungen identifiziere und LösungsansĂ€tze vorstelle. Erstens, untersuche ich Sicherheit und PrivatsphĂ€re an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten, indem ich aufdecke, inwieweit Umstehende in der Lage sind, allgemeine Aufgaben zu beobachten. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuche ich explizit die Gestaltung von Authentifizierungsmechanismen. Ich untersuche, wie bestehende Authentifizierungsmechanismen auf VR ĂŒbertragen werden können, und stelle neue AnsĂ€tze vor, die nutzbar und sicher sind. Zweitens, um die Kommunikation zwischen HMD-Nutzern und Umstehenden zu unterstĂŒtzen, erweitere ich das Forschungsfeld um VR-Interaktionen, die es Beobachtern ermöglichen, gĂŒnstige Momente fĂŒr die Unterbrechung von HMD-Nutzern zu wĂ€hlen. DarĂŒber hinaus steuere ich Methoden zur Darstellung von Unterbrechungen in VR bei und diskutiere ihre Auswirkungen auf PrĂ€senz und Leistung von Nutzern. Meine Arbeit brachte auch hervor, dass verschiedene virtuelle PrĂ€sentationen von ortsgleichen Kollaborateuren einen Effekt auf die soziale PrĂ€senz, Leistung und Vertrauen haben. Drittens, schließe ich meine Dissertation mit der Untersuchung von Methoden zur Verwaltung der PrĂ€senz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen RealitĂ€t ab. Ich schlage Systeme und Schnittstellen fĂŒr den Übergang zwischen den RealitĂ€ten vor, die die Benutzer in die Lage versetzen zu entscheiden, inwieweit sie sich der anderen RealitĂ€t bewusst sein wollen. Schließlich diskutiere ich die Möglichkeit, diesen beiden RealitĂ€ten systematisch Sinne zuzuordnen: die visuelle fĂŒr VR und die auditive und haptische fĂŒr die physische RealitĂ€t. DarĂŒber hinaus stelle ich spezifische Design-Richtlinien zur VerfĂŒgung, wie diese Erkenntnisse genutzt werden können, um VR-Anwender auf physische Grenzen und Hindernisse aufmerksam zu machen

    Virtual reality interfaces for seamless interaction with the physical reality

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    In recent years head-mounted displays (HMDs) for virtual reality (VR) have made the transition from research to consumer product, and are increasingly used for productive purposes such as 3D modeling in the automotive industry and teleconferencing. VR allows users to create and experience real-world like models of products; and enables users to have an immersive social interaction with distant colleagues. These solutions are a promising alternative to physical prototypes and meetings, as they require less investment in time and material. VR uses our visual dominance to deliver these experiences, making users believe that they are in another reality. However, while their mind is present in VR their body is in the physical reality. From the user’s perspective, this brings considerable uncertainty to the interaction. Currently, they are forced to take off their HMD in order to, for example, see who is observing them and to understand whether their physical integrity is at risk. This disrupts their interaction in VR, leading to a loss of presence – a main quality measure for the success of VR experiences. In this thesis, I address this uncertainty by developing interfaces that enable users to stay in VR while supporting their awareness of the physical reality. They maintain this awareness without having to take off the headset – which I refer to as seamless interaction with the physical reality. The overarching research vision that guides this thesis is, therefore, to reduce this disconnect between the virtual and physical reality. My research is motivated by a preliminary exploration of user uncertainty towards using VR in co-located, public places. This exploration revealed three main foci: (a) security and privacy, (b) communication with physical collaborators, and (c) managing presence in both the physical and virtual reality. Each theme represents a section in my dissertation, in which I identify central challenges and give directions towards overcoming them as have emerged from the work presented here. First, I investigate security and privacy in co-located situations by revealing to what extent bystanders are able to observe general tasks. In this context, I explicitly investigate the security considerations of authentication mechanisms. I review how existing authentication mechanisms can be transferred to VR and present novel approaches that are more usable and secure than existing solutions from prior work. Second, to support communication between VR users and physical collaborators, I add to the field design implications for VR interactions that enable observers to choose opportune moments to interrupt HMD users. Moreover, I contribute methods for displaying interruptions in VR and discuss their effect on presence and performance. I also found that different virtual presentations of co-located collaborators have an effect on social presence, performance and trust. Third, I close my thesis by investigating methods to manage presence in both the physical and virtual realities. I propose systems and interfaces for transitioning between them that empower users to decide how much they want to be aware of the other reality. Finally, I discuss the opportunity to systematically allocate senses to these two realities: the visual one for VR and the auditory and haptic one for the physical reality. Moreover, I provide specific design guidelines on how to use these findings to alert VR users about physical borders and obstacles.In den letzten Jahren haben Head-Mounted-Displays (HMDs) fĂŒr virtuelle RealitĂ€t (VR) den Übergang von der Forschung zum Konsumprodukt vollzogen und werden zunehmend fĂŒr produktive Zwecke, wie 3D-Modellierung in der Automobilindustrie oder Telekonferenzen, eingesetzt. VR ermöglicht es den Benutzern, schnell und kostengĂŒnstig, Prototypen zu erstellen und erlaubt eine immersive soziale Interaktion mit entfernten Kollegen. VR nutzt unsere visuelle Dominanz, um diese Erfahrungen zu vermitteln und gibt Benutzern das GefĂŒhl sich in einer anderen RealitĂ€t zu befinden. WĂ€hrend der Nutzer jedoch in der virtuellen RealitĂ€t mental prĂ€sent ist, befindet sich der Körper weiterhin in der physischen RealitĂ€t. Aus der Perspektive des Benutzers bringt dies erhebliche Unsicherheit in die Nutzung von HMDs. Aktuell sind Nutzer gezwungen, ihr HMD abzunehmen, um zu sehen, wer sie beobachtet und zu verstehen, ob ihr körperliches Wohlbefinden gefĂ€hrdet ist. Dadurch wird ihre Interaktion in der VR gestört, was zu einem Verlust der PrĂ€senz fĂŒhrt - ein HauptqualitĂ€tsmaß fĂŒr den Erfolg von VR-Erfahrungen. In dieser Arbeit befasse ich mich mit dieser Unsicherheit, indem ich Schnittstellen entwickle, die es den Nutzern ermöglichen, in VR zu bleiben und gleichzeitig unterstĂŒtzen sie die Wahrnehmung fĂŒr die physische RealitĂ€t. Sie behalten diese Wahrnehmung fĂŒr die physische RealitĂ€t bei, ohne das Headset abnehmen zu mĂŒssen - was ich als nahtlose Interaktion mit der physischen RealitĂ€t bezeichne. Daher ist eine ĂŒbergeordenete Vision von meiner Forschung diese Trennung von virtueller und physicher RealitĂ€t zu reduzieren. Meine Forschung basiert auf einer einleitenden Untersuchung, die sich mit der Unsicherheit der Nutzer gegenĂŒber der Verwendung von VR an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten befasst. Im Kontext meiner Arbeit werden RĂ€ume oder FlĂ€chen, die mit anderen ortsgleichen Menschen geteilt werden, als geteilte Orte bezeichnet. Diese Untersuchung ergab drei Hauptschwerpunkte: (1) Sicherheit und PrivatsphĂ€re, (2) Kommunikation mit physischen Kollaborateuren, und (3) Umgang mit der PrĂ€senz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen RealitĂ€t. Jedes Thema stellt einen Fokus in meiner Dissertation dar, in dem ich zentrale Herausforderungen identifiziere und LösungsansĂ€tze vorstelle. Erstens, untersuche ich Sicherheit und PrivatsphĂ€re an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten, indem ich aufdecke, inwieweit Umstehende in der Lage sind, allgemeine Aufgaben zu beobachten. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuche ich explizit die Gestaltung von Authentifizierungsmechanismen. Ich untersuche, wie bestehende Authentifizierungsmechanismen auf VR ĂŒbertragen werden können, und stelle neue AnsĂ€tze vor, die nutzbar und sicher sind. Zweitens, um die Kommunikation zwischen HMD-Nutzern und Umstehenden zu unterstĂŒtzen, erweitere ich das Forschungsfeld um VR-Interaktionen, die es Beobachtern ermöglichen, gĂŒnstige Momente fĂŒr die Unterbrechung von HMD-Nutzern zu wĂ€hlen. DarĂŒber hinaus steuere ich Methoden zur Darstellung von Unterbrechungen in VR bei und diskutiere ihre Auswirkungen auf PrĂ€senz und Leistung von Nutzern. Meine Arbeit brachte auch hervor, dass verschiedene virtuelle PrĂ€sentationen von ortsgleichen Kollaborateuren einen Effekt auf die soziale PrĂ€senz, Leistung und Vertrauen haben. Drittens, schließe ich meine Dissertation mit der Untersuchung von Methoden zur Verwaltung der PrĂ€senz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen RealitĂ€t ab. Ich schlage Systeme und Schnittstellen fĂŒr den Übergang zwischen den RealitĂ€ten vor, die die Benutzer in die Lage versetzen zu entscheiden, inwieweit sie sich der anderen RealitĂ€t bewusst sein wollen. Schließlich diskutiere ich die Möglichkeit, diesen beiden RealitĂ€ten systematisch Sinne zuzuordnen: die visuelle fĂŒr VR und die auditive und haptische fĂŒr die physische RealitĂ€t. DarĂŒber hinaus stelle ich spezifische Design-Richtlinien zur VerfĂŒgung, wie diese Erkenntnisse genutzt werden können, um VR-Anwender auf physische Grenzen und Hindernisse aufmerksam zu machen

    Knowledge-driven Biometric Authentication in Virtual Reality

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    With the increasing adoption of virtual reality (VR) in public spaces, protecting users from observation attacks is becoming essential to prevent attackers from accessing context-sensitive data or performing malicious payment transactions in VR. In this work, we propose RubikBiom, a knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication scheme for authentication in VR. We show that hand movement patterns performed during interactions with a knowledge-based authentication scheme (e.g., when entering a PIN) can be leveraged to establish an additional security layer. Based on a dataset gathered in a lab study with 23 participants, we show that knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication increases security in an unobtrusive way. We achieve an accuracy of up to 98.91% by applying a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) on 32 authentications per subject. Our results pave the way for further investigations towards knowledge-driven behavioural biometric authentication in VR

    Investigating the Third Dimension for Authentication in Immersive Virtual Reality and in the Real World

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    Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) is a growing 3D environment, where social and commercial applications will require user authentication. Similarly, smart homes in the real world (RW), offer an opportunity to authenticate in the third dimension. For both environments, there is a gap in understanding which elements of the third dimension can be leveraged to improve usability and security of authentication. In particular, investigating transferability of findings between these environments would help towards understanding how rapid prototyping of authentication concepts can be achieved in this context. We identify key elements from prior research that are promising for authentication in the third dimension. Based on these, we propose a concept in which users' authenticate by selecting a series of 3D objects in a room using a pointer. We created a virtual 3D replica of a real world room, which we leverage to evaluate and compare the factors that impact the usability and security of authentication in IVR and RW. In particular, we investigate the influence of randomized user and object positions, in a series of user studies (N=48). We also evaluate shoulder surfing by real world bystanders for IVR (N=75). Our results show that 3D passwords within our concept are resistant against shoulder surfing attacks. Interactions are faster in RW compared to IVR, yet workload is comparable

    Seamless and Secure VR: Adapting and Evaluating Established Authentication Systems for Virtual Reality

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    Virtual reality (VR) headsets are enabling a wide range of new opportunities for the user. For example, in the near future users may be able to visit virtual shopping malls and virtually join international conferences. These and many other scenarios pose new questions with regards to privacy and security, in particular authentication of users within the virtual environment. As a first step towards seamless VR authentication, this paper investigates the direct transfer of well-established concepts (PIN, Android unlock patterns) into VR. In a pilot study (N = 5) and a lab study (N = 25), we adapted existing mechanisms and evaluated their usability and security for VR. The results indicate that both PINs and patterns are well suited for authentication in VR. We found that the usability of both methods matched the performance known from the physical world. In addition, the private visual channel makes authentication harder to observe, indicating that authentication in VR using traditional concepts already achieves a good balance in the trade-off between usability and security. The paper contributes to a better understanding of authentication within VR environments, by providing the first investigation of established authentication methods within VR, and presents the base layer for the design of future authentication schemes, which are used in VR environments only

    Flow with the beat! Human-centered design of virtual environments for musical creativity support in VR

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    As previous studies have shown, the environment of creative people can have a significant impact on their creative process and thus on their creations. However, with the advent of digital tools such as virtual instruments and digital audio workstations, more and more creative work is digital and decoupled from the creator’s environment. Virtual Reality technologies open up new possibilities here, as creative tools can seamlessly merge with any virtual environment the user finds himself in. This paper reports on the human-centered design process of a VR application that aims at supporting the user’s individual needs to support their creativity while composing percussive beats in virtual environments. For this purpose, we derived factors that influence creativity from literature and conducted focus group interviews in order to learn how virtual environments and 3DUI can be designed for creativity support. In a subsequent laboratory study, we let users interact with a virtual step sequencer UI in virtual environments that were either customizable or fixed/unchangeable. By analyzing post-test ratings from music experts, self-report questionnaires, and user behavior data, we examined the effects of such customizable virtual environments on user creativity, user experience, flow, and subjective creativity support scales. While we did not observe a significant impact of this independent variable on user creativity, user experience or flow, we found that users had specific individual needs regarding their virtual surroundings and strongly preferred customizable virtual environments, even though the fixed virtual environment was designed to be creatively stimulating. We also observed consistently high flow and user experience ratings, which promote human-centered design of VR-based creativity support tools in a musical context

    Explaining it your way - findings from a co-creative design workshop on designing XAI applications with AI end-users from the public sector

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    Human-Centered AI prioritizes end-users’ needs like transparency and usability. This is vital for applications that affect people’s everyday lives, such as social assessment tasks in the public sector. This paper discusses our pioneering effort to involve public sector AI users in XAI application design through a co-creative workshop with unemployment consultants from Estonia. The workshop’s objectives were identifying user needs and creating novel XAI interfaces for the used AI system. As a result of our user-centered design approach, consultants were able to develop AI interface prototypes that would support them in creating success stories for their clients by getting detailed feedback and suggestions. We present a discussion on the value of co-creative design methods with end-users working in the public sector to improve AI application design and provide a summary of recommendations for practitioners and researchers working on AI systems in the public sector

    GazeRoomLock: Using Gaze and Head-Pose to Improve the Usability and Observation Resistance of 3D Passwords in Virtual Reality

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    Authentication has become an important component of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) applications, such as virtual shopping stores, social networks, and games. Recent work showed that compared to traditional graphical and alphanumeric passwords, a more promising form of passwords for IVR is 3D passwords. This work evaluates four multimodal techniques for entering 3D passwords in IVR that consist of multiple virtual objects selected in succession. Namely, we compare eye gaze and head pose for pointing, and dwell time and tactile input for selection. A comparison of a) usability in terms of entry time, error rate, and memorability, and b) resistance to real world and offline observations, reveals that: multimodal authentication in IVR by pointing at targets using gaze, and selecting them using a handheld controller significantly improves usability and security compared to the other methods and to prior work. We discuss how the choice of pointing and selection methods impacts the usability and security of 3D passwords in IVR

    RubikAuth: Fast and Secure Authentication in Virtual Reality

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    There is a growing need for usable and secure authentication in virtual reality (VR). Established concepts (e.g., 2D graphical PINs) are vulnerable to observation attacks, and proposed alternatives are relatively slow. We present RubikAuth, a novel authentication scheme for VR where users authenticate quickly by selecting digits from a virtual 3Dcube that is manipulated with a handheld controller. We report two studies comparing how pointing using gaze, headpose, and controller tapping impacts RubikAuth’s usability and observation resistance under three realistic threat models. Entering a four-symbol RubikAuth password is fast:1.69 s to 3.5 s using controller tapping, 2.35 s to 4.68 s using head pose, and 2.39 s to 4.92 s using gaze and highly resilient to observations; 97.78% to 100% of observation attacks were unsuccessful. Our results suggest that providing attackers with support material contributes to more realistic security evaluations

    The Role of Eye Gaze in Security and Privacy Applications: Survey and Future HCI Research Directions

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    For the past 20 years, researchers have investigated the use of eye tracking in security applications. We present a holistic view on gaze-based security applications. In particular, we canvassed the literature and classify the utility of gaze in security applications into a) authentication, b) privacy protection, and c) gaze monitoring during security critical tasks. This allows us to chart several research directions, most importantly 1) conducting field studies of implicit and explicit gaze-based authentication due to recent advances in eye tracking, 2) research on gaze-based privacy protection and gaze monitoring in security critical tasks which are under-investigated yet very promising areas, and 3) understanding the privacy implications of pervasive eye tracking. We discuss the most promising opportunities and most pressing challenges of eye tracking for security that will shape research in gaze-based security applications for the next decade