19 research outputs found
Effects of lenalidomide on the bone marrow microenvironment in acute myeloid leukemia: Translational analysis of the HOVON103 AML/SAKK30/10 Swiss trial cohort.
This translational study aimed at gaining insight into the effects of lenalidomide in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Forty-one AML patients aged 66 or older of the Swiss cohort of the HOVON-103 AML/SAKK30/10 study were included. After randomization, they received standard induction chemotherapy with or without lenalidomide. Bone marrow biopsies at diagnosis and before the 2nd induction cycle were obtained to assess the therapeutic impact on leukemic blasts and microenvironment. Increased bone marrow angiogenesis, as assessed by microvessel density (MVD), was found at AML diagnosis and differed significantly between the WHO categories. Morphological analysis revealed a higher initial MVD in AML with myelodysplasia-related changes (AML-MRC) and a more substantial decrease of microvascularization after lenalidomide exposure. A slight increase of T-bet-positive TH1-equivalents was identifiable under lenalidomide. In the subgroup of patients with AML-MRC, the progression-free survival differed between the two treatment regimens, showing a potential but not significant benefit of lenalidomide. We found no correlation between the cereblon genotype (the target of lenalidomide) and treatment response or prognosis. In conclusion, addition of lenalidomide may be beneficial to elderly patients suffering from AML-MRC, where it leads to a reduction of microvascularization and, probably, to an intensified specific T cell-driven anti-leukemic response
Survey on Recommended Health Care for Adult Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes Identifies Areas for Improvement.
The impact on health care of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is continuously rising. To investigate the perception of hemato-oncologists concerning the recommended MDS patient care in Switzerland, we conducted a web-based survey on diagnosis, risk-stratification and treatment. 43/309 physicians (13.9%) replied to 135 questions that were based on current guidelines between 3/2017 and 2/2018. Only questions with feedback-rates >50% were further analysed and ratios >90% defined "high agreement", 70-90% "agreement", 30-70% "insufficient agreement" and <30% "disagreement". For diagnosis, we found insufficient agreement on using flow-cytometry, classifying MDS precursor conditions, performing treatment response assessment after hypomethylating agents (HMA) and evaluating patients with suspected germ-line predisposition. For risk-stratification, we identified agreement on using IPSS-R but insufficient agreement for IPSS and patient-based assessments. For treatment, we observed disagreement on performing primary infectious prophylaxis in neutropenia but agreement on using only darbepoetin alfa in anaemic, lower-risk MDS patients. For thrombopoietin receptor agonists, insufficient agreement was found for the indication, preferred agent and triggering platelet count. Insufficient agreement was also found for immunosuppressive treatment in hypoplastic MDS and HMA dose adjustments. In conclusion, we identified areas for improvement in MDS patient care, in need of further clinical trials, information, and guiding documents
Effects of lenalidomide on the bone marrow microenvironment in acute myeloid leukemia: Translational analysis of the HOVON103 AML/SAKK30/10 Swiss trial cohort
This translational study aimed at gaining insight into the effects of lenalidomide in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Forty-one AML patients aged 66 or older of the Swiss cohort of the HOVON-103 AML/SAKK30/10 study were included. After randomization, they received standard induction chemotherapy with or without lenalidomide. Bone marrow biopsies at diagnosis and before the 2nd induction cycle were obtained to assess the therapeutic impact on leukemic blasts and microenvironment. Increased bone marrow angiogenesis, as assessed by microvessel density (MVD), was found at AML diagnosis and differed significantly between the WHO categories. Morphological analysis revealed a higher initial MVD in AML with myelodysplasia-related changes (AML-MRC) and a more substantial decrease of microvascularization after lenalidomide exposure. A slight increase of T-bet-positive TH1-equivalents was identifiable under lenalidomide. In the subgroup of patients with AML-MRC, the progression-free survival differed between the two treatment regimens, showing a potential but not significant benefit of lenalidomide. We found no correlation between the cereblon genotype (the target of lenalidomide) and treatment response or prognosis. In conclusion, addition of lenalidomide may be beneficial to elderly patients suffering from AML-MRC, where it leads to a reduction of microvascularization and, probably, to an intensified specific T cell-driven anti-leukemic response
Castleman's disease and arterial thrombosis: result of excessively elevated interleukin-6 plasma level?
Morbus Castleman is a benign non-clonal lymphoproliverative disorder. Immunomodulatory and antiproliferative drugs are used to treat this plasma cell disorder. We report the case of a 46-year old female patient with multicentric Castleman's disease and limb ischemia. Thrombotic occlusions of the popliteal and tibioperoneal arteries were treated by percutaneous thrombus aspiration. We discuss the role of increased interleukin-6 plasma levels during therapy with Tocilizumab, an antibody to interleukin-6 receptor, as a potential cause for arterial thrombosis
Association of host factors with antibody response to seasonal influenza vaccination in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) patients
Influenza vaccination efficacy is reduced after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and patient factors determining vaccination outcomes are still poorly understood.
We investigated the antibody response to seasonal influenza vaccination in 135 HSCT patients and 69 healthy volunteers (HVs) in a prospective observational multicenter cohort study. We identified patient factors associated with hemagglutination inhibition titers against A/California/2009/H1N1, A/Texas/2012/H3N2, and B/Massachusetts/2012 by multivariable regression on the observed titer levels and on seroconversion/seroprotection categories for comparison.
Both regression approaches yield consistent results but regression on titers estimated associations with higher precision. HSCT patients required two vaccine doses to achieve average responses comparable to a single dose in HVs. Pre-vaccination titers were positively associated with time after transplantation, confirming that HSCT patients can elicit potent antibody responses. However, an unrelated donor, absolute lymphocyte counts below the normal range and treatment with calcineurin inhibitors lower the odds of responding.
HSCT patients show a highly heterogeneous vaccine response, but overall, patients benefited from the booster shot and can acquire seroprotective antibodies over the years after transplantation. Several common patient factors lower the odds of responding, urging to identify additional preventive strategies in the poorly responding groups
Standardization of 8-color flow cytometry across different flow cytometer instruments: A feasibility study in clinical laboratories in Switzerland
The EuroFlow Consortium developed a fully standardized flow cytometric approach from instrument settings, through antibody panel, reagents and sample preparation protocols, to data acquisition and analysis. The Swiss Cytometry Society (SCS) promoted a study to evaluate the feasibility of using such standardized measurements of 8-color data across two different flow cytometry platforms - Becton Dickinson (BD) FACSCanto II and Beckman Coulter (BC) Navios, aiming at increasing reproducibility and inter-laboratory comparability of immunophenotypic data in clinical laboratories in Switzerland. The study was performed in two phases, i.e. a learning phase (round 1) and an analytical phase (rounds 2 and 3) consisting of a total of three rounds. Overall, 10 laboratories using BD FACSCanto II (n=6) or BC Navios (n=4) flow cytometers participated. Each laboratory measured peripheral blood samples from healthy donors stained with a uniform antibody panel of reagents - EuroFlow Lymphoid Screening Tube (LST) - applying the EuroFlow standardized protocols for instrument setup and sample preparation (www.EuroFlow.org). All data files were analyzed centrally and median fluorescence intensity (MedFI) values for individual markers on defined lymphocyte subsets were recorded; variability from reference MedFI values was assessed using performance scores. Data troubleshooting and discussion of the results with the participants followed after each round at SCS meetings. The results of the learning phase demonstrated that standardized instrument setup and data acquisition are feasible in routine clinical laboratories without previous experience with EuroFlow. During the analytical phase, highly comparable data were obtained at the different laboratories using either BD FACSCanto II or BC Navios. The coefficient of variation of MedFI for 7 of 11 markers performed repeatedly below 30%. In the last study round, 89% of participants scored over 90% MedFI values within the acceptance criteria (P-score), in line with the results of the EuroFlow quality assessment rounds performed by the EuroFlow expert laboratories(Kalina et al., 2015). Central analysis of data allowed identification of deviations from the standardized procedures and technical issues (e.g. failure to perform correct instrument setup and improper compensation). In summary, here we show that inter-laboratory cross-platform standardization of 8-color flow cytometric measurements in clinical laboratories is feasible and allows for fully comparable MedFI results across BD FACSCanto II and BC Navios instruments. However, adherence to standardized protocols is crucial. Thus, training of the laboratory personnel in the EuroFlow standardized procedures is highly recommended to prevent errors in instrument setup and sample preparation