79 research outputs found


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    Fusarium head blight (FHB), also called ear blight or scab is economically one of the most serious fungal diseases of wheat in many producing regions of the world. It is a serious threat for the quality of wheat products. Also the production of mycotoxins can be harmful to human and animal health. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of heading date on grain yield due to Fusarium infection that could result in favourable conditions of infection. The earliest heading date had genotype Srpanjka, and the latest Osk.870/08. Grain yield in the treatment with artificial inoculation and fungicide protection varied from 71.9 dt ha-1 (Olimpija) to 104.4 dt ha-1 (Vulkan), and in the treatment with natural conditions from 74.7 dt ha-1 (Divana) to 112.6 dt ha-1 (Osk.116/09). The highest AUDPC for the total resistance had genotype Osk.110/09 and the lowest Divana. We conclude that Fusarium infection is dependent on the heading date, depending on weather conditions that could potentially cause strong or weak intensity of infection between heading and flowering days. This research has not found an association between relative grain yield and heading date.Fusarijska palež klasa (FHB), još nazvana palež klasa ili scab, u gospodarskom smislu je jedna od najozbiljnijih gljivičnih bolesti pšenice u mnogim proizvodnim regijama svijeta. Može stvoriti ozbiljnu prijetnju za kvalitetu pšeničnih proizvoda. Proizvodi i mikotoksine koji mogu biti štetni za zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj datuma klasanja na urod zrna uslijed Fusarium infekcije do koje bi moglo doći u povoljnijim vremenskim uvjetima za zarazu. Najraniji datum klasanja imao je genotip Srpanjka, a najkasniji Osk.870/08. Urod zrna u tretmanu s umjetnom infekcijom i zaštitom fungicidom bio je od 71,9 dt ha-1 (Olimpija) do 104,4 dt ha-1 (Vulkan), a u tretmanu s prirodnim uvjetima od 74,7 dt ha-1 (Divana) do 112,6 dt ha-1 (Osk.116/09). Najveći AUDPC za ukupnu otpornost imao je genotip Osk.110/09, a najmanji Divana. Možemo zaključiti da Fusarium infekcija ovisi o datumu klasanja, ovisno o vremenskim uvjetima koji bi mogli izazvati jači ili slabiji intenzitet zaraze između datuma klasanja i cvjetanja. Ovim istraživanjem nije pronađena veza između relativnog uroda zrna i datuma klasanja

    Changes of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Fusarium-inoculated Wheat Genotypes

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    Wheat is an important crop grown in Croatia, with production approximately 4 t ha-1 in average from 1996 till 2006. The main growing areas for wheat production in Croatia are situated in the eastern part of Croatia. Wheat plants are attacked by several Fusarium species responsible for diseases, such as seedling blight, crown or foot rot. The aim of this paper was to test agronomic and quality traits of wheat genotypes under Fusarium infection. In total 24 genotypes were evaluated in 2008/09 at the experimental fi eld of Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia). Wheat plants were inoculated with F. culmorum (first treatment), and the second treatment were control plots which were left to natural infection. Spray inoculations were performed individually for each genotype at flowering (Zadok’s scale 65) using a hand-held-sprayer. The genotypes Libellula, Divana, Soissons and Srpanjka showed smallest grain yield reduction in inoculation treatment as compared to the control treatment. Almost all genotypes had higher protein content, sedimentation value and wet gluten content under infection with F. culmorum (inoculation treatment). Low differences between control and inoculation treatments in quality traits had genotypes Sirban Prolifi k, Pipi and Super Zitarka. Also it is important to check dough reheological properties and baking performance in inoculation treatment. The obtained results in combination with phenotypic selection could be a strategy to develop genotypes with improved Fusarium resistance

    Assessment of genetic diversity of wheat genotypes using microsatellite markers

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    Background and Purpose: Genetic diversity is the material basis for crop improvement. In this study, genetic diversity of 30wheat genotypeswas evaluated at theDNAlevel using 24 simple sequence repeat (SSRs) markers. Materials and Methods: DNA extraction was performed according to the modified CTAB-method. Microsatellite analysis was performed using fluorescent fragment detection on a LI-COR 4200 DNA. Results and Discussion: The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 14 with an average number of 8.44 alleles per locus. The highest number of alleles per locus was detected in the genome A with 7.2, compared to 5.9 and 5.0 for genomes B and D, respectively. The highest number of alleles was recorded at chromosome 7 (9.5), while the lowest number of alleles was detected at chromosomes 3 and 4 (5.0 and 5.3). The smallest genetic distance characterized genotypes Super Zitarka and Zitarka, Tena and Osjecanka, Tena and Bezostaja, Lela and Toras, Janica and Alka, Felix and Seka.Genotypes Pipi and Courtot showed the least genetic similiarities with rest of the genotypes. Conclusions: The identification of genetic diversity should be a good tool of selecting genotypes in breeding programs


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    Breeding program should focus on high protein content although generally there is a negative correlation between protein content and yield. To obtain information about the reaction of winter wheat genotypes to different environmental conditions, experiments were set up with 18 winter wheat genotypes in four replications at four locations with different soil types in two seasons. Protein content, wet gluten content and sedimentation value were analyzed. The genotype Divana had a high mean protein content accompained with a high positive interaction between genotype and environment. The genotypes Golubica, Mihaela and Renata formed an adaptive group with moderate positive interaction. Distribution of genotypes points in the AMMI II biplot revealed that the genotype Sana scattered closest to the origin, indicating minimal interaction of this genotype with environments. Wet gluten content ranged from 18.3 % (genotype Aida in Pozega 2009) to 39.3 % (genotype Golubica in Osijek 2010). The highest sedimentation value was obtained at location Osijek 2010 (genotypes Renata, Golubica, and Divana). Investigated quality parameters (protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value) were highly correlated. This information about stability of quality parameters is helpful in selecting proper genotypes for wheat breeders, growers, millers and bakers for their end products with desired quality characteristics, which should be combined with good rheological and agronomic traits.Program oplemenjivanja se usmjerava na visok sadržaj proteina iako općenito postoji negativna korelacija između sadržaja proteina i prinosa. Za dobivanje informacija o reakciji genotipova ozime pšenice u različitim uvjetima okoliša, pokusi su postavljeni sa 18 genotipova ozime pšenice u četiri ponavljanja na četiri lokacije s različitim tipovima tla u dvije sezone. Analizirani su sadržaj proteina, vlažni gluten i sedimentacijska vrijednost brašna. Genotip Divana je imao visoki prosječni sadržaj proteina popraćen visokom pozitivnom interakcijom genotipa i okoline. Genotipovi Golubica, Mihaela i Renata su formirali adaptivnu grupu sa srednje pozitivnom interakcijom. Raspodjela genotipova u AMMI II biplotu otkrila je da je genotip Sana najbliže ishodištu, što pokazuje minimalnu interakciju ovog genotipa s okolinama. Vlažni gluten se kretao od 18,3% (genotip Aida u Požegi 2009) do 39,3% (genotip Golubica u Osijeku 2010.). Najveća sedimentacijska vrijednost zabilježena je na lokaciji Osijek 2010 (genotipovi Renata, Golubica, i Divana). Ispitivani parametri kvalitete (protein, vlažni gluten, sedimentacijska vrijednost) vrlo su usko povezani. Informacije u vezi stabilnosti nekih parametara kvalitete mogu pomoći oplmenjivačima, proizvođačima, mlinarima i pekarima u odabiru odgovarajućih genotipova pšenice, da se dobiju krajnji proizvodi sa željenim osobinama kvalitete, koji bi trebali biti u kombinaciji s dobrim reološkim i agronomskim svojstvima


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    Breeding program should focus on high protein content although generally there is a negative correlation between protein content and yield. To obtain information about the reaction of winter wheat genotypes to different environmental conditions, experiments were set up with 18 winter wheat genotypes in four replications at four locations with different soil types in two seasons. Protein content, wet gluten content and sedimentation value were analyzed. The genotype Divana had a high mean protein content accompained with a high positive interaction between genotype and environment. The genotypes Golubica, Mihaela and Renata formed an adaptive group with moderate positive interaction. Distribution of genotypes points in the AMMI II biplot revealed that the genotype Sana scattered closest to the origin, indicating minimal interaction of this genotype with environments. Wet gluten content ranged from 18.3 % (genotype Aida in Pozega 2009) to 39.3 % (genotype Golubica in Osijek 2010). The highest sedimentation value was obtained at location Osijek 2010 (genotypes Renata, Golubica, and Divana). Investigated quality parameters (protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value) were highly correlated. This information about stability of quality parameters is helpful in selecting proper genotypes for wheat breeders, growers, millers and bakers for their end products with desired quality characteristics, which should be combined with good rheological and agronomic traits.Program oplemenjivanja se usmjerava na visok sadržaj proteina iako općenito postoji negativna korelacija između sadržaja proteina i prinosa. Za dobivanje informacija o reakciji genotipova ozime pšenice u različitim uvjetima okoliša, pokusi su postavljeni sa 18 genotipova ozime pšenice u četiri ponavljanja na četiri lokacije s različitim tipovima tla u dvije sezone. Analizirani su sadržaj proteina, vlažni gluten i sedimentacijska vrijednost brašna. Genotip Divana je imao visoki prosječni sadržaj proteina popraćen visokom pozitivnom interakcijom genotipa i okoline. Genotipovi Golubica, Mihaela i Renata su formirali adaptivnu grupu sa srednje pozitivnom interakcijom. Raspodjela genotipova u AMMI II biplotu otkrila je da je genotip Sana najbliže ishodištu, što pokazuje minimalnu interakciju ovog genotipa s okolinama. Vlažni gluten se kretao od 18,3% (genotip Aida u Požegi 2009) do 39,3% (genotip Golubica u Osijeku 2010.). Najveća sedimentacijska vrijednost zabilježena je na lokaciji Osijek 2010 (genotipovi Renata, Golubica, i Divana). Ispitivani parametri kvalitete (protein, vlažni gluten, sedimentacijska vrijednost) vrlo su usko povezani. Informacije u vezi stabilnosti nekih parametara kvalitete mogu pomoći oplmenjivačima, proizvođačima, mlinarima i pekarima u odabiru odgovarajućih genotipova pšenice, da se dobiju krajnji proizvodi sa željenim osobinama kvalitete, koji bi trebali biti u kombinaciji s dobrim reološkim i agronomskim svojstvima

    Changes of Agronomic and Quality Traits in Fusarium-inoculated Wheat Genotypes

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    Wheat is an important crop grown in Croatia, with production approximately 4 t ha-1 in average from 1996 till 2006. The main growing areas for wheat production in Croatia are situated in the eastern part of Croatia. Wheat plants are attacked by several Fusarium species responsible for diseases, such as seedling blight, crown or foot rot. The aim of this paper was to test agronomic and quality traits of wheat genotypes under Fusarium infection. In total 24 genotypes were evaluated in 2008/09 at the experimental fi eld of Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia). Wheat plants were inoculated with F. culmorum (first treatment), and the second treatment were control plots which were left to natural infection. Spray inoculations were performed individually for each genotype at flowering (Zadok’s scale 65) using a hand-held-sprayer. The genotypes Libellula, Divana, Soissons and Srpanjka showed smallest grain yield reduction in inoculation treatment as compared to the control treatment. Almost all genotypes had higher protein content, sedimentation value and wet gluten content under infection with F. culmorum (inoculation treatment). Low differences between control and inoculation treatments in quality traits had genotypes Sirban Prolifi k, Pipi and Super Zitarka. Also it is important to check dough reheological properties and baking performance in inoculation treatment. The obtained results in combination with phenotypic selection could be a strategy to develop genotypes with improved Fusarium resistance

    Genetska sposobnost i karakterizacija otpornosti na sušu klijanaca linija ozime pšenice u Hrvatskoj

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    Wheat is one of the most common and important cereals in Croatia. Therefore, high selection pressure at wheat breeding program is continually placed on disease, drought and lodging resistance, heading date and end-use quality. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the wheat grain productivity and quality, as well as response of wheat seedlings to drought. Five lines of winter wheat with reference variety Kraljica were used for evaluation of desired traits. In general, investigated wheat lines had such good characters as early maturity, high yield, they were smaller in test weight and protein content, but with higher sedimentation value, dough energy and extensibility, compared to reference variety. Overall, lines Osk.4.330/6-18, Osk.3.530/59-18, Osk.4.354/12-18 out yielded the reference variety with regard to the grain yield. According to the results collected in this research, wheat lines differences in germination energy and seedling growth affected by drought were obtained. All lines could offer farmers tolerance to mild drought during sowing and will achieve high yields. Nevertheless, stability and drought tolerance of investigated winter wheat lines in different environments have to be checked in multi-location trials.Pšenica je jedna od najčešće zasijanih i najvažnijih žitarica u Hrvatskoj. Stoga se u programu oplemenjivanja pšenice kontinuirano stavlja veliki selekcijski pritisak na otpornost na bolesti, sušu, polijeganje, datum klasanja i krajnju kvalitetu zrna. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ocijeniti produktivnost i kvalitetu zrna pšenice, kao i odgovor klijanaca pšenice na sušu. Za procjenu željenih svojstava korišteno je pet linija ozime pšenice i kontrolna sorta Kraljica. Uzimajući u obzir ispitivane parametre, linije pšenice u ovom istraživanju imale su određene dobre karakteristike kao što su rano sazrijevanje i visok prinos zrna, bile su manje hektolitarske mase i sadržaja proteina, ali s većom vrijednošću sedimentacijske vrijednosti, energijom tijesta i rastezljivosti u odnosu na kontrolnu sortu. Općenito gledano, linije Osk.4.330/6-18, Osk.3.530/59-18, Osk.4.354/12-18 imale su veće vrijednosti prinosa zrna u odnosu na kontrolnu sortu. Prema rezultatima prikupljenim u ovom istraživanju dobivene su razlike između linija pšenice u energiji klijanja i rastu klijanaca u uvjetima suše. Navedene linije mogle bi poljoprivrednicima ponuditi tolerantnost na blagu sušu tijekom sjetve i postići visoke prinose. Ipak, stabilnost i otpornost na sušu istraživanih linija ozime pšenice u različitim okolinama potrebno je istražiti u pokusima koji uključuju više lokacija

    Influence of Fusarium artificial infection on agronomic traits of wheat

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    Velike štete na pšenici mogu uzrokovati vrste iz roda Fusarium. Najveće štete prave one vrste koje se javljaju na klasu i izazivaju fuzarijsku palež klasa (FH3) koja, osim što umanjuje prinos, im anegaticnih učinaka i na svojstva kvalitete. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj umjetne zaraze Fusariumom na agronomska svojstva pšenice. Genotipovi u tretmanu Fusariumom u odnosu na kontrolu u prosjeku imali su niži urod zrna za 12,4 %, pri čemu su najmanje gubitke u tretmanu Fusariumom u odnosu na kontrolu imali genotipovi Soissons, Aida i Osk. 870/08. U tretmanu Fusariumom u odnosu na kontrolu genotipovi su imali hektolitarsku masu u prosjeku nižu za 2,4%. Za masu 1000 zrna nisu dobiveni konstantni podaci među tim dvama tretmanima te je u tretmanu Fusariumom bila veća nego u kontrolnome tretmanu u prosjeku za 1%.Great damage to wheat can be caused by species from the genus Fusarium. The greatest damage occur in the ear and cause Fusarium head blight (FHB), which reduces yield and has negative effects on quality traits. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of artificial infection of Fusarium on agronomic traits. Genotypes in the treatment of Fusarium in relation to the control treatment in average had lower grain yield of 12.4%. Minimum loss in the treatment of Fusarium in relation to the control had genotypes Soissons, Aida and Osk.870/08. In the treatment of Fusarium in relation to the control, genotypes had a test weight lower for 2.4% in average. A thousand kernel weight values did not obtain stability between these two treatments, and values in the Fusarium treatment were higher than in the control treatment of 1% in average