114 research outputs found

    Verwilderte Gartenpflanzen im Artland : 3 Tabellen

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    Es werden einige Pflanzen der synantropen Vegetation beschrieben, die als Gartenpflanzen in herrschaftlichen oder Bauerngärten des Artlandes eingebracht wurden und sich mittlerweile in der natürlichen Vegetation behaupten können. Dabei liegt ein Schwerpunkt bei der Darstellung der Vergesellschaftung dieser eingebürgerten Gartenpflanzen. Zu den stetigsten Pflanzen dieser Gruppe gehören: Calanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Narcissus poeticus, Rhododendron catawbiense, Rubus spectabilis und Lamiastrum galeobdolon var. florentinum, Variegatum'

    Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for Hypochaeris incana (Asteraceae) and Close Relatives

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    Premise of the study: We developed microsatellite markers to study clonal growth and interspecific hybridization in the Patagonian and subantarctic plant Hypochaeris incana (Asteraceae) and its closest relatives. Methods and Results: We developed primers for microsatellite loci from 454 sequence reads of genomic DNA of H. incana. We tested them on individuals of H. acaulis, H. hookeri, H. incana, H. palustris, and H. tenuifolia. We selected 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci, which delivered clearly scorable fragments in most or all species. With mean values between 0.7 and 0.8, the expected heterozygosity in populations of H. incana is high. Conclusions: Due to high levels of polymorphism, the developed markers make it possible to distinguish between genets and ramets in H. incana. In some markers, null alleles complicate the scoring of genotypes in tetraploids. All of the developed markers are suitable to study interspecific hybridization among this group of closely related species.Fil: Wang, Ping. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences; AustriaFil: Tremetsberger, Karin. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences; AustriaFil: Urtubey, Estrella. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion; ArgentinaFil: Bernhardt, Karl-Georg. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences; Austri

    Genbanken und ENSCONET in Österreich

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    Samen-Genbanken dienen zum Erhalt der Genressourcen und stellen daher einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Artenschutz dar. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Übersicht über die Situation in Österreich gegeben. Während die Sicherung von landwirtschaftlichen und forstlichen Genressourcen durch die AGES betrieben wird, ist eine dezentralisierte ex situ Samen-Genbank für Wildpflanzen-Arten in Zusammenarbeit der Mitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Botanischer Gärten Österreich in Aufbau, wobei die Mitarbeit im von der EU geförderten Netzwerk ENSCONET eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Die geplante ex situ-Samenbank ist auch ein wesentlicher Beitrag der Botanischen Gärten Österreichs zur Global Strategy for Plant Conservation der Biodiversitätskonvention.Gene banks aim at maintaining genetic resources by long-term seed preservation. The present compilation gives a survey to the situation of seed-gene banks in Austria. Agricultural and silvicultural genetic resources are managed by an agency installed by the government (AGES), while an ex situ gene bank for native wild species has recently been initiated as collaborative approach of the Austrian Botanic Gardens Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Botanischer Gärten). This initiative is linked with the EU-funded project ENSCONET and represents an important contribution of the Austrian Botanic Gardens to the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation of the CBD

    Zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der Notonecta-Arten (Notonectidae, Heteroptera) im Ems- und Osnabrücker Land

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    In the south and western parts of Low Saxon (FRG) five species of the genus Notonecta (Heteroptera) was found. This paper will point out the relation of watertype, vegetation and other ecological facts to the special bug species. By this way some Notonecta species could be use as indicator species for ecological characteristics of waters.Die fünf im Ems- sowie im Osnabrücker Land festgestellten Notonecta-Arten zeichnen sich durch unterschiedliche Anforderungen an ihr Habitat aus. Während N. glauca als eurytope Art schwerpunktmäßig eutrophierte Gewässer besiedelt, bevorzugt N. viridis nährstoffarme und N. obliqua saure Gewässer. Notonecta lutea ist als eurosibirische Art am Rande des Verbreitungsgebietes und wird in saurem Gewässer gefunden. Dieser Rückenschwimmer muß als gefährdet gelten. Dagegen ist Notonects maculata in Nordwestdeutschland in der Ausbreitung begriffen. Hierbei ist besonders die Eigenheit, die Eier an felsige Strukturen abzulegen, von Bedeutung, da künstlich angelegte Beton- und andere steingefaßte Becken dieser Art eine günstige Möglichkeit zur Besiedlung bieten

    Kompakte Sterne in der Branenwelt

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt kompakte Sterne in der Branenwelt. Die Tolman- Oppenheimer-Volkoff-Gleichungen der stellaren Struktur werden für einen Stern auf der Brane hergeleitet. Um dieses Gleichungssystem zu schließen, wird angenommen, dass die Komponenten des projizierten Weyl-Tensors eine Art Zustandsgleichung P = wU erfüllen, was eine Relation zwischen dem isotropen und anisotropen Druck des effektiven Weyl-Fluids darstellt. Schließlich werden die Branen-TOV-Gleichungen für Neutronensterne und Weiße Zwerge numerisch gelöst, wobei insbesondere der inhomogene Dich- teverlauf im Sterninneren duch Verwendung realistischer Zustandsglei- chungen der Sternmaterie berücksichtigt wird. Aus dem Vergleich mit Be- obachtungsdaten ergeben sich Einschränkungen an die Parameter lambda (Bra- nenspannung) und w des Modells

    Diversity of Flower Visiting Insects in Dry Grasslands and Vineyards Close to the City of Vienna with Special Focus on Wild Bees.

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    Interactions between flower visiting insects and nectar resp. pollen producing plants belong to the most relevant in terrestrial ecosystems. Their diversity and dominance relationship are important indicators for the stability and functionality of ecosystems and belong to the high ranking ecosystem services. Potential pollinators should be strongly concerned especially regarding anthropogenic impacts on habitats. We studied the diversity and quantities of flower visiting insects with special focus on wild bees (Apiformes) in two locations near the city of Vienna (Austria). Insect sampling occurred in May until July 2015 every two weeks parallel to the vegetation surveys incl. records of the cover of flowering plants. In each location patches of semi-natural grassland as well as flowering strips within vineyards were investigated. We found a significant correlation between the number of insects or insect taxa (especially for Hymenoptera) and the current flower cover. In some cases flowering strips in vineyards harbor higher numbers of insects and higher diversity of bee species than the semi-natural grassland due to temporarily higher values of flower cover. However, grassland patches provide a much more constant supply with nectar producing plants replacing each other in their flowering phase during the season. In contrast, flowering strips are often dominated by one or a few short-lived sown plants, which is of advantage for some oligolectic bees specialized on Brassicaceae or Fabaceae. Flowering strips within organically farmed vineyards are more similar to semi-natural grassland regarding the diversity of flower visiting insects than to conventional farmed vineyards

    Phylogeny and biogeography of the Pleistocene Holarctic steppe and semidesert goosefoot plant Krascheninnikovia ceratoides

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    Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (Chenopodiaceae) is a steppe and semi-desert plant with two subspecies, K. ceratoides subsp. ceratoides, which is widespread in Eurasia, and K. ceratoides subsp. lanata, which grows in western and central North America. A few disjunct populations of K. ceratoides subsp. ceratoides are found in Anatolia, Europe and North Africa to the west of its otherwise continuous Eurasian distribution. To understand the evolutionary history of this characteristic steppe and semi-desert plant, we analysed its phylogeny and biogeography. We sequenced several loci including ITS, ETS and the chloroplast intergenic spacer regions atpB-rbcL, rpl32-trnL and trnL-trnF to establish a time-calibrated phylogeny and reconstruct intraspecific relationships. Furthermore, we identified the ploidy level of individuals. While diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid individuals have been reported in the literature, we were only able to find diploids and tetraploids. The diploids were found in the east of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and the USA. The tetraploids were located in the west of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, and Europe. Populations were uniformly di- or tetraploid. Our results indicate that the species may have spread from the area of Mongolia, northern China and Middle Asia (i.e., the Altai Mountains region) in two opposite directions – on the one hand, diploids migrated to the east, to eastern Asia and North America, and on the other hand diploids and tetraploids migrated to the west, to western Asia and Europe. Fossil-calibrated gene trees were used to estimate the age of the species. Diversification within the species is probably of Pleistocene age. Our dated analysis indicates that the first split among extant lineages of the species took place in the Early Pleistocene (Gelasian). The spread of the main lineages is likely related to major phases of steppe and semi-desert expansions during glacial periods of the Pleistocene

    Biodiversität – eine komplexe zeit-räumliche agrarökologische Herausforderung für den Ökolandbau

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    One year after the conventional farm started the conversion process in 2002, a long term farming system monitoring was established in the Eastern region of Austria. The goal was to evaluate the performance of organic arable farming and its biotopes (flowering stripes, hedges and tree rows), and specifically their impact on biodiversity. After nine years organic farming we note a considerable increase of biodiversity in the arable fields and accompanying biotopes. Indicators applied were soil fauna, breeding birds as well as weeds. Space-time aspects, rotation and management measures as well as crop specific characteristics were influencing the development of species diversity. The development of diversity however is limited due to the intense farming in the past and in the farm surroundings

    A review on the distribution and habitat features of Chara canescens in the Iberian Peninsula: sexual populations revisited

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    Chara canescens, mainly distributed in Europe and the African Mediterranean coast, is the only Charophyceae species capable of reproducing parthenogenetically, the asexual populations being common; however, the sexual ones are rare. In this study we compile all the literature and herbaria data concerning the presence of C. canescens in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands over several decades, analysing the historical and spatial distribution of the species and the limnological characteristics of its habitats. A decline in the number of records in the literature and herbarium sheets since 2010 was detected. Most of the populations are concentrated in Castilla-La Mancha, Andalucía and Castilla-León. The species lives in brackish waterbodies, both in coastal areas and endorheic shallow small lakes, and the majority of these locations do not exhibit a good conservation status. The only three locations with sexual populations previously cited in the literature (Bodón Blanco –Valladolid- and Las Eras –Segovia- lakes and Lucio Largo –Doñana-) were revisited in June 2023. Sexual populations of C. canescens in the two former lakes occurred, but the lake in the Doñana National Park was completely dry. Two new sexual populations of the species were found in La Iglesia and Caballo Alba lakes (Segovia), increasing the citation to five sexual populations. A description of population (coverage, male:female ratio) and individual (reproductive features) variables for the four C. canescens sexual populations are provided. The analysed limnological variables (water chemistry, other hydrophytes and marginal vegetation) showed that the lakes harbouring these populations exhibited signs of pollution, altered and unstructured marginal vegetation, etc. The genetic diversity of the species depends on the sexual populations, which are very rare in Europe, and are mainly concentrated in Spain. Therefore, the preservation of these inner brackish-water habitats is essential for the implementation of transnational effective conservation measures to protect this relevant and particular species