89 research outputs found

    Questioning: a path to student learning experience

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate connections between questioning, learning, achievement and conscious knowledge and beliefs held by tutors and how these are applied in a teaching/learning situation. The design of this study involved the authors listening to, but not participating in, classroom teaching sessions followed by individual in-depth discussions with tutors and students to ascertain how best to advance learning and achievement. Responses generated from questioning and dialogue helps tutors realign their teaching in response to the needs of learners including comprehending life issues and solving problems. Tutors should consider “think-pair share strategy” in their delivery. Research was limited to one specific location, the sample was self-selected and limited to tutors who volunteered to take part in the investigation. A greater number of experimental locations with 100 per cent participation would have enhanced the validity of the findings. Learners need to be motivated to ask questions and be encouraged to become involved in discussions. Questioning and dialogue provide a framework for sharing educational objectives with students and charting their progress and this can lead to a better framework for delivery and understanding. If tutors can better realign their teaching in response to the needs of learners including comprehending life issues and solving problems then this can lead to a more focused learning experience. The work was based on empirical investigations of tutors and learners in group and individual situations and the findings have been reported

    Recovery Strategies in On-Line Service Failure

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    Despite a proliferation of a number of studies on service failures and recovery in e-service settings, there is a paucity of knowledge of ways in which service failures and recovery practices are implemented in the fashion industry. Drawing on constructivist perspective, this study offers a new perspective on an effective relational mechanism that would bridge the rupture between consumers and companies particularly in the on-line fashion sector. The analysis adds to studies on service failures and recovery by elucidating recovery strategies relevant to retailers’ operations in on-line environments. This analysis advances knowledge of on-line service failures and recovery in the UK fashion industry. Findings indicate that consumer expectations of service failures and recovery are context driven, which requires companies to fine-tune their recovery strategies to improve recovery satisfaction

    Questioning: a path to student learning experience

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate connections between questioning, learning, achievement and conscious knowledge and beliefs held by tutors and how these are applied in a teaching/learning situation. The design of this study involved the authors listening to, but not participating in, classroom teaching sessions followed by individual in-depth discussions with tutors and students to ascertain how best to advance learning and achievement. Responses generated from questioning and dialogue helps tutors realign their teaching in response to the needs of learners including comprehending life issues and solving problems. Tutors should consider “think-pair share strategy” in their delivery. Research was limited to one specific location, the sample was self-selected and limited to tutors who volunteered to take part in the investigation. A greater number of experimental locations with 100 per cent participation would have enhanced the validity of the findings. Learners need to be motivated to ask questions and be encouraged to become involved in discussions. Questioning and dialogue provide a framework for sharing educational objectives with students and charting their progress and this can lead to a better framework for delivery and understanding. If tutors can better realign their teaching in response to the needs of learners including comprehending life issues and solving problems then this can lead to a more focused learning experience. The work was based on empirical investigations of tutors and learners in group and individual situations and the findings have been reported

    Knowledge acquisition through positive educator/scholar cooperation

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between educators and scholars with regard to how knowledge is disseminated and attained in terms of classroom delivery, handling questions and studying, and how these are applied in an educational establishment. A study was undertaken that involved the researchers observing business studies teaching sessions and then discussing separately with students and teachers, through group and in-depth interviews, aspects of the instruction, including benefits and criticisms. The research was exploratory and took place in one location. The sample was limited to twelve tutors who agreed to participate and this resulted in nine successful observational sessions. The outcome suggested better ways of motivating both students and teachers in terms of becoming more engaged in two way dialogue including what we term a 'think-pair approach' that involves a two way understanding of idiosyncratic issues which we propose can lead to a more involving studying experience. Nod y papur hwn yw archwilio'r berthynas rhwng addysgwyr ac ysgolheigion ynghylch y modd y caiff gwybodaeth ei dosbarthu a'i sicrhau i'w darparu ar lawr dosbarth, gan drafod cwestiynau ac astudio, a sut y defnyddir y rhain mewn sefydliad addysgol. Cynhaliwyd astudiaeth a oedd yn cynnwys ymchwilwyr yn arsylwi sesiynau addysgu astudiaethau busnes ac wedyn trafod y rhain ar wahan gyda myfyrwyr ac athrawon, trwy gyfweliadau grwp a rhai manwl o dan yr wyneb, agweddau ar yr hyfforddiant, gan gynnwys manteision a beirniadaethau. Gwaith ymchwil archwiliol oedd hwn ac fe'i cynhaliwyd mewn un 1/eoliad. Roedd y sampl yn gyfyngedig i ddeuddeg tiwtor a gytunodd i gymryd rhan ac arweiniodd hyn at naw sesiwn arsylwi lwyddiannus. Awgrymodd y canlyniad ffyrdd gwe/1 o gyme/1 myfyrwyr a thiwtoriaid o ran ymgysylltu'n fwy a deialog dwy ffordd, gan gynnwys yr hyn a alwn yn 'ddu/1 par-meddw/' sy'n golygu deal/twriaeth dwy ffordd o faterion idiosyncratig, a gall arwain, yn ein barn ni, at brofiad astudio sy'n ein cynnwys ni'n fwy

    Leadership marketing: an exploratory study

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    In an era when collaboration is the key to business prosperity, the ability to develop one truly coherent and agile brand lived by its employees and delivered to external stakeholders has become extremely challenging. Unity between the internal brand and a company’s external image, when change is the only constant, has almost ceased to exist. The marketing function is frequently underemphasised at board level and its role is often devalued in leading organisational change. This paper concerns how marketing can partner with organisational leadership for a mutually beneficial exchange of skills and capabilities to be able to reinvent organisations rapidly enough to cope with shifts in the external business environment and create a sustainable future for the business. This paper explores the concept of “leadership marketing” from an interpretivist perspective which challenges the conventional view of marketing and leadership as two separate fields and offers a holistic approach for business management and brand alignment

    The influence of customer loyalty on small island economies: an empirical and exploratory study

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    There is growing consensus that companies' long-term success is reliant on building and sustaining strong customer relationships. This study explores the antecedents of loyalty in business to business (B2Bs) using Guernsey's telecommunication industry as a case study. It examines how these influence customer loyalty orientation and factors that help service providers improve loyalty rates. Extant literature pays little attention to the antecedents of loyalty in small island economies. Prior research focuses on cultural, environmental and macro-economic issues. Drawing on Dick and Basu's (Customer loyalty: Toward an integrated conceptual framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(Spring), 99–113, 1994) loyalty model, this research explores loyalty antecedents that are cognisant of distinct market conditions that can impact customer loyalty within the telecommunications sector of a small island economy. It seeks to advance understanding of loyalty in B2B relationships in this context and identify factors that contribute towards converting passively loyal customers to being actively loyal customers

    Leveraging the co-evolution of offline and online video games: an empirical study

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    Considerable research has been carried out on online shopping and the implications of this purchasing format for consumers and retailers. Most of these studies have focused on consumer attitudes towards online shopping, and how these can be useful predictors of online shopping adoption. Notwithstanding these insights from adoption theory, existing research has yet to distil the most effective means of understanding consumers’ attitudes towards online video game purchases. Based on a qualitative study, our study contributes to literature on adoption theory by presenting some explanations involving online video games purchases by identifying salient perceptions of online and offline motivations and advances ideas on the facilitating role of incentives in making purchase decisions

    Exploring the locus of internal marketing

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    Service and business-to-business companies have remained at the forefront of studies into internal marketing due to close contact between employees and customers. Marketing academics and practitioners have shown particular interest in the supermarket sector over recent years due to fluctuations in performance that have been reported. Consumers have negligible switching costs, so the risk of them purchasing substitute products is a problem to marketers where there is insignificant product differentiation. There is little evidence to support the benefits of internal market orientation in the food retail industry, and the main reason is difficulty of measuring its value. Although the UK food retail industry has been extensively researched, researchers have yet to address it properly in regard to internal market orientation. There is now an opportunity to create sustainable competitive advantage by providing a variety of offerings

    Exploiting online social gambling for marketing communications

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    Internet technology provides a new approach to how gambling is conducted in postmodern times. Drawing on constructivist research and utilising a single case study strategy, this paper examines online social gambling and real money gambling marketing communication practices, as well as offering some insights into the development and implementation of effective marketing communication programmes. In contrast to existing studies, this paper, in part, proposes integrative and higher levels of marketing communication programmes between online social gambling and real money gambling environments. The paper reveals the implicit structure of meanings underlying the link between online social gambling activity and real money gambling practices
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