13 research outputs found

    Groupoid Crossed Products

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    We present a number of findings concerning groupoid dynamical systems and groupoid crossed products. The primary result is an identification of the spectrum of the groupoid crossed product when the groupoid has continuously varying abelian stabilizers and a well behaved orbit space. In this case, the spectrum of the crossed product is homeomorphic, via an induction map, to a quotient of the spectrum of the crossed product by the stabilizer group bundle. The main theorem is also generalized in the groupoid algebra case to an identification of the primitive ideal space. This generalization replaces the assumption that the orbit space is well behaved with an amenability hypothesis. We then use induction to show that the primitive ideal space of the groupoid algebra is homeomorphic to a quotient of the dual of the stabilizer group bundle. In both cases the identification is topological. We then apply these theorems in a number of examples, and examine when a groupoid algebra has Hausdorff spectrum. As a separate result, we also develop a theory of principal groupoid group bundles and locally unitary groupoid actions. We prove that such actions are characterized, up to exterior equivalence, by a cohomology class which arises from a principal bundle. Furthermore, we also demonstrate how to construct a locally unitary action from a given principal bundle. This last result uses a duality theorem for abelian group bundles which is also included as part of this thesis.Comment: Author's PhD Thesis, 337 page

    Free Entropy Minimizing Persuasion in a Predictor-Corrector Dynamic

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    Persuasion is the process of changing an agent's belief distribution from a given (or estimated) prior to a desired posterior. A common assumption in the acceptance of information or misinformation as fact is that the (mis)information must be consistent with or familiar to the individual who accepts it. We model the process as a control problem in which the state is given by a (time-varying) belief distribution following a predictor-corrector dynamic. Persuasion is modeled as the corrector control signal with the performance index defined using the Fisher-Rao information metric, reflecting a fundamental cost associated to altering the agent's belief distribution. To compensate for the fact that information production arises naturally from the predictor dynamic (i.e., expected beliefs change) we modify the Fisher-Rao metric to account just for information generated by the control signal. The resulting optimal control problem produces non-geodesic paths through distribution space that are compared to the geodesic paths found using the standard free entropy minimizing Fisher metric in several example belief models: a Kalman Filter, a Boltzmann distribution and a joint Kalman/Boltzmann belief system.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Groupoid equivalence and the associated iterated crossed product

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    Given groupoids GG and HH and a (G,H)(G,H)-equivalence XX we may form the transformation groupoid G⋉Xβ‹ŠHG\ltimes X\rtimes H. Given a separable groupoid dynamical system (A,G⋉Xβ‹ŠH,Ο‰)(A,G\ltimes X\rtimes H,\omega) we may restrict Ο‰\omega to an action of G⋉XG\ltimes X on AA and form the crossed product Aβ‹ŠG⋉XA\rtimes G\ltimes X. We show that there is an action of HH on Aβ‹ŠG⋉XA\rtimes G\ltimes X and that the iterated crossed product (Aβ‹ŠG⋉X)β‹ŠH(A\rtimes G\ltimes X)\rtimes H is naturally isomorphic to the crossed product Aβ‹Š(G⋉Xβ‹ŠH)A\rtimes (G\ltimes X\rtimes H).Comment: 18 pages; changed typo in titl


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    Abstract. We first describe a Rieffel induction system for groupoid crossed products. We then use this induction system to show that, given a regular groupoid G and a dynamical system (A, G, Ξ±), every irreducible representation of Aβ‹ŠG is induced from a representation of the group crossed product A(u)β‹ŠSu where u ∈ G (0) , A(u) is a fibre of A, and Su is a stabilizer subgroup of G