6 research outputs found

    Legal certainty of legality principle in the legislation of the continental and anglo-american system

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    In this article, through the comparative legal analysis of domestic, as well as foreign constitutional and criminal law norm content, various approaches to the principle of legality and its main features were examine

    Restrictions to the right of property: constitutional versions in the post-soviet countries

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    The paper deals with constitutional approaches to the formalization of restrictions and deprivation of property rights in 12 post-Soviet countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukrain

    Signs of voluntary refusal of criminal purpose according to the criminal legislation of CIS countries

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    This paper deals with the analysis of the texts of the criminal laws of the CIS countries for the purpose of reflecting the signs of voluntary refusal to commit crime. The specifics of the methods for describing the conditions of voluntary refusal for the perpetrator of the crime, as well as for other accomplices, are disclosed. The study shows the heterogeneity of approaches to the number of signs of voluntary refusal and the varying degree of completeness of their descriptio

    Legal certainty of legality principle in the legislation of the continental and anglo-american system

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    In this article, through the comparative legal analysis of domestic, as well as foreign constitutional and criminal law norm content, various approaches to the principle of legality and its main features were examine

    Restrictions to the right of property: constitutional versions in the post-soviet countries

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    The paper deals with constitutional approaches to the formalization of restrictions and deprivation of property rights in 12 post-Soviet countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukrain

    Signs of voluntary refusal of criminal purpose according to the criminal legislation of CIS countries

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    This paper deals with the analysis of the texts of the criminal laws of the CIS countries for the purpose of reflecting the signs of voluntary refusal to commit crime. The specifics of the methods for describing the conditions of voluntary refusal for the perpetrator of the crime, as well as for other accomplices, are disclosed. The study shows the heterogeneity of approaches to the number of signs of voluntary refusal and the varying degree of completeness of their descriptio