145 research outputs found

    Sequential cross-species chromosome painting among river buffalo, cattle, sheep and goat: a useful tool for chromosome abnormalities diagnosis within the family Bovidae.

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    The main goal of this study was to develop a comparative multi-colour Zoo-FISH on domestic ruminants metaphases using a combination of whole chromosome and sub-chromosomal painting probes obtained from the river buffalo species (Bubalus bubalis, 2n = 50,XY). A total of 13 DNA probes were obtained through chromosome microdissection and DOP-PCR amplification, labelled with two fluorochromes and sequentially hybridized on river buffalo, cattle (Bos taurus, 2n = 60,XY), sheep (Ovis aries, 2n = 54,XY) and goat (Capra hircus, 2n = 60,XY) metaphases. The same set of paintings were then hybridized on bovine secondary oocytes to test their potential use for aneuploidy detection during in vitro maturation. FISH showed excellent specificity on metaphases and interphase nuclei of all the investigated species. Eight pairs of chromosomes were simultaneously identified in buffalo, whereas the same set of probes covered 13 out 30 chromosome pairs in the bovine and goat karyotypes and 40% of the sheep karyotype (11 out of 27 chromosome pairs). This result allowed development of the first comparative M-FISH karyotype within the domestic ruminants. The molecular resolution of complex karyotypes by FISH is particularly useful for the small chromosomes, whose similarity in the banding patterns makes their identification very difficult. The M-FISH karyotype also represents a practical tool for structural and numerical chromosome abnormalities diagnosis. In this regard, the successful hybridization on bovine secondary oocytes confirmed the potential use of this set of probes for the simultaneous identification on the same germ cell of 12 chromosome aneuploidies. This is a fundamental result for monitoring the reproductive health of the domestic animals in relation to management errors and/or environmental hazards

    Chromosome analyses in dairy cows exposed to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs using the SCE test

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    Peripheral blood cultures were performed to study the sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in samples from 15 cows (Valdostana x Piedmontese crossbreds) showing average milk values of dioxins+furans+PCBs higher (18.56 pg/g of fat as WHO-TEQ) than those permitted (6.0 pg/g of dioxins+furans+PCBs as WHO-TEQ) and the results were compared with samples from 16 Valdostana dairy cows (1.75 pg/g of fat as WHO-TEQ) used as control. Significant (P<0.01) higher mean number of SCE/cell (7.10±2.8) were found in cows showing higher levels of dioxins and PCB compared to those achieved in the controls (SCE/cell=5.24±2.51)

    Chromosome fragility in dairy cows exposed to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs

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    In this study, we compared cross-bred dairy cows in the Susa Valley (Piedmont, northern Italy), reared either near a high-temperature steel production plant (Farms A and B) or in an industry-free area (control). Exposed cows (n 5 36) were selected based on mean bulk milk toxic equivalent values of polychlorodibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and dioxin-like (DL) polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorodi-benzofurans (PCDFs) equal to 18.56 pg/g fat and 8.56 pg/g of fat in dairy cows from Farms A and B, respectively, exceeding both those permitted by the legislation in force (6 pg/g fat PCDDs and DL-PCDFs/PCBs), and those measured in dairy cows (n 5 19) of the farm used as control (1.75 pg/g of fat PCDDs and DL-PCDFs/PCBs). Two types of peripheral blood cell cultures were per-formed: without (normal cultures for the chromosom

    Chromosome instability in lymphocytes of Friesian cows naturally exposed to dioxins being raised close to a metallurgic factory area in southern Italy

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    Dioxins (PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PCBs) are a large family of congeners that are considered highly toxic and are reported to be teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, immunotoxic and hepatotoxic, also affecting the nervous and reproductive systems. Farm animals are particularly exposed to these chemicals when they are fed with grass produced close to polluted areas such as those located in vicinity of metallurgic factories. Cytogenetic tests can be very useful to check genetic damage occurring to domestic animal cells exposed to these chemicals. Fifty-two randomly selected Italian Friesian cows (Bos taurus, 2n&nbsp;=&nbsp;60) from two farms located in the vicinity of and (as a control) far from the a metallurgic industrial area underwent cytogenetic investigations to ascertain possible differences in their chromosome fragility. One farm was under legal sequestration due to the presence in the milk mass of higher mean values of dioxins (24.78&nbsp;±&nbsp;3.19 pg&nbsp;g−1 of fat as sum of PCDD + PCDF + DL-PCBs as WHO-TEQ (World Health Organization-Toxic Equivalent Quantity), with DL-PCBs being the main chemical component) than those permitted (5.5 pg&nbsp;g−1 of fat as WHO-TEQ). Cytogenetic analyses, performed by using both the chromosome abnormality (CA) test (chromosome and chromatid breaks) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test, revealed a significantly (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.01) higher chromosome fragility in cells of exposed cows (26 cows) compared to those of the control (23 cows)

    Cocaina E Insufficienza Renale Acuta

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    Il consumo di cocaina ha raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche. le complicanze renali correlate al suo abuso sono sempre più frequentemente evidenziate. descriviamo 4 casi clinici di insufficienza renale acuta da overdose di cocaina da noi riscontrati negli ultimi 18 mesi. la insufficienza renale era in tutti i casi correlata a rabdomiolisi, che è il meccanismo patogenetico più comune. a causa del "late referral" alla nostra struttura, non è stata effettuata una pronta ed efficace terapia medica ed è stato necessario in tutti i casi istituire trattamento emodialitico prima della riprese funzionale dell'organo
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