1,316 research outputs found

    Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a highly swept, untwisted uncambered arrow wing

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    An investigation was conducted in the Langley 4- by 7-Meter Tunnel to provide a detailed study of wing pressure distributions and forces and moments acting on a highly swept arrow-wing model at low Mach numbers (0.25). A limited investigation of the effect of spoilers at several locations was also conducted. Analysis of the pressure data shows that for the configuration with undeflected leading edges, vortex separation occurs on the outboard wing panel for angles of attack on the order of only 3 deg, whereas conventional leading-edge separation occurs at a nondimensional semispan station of 0.654 for the same incidence angle. The pressure data further show that vortex separation exists at wing stations more inboard for angles of attack on the order of 7 deg and that these vortices move inboard and forward with increasing angle of attack. The force and moment data show the expected nonlinear increments in lift and pitching moment and the increased drag associated with the vortex separation. The pressure data and corresponding force and moment data confirm that deflecting the entire wing leading edge uniformly to 30 deg is effective in forestalling the onset of flow separation to angles of attack greater than 8.6 deg; however, the inboard portion of the leading edge is overdeflected. The investigation further identifies the contribution of the trailing-edge flap deflection to the leading-edge upwash fields

    Increasing Turnover Through Time in Tropical Forests

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    Modulus Computational Entropy

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    The so-called {\em leakage-chain rule} is a very important tool used in many security proofs. It gives an upper bound on the entropy loss of a random variable XX in case the adversary who having already learned some random variables Z1,,ZZ_{1},\ldots,Z_{\ell} correlated with XX, obtains some further information Z+1Z_{\ell+1} about XX. Analogously to the information-theoretic case, one might expect that also for the \emph{computational} variants of entropy the loss depends only on the actual leakage, i.e. on Z+1Z_{\ell+1}. Surprisingly, Krenn et al.\ have shown recently that for the most commonly used definitions of computational entropy this holds only if the computational quality of the entropy deteriorates exponentially in (Z1,,Z)|(Z_{1},\ldots,Z_{\ell})|. This means that the current standard definitions of computational entropy do not allow to fully capture leakage that occurred "in the past", which severely limits the applicability of this notion. As a remedy for this problem we propose a slightly stronger definition of the computational entropy, which we call the \emph{modulus computational entropy}, and use it as a technical tool that allows us to prove a desired chain rule that depends only on the actual leakage and not on its history. Moreover, we show that the modulus computational entropy unifies other,sometimes seemingly unrelated, notions already studied in the literature in the context of information leakage and chain rules. Our results indicate that the modulus entropy is, up to now, the weakest restriction that guarantees that the chain rule for the computational entropy works. As an example of application we demonstrate a few interesting cases where our restricted definition is fulfilled and the chain rule holds.Comment: Accepted at ICTS 201

    New Outlook on the Possible Existence of Superheavy Elements in Nature

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    A consistent interpretation is given to some previously unexplained phenomena seen in nature in terms of the recently discovered long-lived high spin super- and hyper-deformed isomeric states. The Po halos seen in mica are interpreted as due to the existence of such isomeric states in corresponding Po or nearby nuclei which eventually decay by gamma- or beta-decay to the ground states of 210Po, 214Po and 218Po nuclei. The low-energy 4.5 MeV alpha-particle group observed in several minerals is interpreted as due to a very enhanced alpha transition from the third minimum of the potential-energy surface in a superheavy nucleus with atomic number Z=108 (Hs) and atomic mass number around 271 to the corresponding minimum in the daughter.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Paper presented at VII Int. School-Seminar on Heavy Ion Physics, May 27 - June 1, 2002, Dubna, Russi

    Sub-logarithmic Distributed Oblivious RAM with Small Block Size

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a client to securely execute RAM programs over data that is stored in an untrusted server. Distributed Oblivious RAM is a variant of ORAM, where the data is stored in m>1m>1 servers. Extensive research over the last few decades have succeeded to reduce the bandwidth overhead of ORAM schemes, both in the single-server and the multi-server setting, from O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) to O(1)O(1). However, all known protocols that achieve a sub-logarithmic overhead either require heavy server-side computation (e.g. homomorphic encryption), or a large block size of at least Ω(log3N)\Omega(\log^3 N). In this paper, we present a family of distributed ORAM constructions that follow the hierarchical approach of Goldreich and Ostrovsky [GO96]. We enhance known techniques, and develop new ones, to take better advantage of the existence of multiple servers. By plugging efficient known hashing schemes in our constructions, we get the following results: 1. For any m2m\geq 2, we show an mm-server ORAM scheme with O(logN/loglogN)O(\log N/\log\log N) overhead, and block size Ω(log2N)\Omega(\log^2 N). This scheme is private even against an (m1)(m-1)-server collusion. 2. A 3-server ORAM construction with O(ω(1)logN/loglogN)O(\omega(1)\log N/\log\log N) overhead and a block size almost logarithmic, i.e. Ω(log1+ϵN)\Omega(\log^{1+\epsilon}N). We also investigate a model where the servers are allowed to perform a linear amount of light local computations, and show that constant overhead is achievable in this model, through a simple four-server ORAM protocol

    Mitigation Techniques for Attacks on 1-Dimensional Databases that Support Range Queries

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    In recent years, a number of attacks have been developed that can reconstruct encrypted one-dimensional databases that support range queries under the persistent passive adversary model. These attacks allow an (honest but curious) adversary (such as the cloud provider) to find the order of the elements in the database and, in some cases, to even reconstruct the database itself. In this paper we present two mitigation techniques to make it harder for the adversary to reconstruct the database. The first technique makes it impossible for an adversary to reconstruct the values stored in the database with an error smaller than k/2k/2, for kk chosen by the client. By fine-tuning kk, the user can increase the adversary\u27s error at will. The second technique is targeted towards adversaries who have managed to learn the distribution of the queries issued. Such adversaries may be able to reconstruct most of the database after seeing a very small (i.e. poly-logarithmic) number of queries. To neutralize such adversaries, our technique turns the database to a circular buffer. All known techniques that exploit knowledge of distribution fail, and no technique can determine which record is first (or last) based on access pattern leakage

    Batched Multi-hop Multi-key FHE from ring-LWE with Compact Ciphertext Extension

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    Traditional fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes support computation on data encrypted under a single key. In STOC 2012, López-Alt et al. introduced the notion of multi-key FHE (MKFHE), which allows homomorphic computation on ciphertexts encrypted under different keys. In this work, we focus on MKFHE constructions from standard assumptions and propose a new construction of ring-LWE-based multi-hop MKFHE scheme. Our work is based on Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) FHE scheme where, in contrast, all the previous works on multi-key FHE with standard assumptions were based on Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW) FHE scheme. Therefore, our construction can encrypt ring elements rather than a single bit and naturally inherits the advantages in aspects of the ciphertext/plaintext ratio and the complexity of homomorphic operations. Moveover, the proposed MKFHE scheme supports the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)-based ciphertexts packing technique, achieves poly(k,L,logn)poly\left(k,L,\log n\right) computation overhead for kk users, circuits with depth at most LL and an nn dimensional lattice, and gives the first batched MKFHE scheme based on standard assumptions to our knowledge. Furthermore, the ciphertext extension algorithms of previous schemes need to perform complex computation on each ciphertext, while our extension algorithm just needs to generate evaluation keys for the extended scheme. So the complexity of ciphertext extension is only dependent on the number of associated parities but not on the number of ciphertexts. Besides, our scheme also admits a threshold decryption protocol from which a generalized two-round MPC protocol can be similarly obtained as prior works

    Quantum homomorphic encryption for circuits of low TT-gate complexity

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    Fully homomorphic encryption is an encryption method with the property that any computation on the plaintext can be performed by a party having access to the ciphertext only. Here, we formally define and give schemes for quantum homomorphic encryption, which is the encryption of quantum information such that quantum computations can be performed given the ciphertext only. Our schemes allows for arbitrary Clifford group gates, but become inefficient for circuits with large complexity, measured in terms of the non-Clifford portion of the circuit (we use the "π/8\pi/8" non-Clifford group gate, which is also known as the TT-gate). More specifically, two schemes are proposed: the first scheme has a decryption procedure whose complexity scales with the square of the number of TT-gates (compared with a trivial scheme in which the complexity scales with the total number of gates); the second scheme uses a quantum evaluation key of length given by a polynomial of degree exponential in the circuit's TT-gate depth, yielding a homomorphic scheme for quantum circuits with constant TT-depth. Both schemes build on a classical fully homomorphic encryption scheme. A further contribution of ours is to formally define the security of encryption schemes for quantum messages: we define quantum indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attacks in both the public and private-key settings. In this context, we show the equivalence of several definitions. Our schemes are the first of their kind that are secure under modern cryptographic definitions, and can be seen as a quantum analogue of classical results establishing homomorphic encryption for circuits with a limited number of multiplication gates. Historically, such results appeared as precursors to the breakthrough result establishing classical fully homomorphic encryption

    Metabolic Profiling of Adiponectin Levels in Adults

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    Background - Adiponectin, a circulating adipocyte-derived protein, has insulin-sensitizing, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, and cardiomyocyte-protective properties in animal models. However, the systemic effects of adiponectin in humans are unknown. Our aims were to define the metabolic profile associated with higher blood adiponectin concentration and investigate whether variation in adiponectin concentration affects the systemic metabolic profile. Methods and Results - We applied multivariable regression in ≤5909 adults and Mendelian randomization (using cis-acting genetic variants in the vicinity of the adiponectin gene as instrumental variables) for analyzing the causal effect of adiponectin in the metabolic profile of ≤37 545 adults. Participants were largely European from 6 longitudinal studies and 1 genome-wide association consortium. In the multivariable regression analyses, higher circulating adiponectin was associated with higher high-density lipoprotein lipids and lower very-low-density lipoprotein lipids, glucose levels, branched-chain amino acids, and inflammatory markers. However, these findings were not supported by Mendelian randomization analyses for most metabolites. Findings were consistent between sexes and after excluding high-risk groups (defined by age and occurrence of previous cardiovascular event) and 1 study with admixed population. Conclusions - Our findings indicate that blood adiponectin concentration is more likely to be an epiphenomenon in the context of metabolic disease than a key determinant

    Molecular motors robustly drive active gels to a critically connected state

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    Living systems often exhibit internal driving: active, molecular processes drive nonequilibrium phenomena such as metabolism or migration. Active gels constitute a fascinating class of internally driven matter, where molecular motors exert localized stresses inside polymer networks. There is evidence that network crosslinking is required to allow motors to induce macroscopic contraction. Yet a quantitative understanding of how network connectivity enables contraction is lacking. Here we show experimentally that myosin motors contract crosslinked actin polymer networks to clusters with a scale-free size distribution. This critical behavior occurs over an unexpectedly broad range of crosslink concentrations. To understand this robustness, we develop a quantitative model of contractile networks that takes into account network restructuring: motors reduce connectivity by forcing crosslinks to unbind. Paradoxically, to coordinate global contractions, motor activity should be low. Otherwise, motors drive initially well-connected networks to a critical state where ruptures form across the entire network.Comment: Main text: 21 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary Information: 13 pages, 8 figure