42 research outputs found

    Full Scale Proton Beam Impact Testing of new CERN Collimators and Validation of a Numerical Approach for Future Operation

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    New collimators are being produced at CERN in the framework of a large particle accelerator upgrade project to protect beam lines against stray particles. Their movable jaws hold low density absorbers with tight geometric requirements, while being able to withstand direct proton beam impacts. Such events induce considerable thermo-mechanical loads, leading to complex structural responses, which make the numerical analysis challenging. Hence, an experiment has been developed to validate the jaw design under representative conditions and to acquire online results to enhance the numerical models. Two jaws have been impacted by high-intensity proton beams in a dedicated facility at CERN and have recreated the worst possible scenario in future operation. The analysis of online results coupled to post-irradiation examinations have demonstrated that the jaw response remains in the elastic domain. However, they have also highlighted how sensitive the jaw geometry is to its mounting support inside the collimator. Proton beam impacts, as well as handling activities, may alter the jaw flatness tolerance value by ±\pm 70 μ{\mu}m, whereas the flatness tolerance requirement is 200 μ{\mu}m. In spite of having validated the jaw design for this application, the study points out numerical limitations caused by the difficulties in describing complex geometries and boundary conditions with such unprecedented requirements.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, Prepared for submission to JINS

    LHC Impedance Model: Experience with High Intensity Operation in the LHC

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    The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is now in luminosity production mode and has been pushing its performance in the past months by increasing the proton beam brightness, the collision energy and the machine availability. As a consequence, collective effects have started to become more and more visible and have effectively slowed down the performance increase of the machine. Among these collective effects, the interaction of brighter LHC bunches with the longitudinal and transverse impedance of the machine has been observed to generate beam induced heating, as well as longitudinal and transverse instabilities since 2010. This contribution reviews the current LHC impedance model obtained from theory, simulations and bench measurements as well as a selection of measured effects with the LHC beam

    Update on Beam Induced RF Heating in the LHC

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    Since June 2011 the rapid increase of the luminosity performance of the LHC has come at the expense of both increased temperature and pressure of specific, near-beam, LHC equipment. In some cases, this beam induced heating has caused delays while equipment cool-down, beam dumps and even degradation of some devices. This contribution gathers the observations of beam induced heating, attributed to longitudinal beam coupling impedance, their current level of understanding and possible actions planned to be implemented during the 1st LHC Long Shutdown (LS1) in 2013-2014


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    A comprehensive, first-of-its-kind experiment (HRMT-14) has been recently carried out at CERN HiRadMat facility on six different materials of interest for Beam Intercepting Devices (collimators, targets, dumps). Both traditional materials (Mo, W and Cu alloys) as well as advanced metal/diamond and metal/graphite composites were tested under extreme conditions as to pressure, density and temperature, leading to the development of highly dynamic phenomena as shock-waves, spallation, explosions. Experimental data were acquired, mostly in real time, relying on extensive integrated instrumentation (strain gauges, temperature and vacuum sensors) and on remote acquisition devices (laser Doppler vibrometer and high-speed camera). The experiment was a success under all points of view in spite of the technological challenges and harsh environment. First measurements are in good agreement with results of complex simulations, confirming the effectiveness of the acquisition system and the reliability of advanced numerical methods when material constitutive models are completely available. Valuable information has been collected as to thermalshock robustness of tested materials

    First Cold Powering Test of REBCO Roebel Wound Coil for the EuCARD2 Future Magnet Development Project

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    EuCARD-2 is a project partly supported by FP7-European Commission aiming at exploring accelerator magnet technology for 20 T dipole operating field. The EuCARD-2 collaboration is liaising with similar programs for high field magnets in the USA and Japan. EuCARD-2 focuses, through the work-package 10 'Future magnets,' on the development of a 10 kA-class superconducting, high current density cable suitable for accelerator magnets, for a 5 T stand-alone dipole of 40 mm bore and about 1 m length. After standalone testing, the magnet will possibly be inserted in a large bore background dipole, to be tested at a peak field up to 18 T. This paper starts by reporting on a few of the highlight simulations that demonstrate the progress made in predicting: dynamic current distribution and influence on field quality, complex quench propagation between tapes, and minimum quench energy in the multitape cable. The multiphysics output importantly helps predicting quench signals and guides the development of the novel early detection systems. Knowing current position within individual tapes of each cable we present stress distribution throughout the coils. We report on the development of the mechanical component and assembly processes selected for Feather-M2 the 5 T EuCARD2 magnet. We describe the CERN variable temperature flowing helium cold gas test system. We describe the parallel integration of the FPGA early quench detection system, using pickup coils and temperature sensors, alongside the standard CERN magnet quench detection system using voltage taps. Finally we report on the first cold tests of the REBCO 10 kA class Roebel subscale coil named Feather-M0

    Embedded Collimator Beam Position Monitors

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    The LHC col­li­ma­tion sys­tem is cru­cial for safe and re­li­able op­er­a­tion of pro­ton beams with 350 MJ stored en­er­gy. Cur­rent­ly the col­li­ma­tor set-up is per­formed by ob­serv­ing beam loss­es when ap­proach­ing the colli­ma­tor jaws to the beam. For all 100 LHC mov­able col­li­ma­tors the pro­ce­dure may take sev­er­al hours and since it has to be re­peat­ed whenev­er the beam con­fig­u­ra­tion changes sig­nif­i­cant­ly, the col­li­ma­tor setup has an im­por­tant im­pact on the over­all ma­chine op­er­a­tion efficien­cy. To re­duce the col­li­ma­tor setup time by two or­ders of magni­tude the next gen­er­a­tion of the LHC col­li­ma­tors will be equipped with but­ton beam po­si­tion mon­i­tors (BPMs) em­bed­ded into the collimator jaws. This paper de­scribes the BPM de­sign and pre­sents proto­type re­sults ob­tained with beam in the CERN-SPS

    Mechanical Engineering and Design of the LHC Phase II Collimators

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    Phase II collimators will complement the existing system to improve the expected high RF impedance and limited efficiency of Phase I jaws. An international collaborative effort has been launched to identify novel advanced materials responding to the very challenging requirements of the new collimators. Complex numerical calculations simulating extreme conditions and experimental tests are in progress. In parallel, an innovative modular design concept of the jaw assembly is being developed to allow fitting in alternative materials, minimizing the thermally induced deformations, withstanding accidents and accepting high radiation doses. Phase II jaw assembly is made up of a molybdenum back-stiffener ensuring high geometrical stability and a modular jaw split in threes sectors. Each sector is equipped with a high-efficiency independent cooling circuit. Beam position monitors (BPM) are embedded in the jaws to fasten setup time and improve beam monitoring. An adjustment system will permit to fine-tune the jaw flatness just before commissioning the system. A full scale collimator prototype is being manufactured by CERN workshops to validate each feature of the new design

    LHC Collimators with Embedded Beam Position Monitors: a New Adbanced Mechanical Design

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    The LHC collimation system, ensuring both functions of beam cleaning and machine protection, is potentially submitted to high-energy beam impacts. Currently the collimators setup is performed by monitoring beam losses generated by the collimator jaws when approaching the particle beam. This procedure is applied to all LHC collimators (almost one hundred), taking several hours, and needs to be repeated if beam settings change significantly. Furthermore, during the beam-based alignment, the LHC tertiary collimators are potentially exposed to abnormal losses entailing possible damage to their tungsten jaws. To improve the efficiency of the machine operation and better control the particle beam a new advanced design embedding Beam Position Monitors (BPM) into the movable collimator jaws has been developed. This paper describes the mechanical design of various types of future collimators with embedded BPMs. Experimental measurements performed on a simplified functional prototype installed in the CERN SPS showed that, thanks to on-board BPMs, the collimator could be precisely, rapidly, and safely aligned and the beam position accurately measured

    Adaptive collimator design for future particle accelerators

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    The function of collimators in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to control and safely dispose of the halo particles that are produced by unavoidable beam losses from the circulating beam. Even tiny proportions of the 7TeV beam have the stored energy to quench the superconducting magnets or damage parts of the accelerator if left unchecked. Particle absorbing Low-Z material makes up the active area of the collimator (jaws). Various beam impact scenarios can induce significant temperature gradients that cause deformation of the jaws. This can lead to a reduction in beam cleaning efficiency, which can have a detrimental effect on beam dynamics. This has led to research into a new Adaptive Collimation System (ACS). The ACS is a re-design of a current collimator already in use at CERN, for use in the HL-LHC. The ACS will incorporate a novel fibre-optic-based measurement system and piezoceramic actuators mounted within the body of the collimator to maintain jaw straightness below the 100µm specification. These two systems working in tandem can monitor, and correct for, the jaw structural deformation for all impact events. This paper details the concept and technical solutions of the ACS as well as preliminary validation calculations


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    Abstract The LHC collimation system is crucial for safe and reliable operation of proton beams with 350 MJ stored energy. Currently the collimator set-up is performed by observing beam losses when approaching the collimator jaws to the beam. For about 100 LHC movable collimators the procedure may take several hours and since it has to be repeated whenever the beam configuration changes significantly, the collimator setup has an important impact on the overall machine operation efficiency. To reduce the collimator setup time by two orders of magnitude the next generation of the LHC collimators will be equipped with button beam position monitors (BPMs) embedded into the collimator jaws. This paper describes the BPM design and presents prototype results obtained with beam in the CERN-SPS