15 research outputs found

    Limit Behaviour of Dynamic Rule-based Systems

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    The paper suggests a classification of dynamic rule-based systems. For each class of systems, limit behavior is studied. Systems with stabilizing limit states or stabilizing limit trajectories are identified, and such states and trajectories are found. The structure of the set of limit states and trajectories is investigated

    Hybrid Modeling of Offshore Platforms’ Stress-Deformed and Limit States Taking into Account Probabilistic Parameters

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    Offshore platforms should be referred to critically and strategically important objects of a technosphere due to technological and operational challenges, on the one hand, and the danger potential level, on the other hand. Environmental, social and economic losses occurred over several decades of accidents and disasters in unique Great Britain, Norwegian. The Russian and the USA platforms were evaluated in death of dozens of operators, destruction of platforms, environment contamination and hence in multi-bullion losses. All of these indicate insufficiency of currently taken engineering solutions, providing structure strength, operational life and safety. The scientific, design, expert and supervising organizations in Russia and in the world are developing and improving mathematical and physical methods, implementing the probabilistic formulations for accidents and disasters, risk assessment and risks reduction on offshore platforms. The solutions of the following problems are included: extension of the comprehensive computational and experimental strength, operational life and survivability analysis to the cases of nonroutine events, accidental and catastrophic conditions; numerical justification of modelling of critical elements, zones and points with the maximum tension, deformations and damages occurring under impacts of external extreme seismic, ice, wind, low temperature; implementation of comprehensive diagnostic methods for damage states evaluation within nonlinear and probabilistic fracture mechanics; and use of new structural design and technological systems for reduction of negative extreme impacts as well as emergency protection systems. The solution of the specified problems is illustrated by case studies of the Russian specialists for each life cycle stage of the platforms offshore Caspian and Kara Seas and Sea of Okhotsk


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    Having more than 130 years of prehistory and actively developed in the last decade by outstanding Russian scientists team, the megaproject “United Eurasia: TRANS-Eurasian belt RAZVITIE (TEBR) – Integrated Eurasian transport system (IETS)” is considered in the existing foreign and Russian experience context in designing transnational and transcontinental transport corridors, primarily high-speed Railways, as well as in connection with the planning of the Russian Federation transport system further development.Purpose. The goal is to substantiate the need to include theTEBR-IETS megaproject in the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 as paramount for the transport system development and increasing the domestic and foreign policy efficiency of the Russian Federation, including for eliminating the crisis consequences in the socio-economic sphere and international relationships normalization.Research methodology: The TEBR-IETS project relevance and competitiveness was assessed in the foreign projects and scientific research context in the transnational and transcontinental railway communications field; the criteria analysis for the effectiveness of the Russian Federation Transport Strategy implementation according to the conservative and innovative option in relation to the railway traffic development indicators, as well as in relation to the demand for railway freight traffic at the end of 2020 according to the Ministry of Transport of Russia data.Practical implications. The obtained results should be taken into account when making changes to the Russian Federation Transport Strategy text for the period up to 2030, as well as the Strategy for the railway transport development in the Russian Federation until 2030, which has not been updated for more than ten years.Имеющий более чем 130-летнюю предыисторию и активно разрабатывавшийся в последнее десятилетие коллективом выдающихся отечественных ученых мегапроект «Единая Евразия: Транс-Евразийский пояс RAZVITIE (ТЕПР) – Интегральная Евразийская транспортная система (ИЕТС)» рассматривается в контексте имеющегося зарубежного и российского опыта проектирования транснациональных и трансконтинентальных транспортных коридоров, прежде всего высокоскоростных железных дорог, а также в связи с планированием дальнейшего развития транспортной системы Российской Федерации.Цель – обоснование необходимости включения мегапроекта ТЕПР-ИЕТС в Транспортную стратегию Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года как первостепенного для развития транспортной системы и повышения эффективности внутренней и внешней политики Российской Федерации, в том числе – для устранения последствий кризиса социально-экономической сферы и нормализации международных отношений.Методология исследования: проводилась оценка актуальности и конкурентоспособности проекта ТЕПР-ИЕТС в контексте зарубежных проектов и научных исследований в сфере транснационального и трансконтинентального железнодорожного сообщения; анализ критериев эффективности реализации Транспортной стратегии Российской Федерации по консервативному и инновационному варианту применительно к показателям развития железнодорожного сообщения, а также в соотнесении с востребованностью железнодорожного грузового сообщения на конец 2020 г. по данным Минтранса России.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты целесообразно учесть при внесении изменений в текст Транспортной стратегии Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года, а также более десяти лет не обновлявшейся Стратегии развития железнодорожного транспорта в Российской Федерации до 2030 года

    Directions To Improve The Effectiveness Of Russia's Energy Export Policy

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    The importance of a fuel and energy complex (FEC) of the Russian Federation (RF) for the economy together with volatility of the global energy market conjuncture updates the need to develop scientific approaches to improving the effectiveness of energy export policy. Key factors destructive to an energy balance in the context of the current state and development of the fuel and energy complex in Russia have been identified. Using the regression method, the article rationalizes the nature of dependence of Russia's gross domestic product (GDP) on energy balance indicators taking into account the factors of the current economic and geopolitical situation. Based on simulation modeling, values of a favorable ratio of exports to production and consumption of oil and gas that would contribute to an increase in the growth rates of Russia's GDP have been calculated. A quantitative estimation of the GDP growth and the level of energy intensity reduction in the national economy have been presented, while observing favorable ratios of the exports to the production and consumption of oil and gas. A set of focus areas to increase the effectiveness of Russia's energy export policy has been proposed. Keywords: Energy Export Policy, Energy Resources, Energy Exports, Energy Balance, Energy Intensity of the Economy, Export Potential, Oil, Gas JEL Classifications: L520; O110; O470 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.705

    Gender Features of Discourse in Women's Literature as a Reflection of Changes in the Modern Society

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    The article deals with the problem of new conception of the “female” fiction prose as an independent discourse with special outlook and gender meaningful concepts. The article reveals the meaning of the notion “discourse of the modern female prose” described as complicated sociocultural phenomenon or the reflection of gender-motivated female consciousness revealed in the process of fiction text creation by women-authors. All mentioned features are very important and actual nowadays because the female prose is rapidly developing and represents the certain part of the national worldwide. The fiction texts by the woman-authors are considered to be the female discourse characterized with special outlook and gender-associated language peculiarities and it represents the female language person. The female prose texts undoubtedly reflect new aspects of woman's role and place in the world and also firm stereotypes of man-woman relationships and they created the model for woman the lack of which is felt in modern society. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s2p47

    Evolving algebras and labelled deductive systems for the semantic network based reasoning (Extended Abstract)

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    In the present paper we deal with two approaches suitable to formal treatment of semantical network based reasoning, that are Evolving Algebras (EA) and Labelled Deductive Systems (LDS). The evolving algebras methodology give a tools for precise operational description of the any computational process at the desired level of abstraction, while labelled deduction systems allows to treat various logical based approaches in the unified way. We give the formalizations the semantical networks based reasoning in the both formalisms and discuss their relationships