12 research outputs found

    Examination of total cross section resonance structure of niobium and silicon in neutron transmission experiments

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    The neutron transmission experiments are one of the main sources of information about the neutron cross section resonance structure and effect in the self-shielding. Such kind of data for niobium and silicon nuclides in energy range 7 keV to 3 MeV can be obtained from low-resolution transmission measurements performed earlier in Russia (with samples of 0.027 to 0.871 atom/barn for niobium and 0.076 to 1.803 atom/barn for silicon). A significant calculation-to-experiment discrepancy in energy range 100 to 600 keV and 300 to 800 keV for niobium and silicon, respectively, obtained using the evaluated nuclear data library ROSFOND, were found. The EVPAR code was used for estimation the average resonance parameters in energy range 7 to 600 keV for niobium. For silicon a stochastic optimization method was used to modify the resolved resonance parameters in energy range 300 to 800 keV. The improved ROSFOND evaluated nuclear data files were tested in calculation of ICSBEP integral benchmark experiments

    Examination of total cross section resonance structure of niobium and silicon in neutron transmission experiments

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    The neutron transmission experiments are one of the main sources of information about the neutron cross section resonance structure and effect in the self-shielding. Such kind of data for niobium and silicon nuclides in energy range 7 keV to 3 MeV can be obtained from low-resolution transmission measurements performed earlier in Russia (with samples of 0.027 to 0.871 atom/barn for niobium and 0.076 to 1.803 atom/barn for silicon). A significant calculation-to-experiment discrepancy in energy range 100 to 600 keV and 300 to 800 keV for niobium and silicon, respectively, obtained using the evaluated nuclear data library ROSFOND, were found. The EVPAR code was used for estimation the average resonance parameters in energy range 7 to 600 keV for niobium. For silicon a stochastic optimization method was used to modify the resolved resonance parameters in energy range 300 to 800 keV. The improved ROSFOND evaluated nuclear data files were tested in calculation of ICSBEP integral benchmark experiments

    Verification of the ROSFOND/ABBN nuclear data based on the OECD/NEA benchmark on criticality safety of mox-fueled systems

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    The paper presents the results of a computational analysis of the OECD/NEA benchmark conducted to estimate the accuracy of the critical safety parameters of multiplying MOX-fueled systems. The computational test is a set of 15 spherical multiplying systems that differ in their compositions and geometries. According to the test conditions, the keff values of the analyzed systems are unknown in advance. As part of the computational analysis of the test involving national codes and nuclear data libraries, along with the keff calculations, it is also necessary to estimate the a priori (due to the accuracy of the nuclear data used) and a posteriori (based on the accumulated experimental information) errors in the calculated keff values. Based on the benchmark, an updated version of the ROSFOND/ABBN-RF nuclear data was tested. The results of estimating the a priori and a posteriori errors in keff using the INDECS system for the proposed test models are presented. The analysis of the calculated data shows that (1) the observed spread in the keff values obtained from the Russian ROSFOND library and foreign evaluated nuclear data libraries (ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.2, JENDL-4.0) varies from –0.3 up to 0.8%; and (2) the deviation of the calculation results in the keff values obtained from the ROSFOND library and its group version, ABBN-RF, does not exceed 0.1%. The average a priori error in keff for all the tested options of multiplying systems is about 1% and, taking into account the selected set of experimental criticality data for MOX-fueled systems, including experiments at the BFS facilities, the average a posteriori error in keff can be reduced to 0.3%. The performed estimations confirm the high accuracy of the ROSFOND/ABBN-RF nuclear data for calculating the critical safety parameters of multiplying MOX-fueled systems

    Impact of uncertainties in the uranium 235 cross section resonance structure on characteristics measured in the BFS-79 critical assemblies

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    The report presents the results of an analysis of benchmark experiments form the international ICSBEP Handbook (HEU-MET-INTER-005) carried out at the the SSC RF – IPPE in cooperation with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL, USA) applicable to the verification of calculations of a wide range of tasks related to safe storage of vitrified radioactive waste. Experiments on the BFS assemblies make it possible to perform a large series of studies needed for neutron data refinement, including measurements of reactivity effects which allow testing the neutron cross section resonance structure. This series of studies is considered as a sample joint analysis framework for differential and integral experiments required to correct nuclea data files of the ROSFOND evaluated neutron data library. Thus, it is shown that despite the wide range of available experimental data, in so far as it relates to the resonance region refinement, the experiments on reactivity measurement make it possible to more subtly reflect the resonance structure peculiarities in addition to the time-of-flight measurement method

    Impact of uncertainties in the uranium 235 cross section resonance structure on characteristics measured in the BFS-79 critical assemblies

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    The report presents the results of an analysis of benchmark experiments form the international ICSBEP Handbook (HEU-MET-INTER-005) carried out at the the SSC RF – IPPE in cooperation with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL, USA) applicable to the verification of calculations of a wide range of tasks related to safe storage of vitrified radioactive waste. Experiments on the BFS assemblies make it possible to perform a large series of studies needed for neutron data refinement, including measurements of reactivity effects which allow testing the neutron cross section resonance structure. This series of studies is considered as a sample joint analysis framework for differential and integral experiments required to correct nuclea data files of the ROSFOND evaluated neutron data library. Thus, it is shown that despite the wide range of available experimental data, in so far as it relates to the resonance region refinement, the experiments on reactivity measurement make it possible to more subtly reflect the resonance structure peculiarities in addition to the time-of-flight measurement method

    Verification of the ABBN-RF2010 constants in calculations of shielding benchmarks

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    Currently the library of 299-group constants ABBN-RF2010 is presented in two formats ABBN and MATXS. They are based on the nuclear data files ROSFOND2010, which were processed using NJOY code. The data of ROSFOND2010 are also presented in format ACE for MCNP code calculations. The present verification of the library ROSFOND2010 in critical calculations was practically completed. The test results of the library of nuclear data ROSFOND2010 in shielding benchmark calculations using international databases SINBAD and ICSBEP are presented in this work. They are lead and iron spheres of various radiuses with 242 Cf source in center of spheres from international handbook ICSBEP and benchmark experiments, such as Winfrith Graphite and JANUS Phase I from database SINBAD. Calculations were performed with codes KATRIN and TORT, using constants ABBN-RF2010 in both formats ABBN and MATXS. Preparation of constants for calculations was performed using CONSYST and TRANSX codes respectively. Comparison of calculation results with experimental data is given

    Testing of the ABBN-RF multigroup data library in photon transport calculations

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    Gamma radiation is produced via both of nuclear fuel and shield materials. Photon interaction is known with appropriate accuracy, but secondary gamma ray production known much less. The purpose of this work is studying secondary gamma ray production data from neutron induced reactions in iron and lead by using MCNP code and modern nuclear data as ROSFOND, ENDF/B-7.1, JEFF-3.2 and JENDL-4.0. Results of calculations show that all of these nuclear data have different photon production data from neutron induced reactions and have poor agreement with evaluated benchmark experiment. The ABBN-RF multigroup cross-section library is based on the ROSFOND data. It presented in two forms of micro cross sections: ABBN and MATXS formats. Comparison of group-wise calculations using both ABBN and MATXS data to point-wise calculations with the ROSFOND library shows a good agreement. The discrepancies between calculation and experimental C/E results in neutron spectra are in the limit of experimental errors. For the photon spectrum they are out of experimental errors. Results of calculations using group-wise and point-wise representation of cross sections show a good agreement both for photon and neutron spectra

    Testing of the ABBN-RF multigroup data library in photon transport calculations

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    Gamma radiation is produced via both of nuclear fuel and shield materials. Photon interaction is known with appropriate accuracy, but secondary gamma ray production known much less. The purpose of this work is studying secondary gamma ray production data from neutron induced reactions in iron and lead by using MCNP code and modern nuclear data as ROSFOND, ENDF/B-7.1, JEFF-3.2 and JENDL-4.0. Results of calculations show that all of these nuclear data have different photon production data from neutron induced reactions and have poor agreement with evaluated benchmark experiment. The ABBN-RF multigroup cross-section library is based on the ROSFOND data. It presented in two forms of micro cross sections: ABBN and MATXS formats. Comparison of group-wise calculations using both ABBN and MATXS data to point-wise calculations with the ROSFOND library shows a good agreement. The discrepancies between calculation and experimental C/E results in neutron spectra are in the limit of experimental errors. For the photon spectrum they are out of experimental errors. Results of calculations using group-wise and point-wise representation of cross sections show a good agreement both for photon and neutron spectra

    Validation of new evaluations for the main fuel nuclides using the ICSBEP handbook benchmarks

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    The newest evaluations, adopted for ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1, JENDL-3.3 and RUSFOND nuclear data files, for the most important fissile isotopes 235U, 238U, and 239Pu are compared between each other and tested through a set of integral experiments, among them removal cross section under fission threshold of 238U, critical infinite media SCHERZO-556, and ICSBEP Handbook criticality safety benchmarks