93 research outputs found

    Forests advancements to grasslands and their influence on soil formation: Forest Steppe of the Central Russian Upland

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    Stages of Chernozem evolution in response to changing land cover from forest to grassland is discussed. Natural advancement of forest over grasslands continues in the contemporary perio

    Spatial and temporal features of soil erosion in the forest-steppe zone of the East-European plain

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    Data on the rate of the erosion-accumulation processes within the sloped junctions of soils studied on key plots in Tula, Kursk, and Belgorod oblasts were analyzedyesBS

    Influence of forest shelterbelts on local pedodiversity (Belgorod Oblast)

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    Detailed mapping of soils under a multi-row 4-km-long 50-year-old forest shelterbelt crossing diverse landforms and under adjacent croplands was performed at the key site in Belgorod oblast, in the south of the Central Russian Upland. Samples were collected in 30 points both in the central part of the shelterbelt and at distances of 30 meters on both sides of the shelterbelt. Maps of the depth of humus horizon, organic carbon content, depth of carbonates, and the soil map were compiled; indices of richness, diversity (Shannon, Simpson, Rao) and taxonomic distances (as a quantitative indicator of soil cover contrasts) were calculate

    Accumulation of Organic Carbon in Chernozems (Mollisols) under Shelterbelts in Russia and the United States

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    Shelterbelts that were created in place of meadow and meadowsteppe landscapes of the forest steppe zone of northern continents serve as areas of carbon accumulation and participate in the formation of soil organic matter. In the Great Plains of the United States (in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska) and on the Central Russian Upland (Belgorod, Voronezh, and Kursk oblasts), a general tendency toward an increase in the Corg pool in the topsoil (0–30 cm) from the marginal parts of the shelterbelts toward their cen tral parts by about 3.5–10.0 t per each 10 m has been identified. In 55 years of the existence of shelterbelts on chernozems in the European part of Russia, the mean annual rate of the organic carbon accumulation in the upper meter has been varying within 0.7–1.5 t/ha. In 19 years of the existence of a shelterbelt in the area of Huron (South Dakota), the mean annual rate of the organic carbon accumulation in the 1mthick layer of the Bonilla soil series (Haplustolls) has reached 1.9 t/ha

    Early stages of the evolution of chernozems under forest vegetation (Belgorod Oblast)

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    We studied automorphic forest-steppe Luvic and Haplic Chernozems (Siltic/Clayic, Pachic) of the southern part of the Central Russian Upland (Belgorod region), which were covered with broadleaved forest vegetation at different times (from 25 to 75 years ago). The studies were carried out on an overgrowing fallow and the adjacent maple-ash shelterbelt and on an area of growth of a natural oak forest towards the virgin meadow stepp

    Change of forest-steppe chernozems under the influence of shelterbelts in the south of the central Russian upland

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    The results of a comprehensive study of soils under a 30-m-wide five-row oak shelterbelt of meridional orientation and on the adjacent arable fields of the agroforestry landscape in typical forest-steppe of Belgorod oblast are discusse

    Digital mapping of soil associations and eroded soils (Prokhorovskii district, Belgorod oblast)

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    A new method of digital mapping of the soil cover pattern with calculation of the share of soils of different taxa and degree classes for soil erosion in the soil associations is proposed. A comparative analysis of soil maps obtained using different methods of construction (visual expert and digital) and with their different contents (displaying the dominant soil or soil associations) has been performed. In the case of mapping by the visual expert method (with the display of the dominant soil), a significant underestimation of the total area of moderately and strongly eroded soils in comparison with the digital mapping is note

    Robotti apuna terveydenhuollossa – video roboteista sairaanhoitajan työssä

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    Teknologian nopea kehitys tällä vuosituhannella on tuonut robotteja enenevissä määrin terveydenhuollon kentälle. Koronapandemia on puolestaan vauhdittanut niiden käyttöönottoa sairaaloissa, missä ensisijaisena tavoitteena on ollut vähentää tartuntoja ja suojata hoitohenkilökuntaa. Tietoa roboteista on tähän asti ollut vaikeasti ja hajanaisesti saatavilla. Tällä opinnäytetyöllä yritetään vastata tähän haasteeseen käsittelemällä hoitotyön robotteja yhtenä kokonaisuutena opinnäytetyön produktiosassa. Ohjelmistorobotit on suljettu tästä opinnäytetyöstä pois, sillä niiden voidaan katsoa kuuluvan informaatioteknologian osa-alueelle. Tämän opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppanina on Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu ja Roboboost-6Aika-hanke. Opinnäytetyö on toiminnallinen ja sen produkti on video. Toiminnallisen osuuden suunnittelussa on hyödynnetty taustatutkimusta ja työn teoreettista viitekehystä. Viitekehys perustuu tehtyyn kirjallisuuskatsaukseen terveydenhuollossa käytetyistä roboteista. Siinä sivutaan robottien tuomaa hyötyä ja haasteita, sekä sairaanhoitajan opintoja suhteessa kehittyvään teknologiaan. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata videon avulla robotiikan tuomia mahdollisuuksia sairaanhoitajan työssä. Tavoitteena on lisätä sairaanhoidon opiskelijoiden tietoisuutta robotiikan hyödyistä sairaanhoitajan työssä sekä toimia opetusmateriaalina. Video esitettiin Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun ja Varia-ammattiopiston yhteisessä terveysteknologiapäivässä, missä kerättiin palaute kyselylomakkeiden ja suoran toiston avulla. Palautteet osoittavat, että opiskelijat ovat jo jossain määrin tietoisia terveydenhuoltoalan robotiikasta, siitä huolimatta video sai opiskelijat kiinnostumaan aiheesta lisää. Lähes kaikki vastanneet kokivat sen hyödyllisenä tulevaa ammattia silmällä pitäen, mikä vastaa opinnäytetyön tarkoitusta. Videon jatkokehitystä ajatellen sen saavutettavuutta voidaan laajentaa lisäämällä siihen tekstitys ja ääniselitys. Lisäksi videolle voidaan tehdä jatko-osia, joissa syvennetään tietoa esimerkiksi robotiikan eettisistä ongelmista, teknisistä rajoitteista ja toimintavarmuuden haasteista. Jatkotutkimuksen aiheena voisi myös olla opinnäytetyön produktin vaikutus opiskelijoiden ennakkoasenteisiin roboteista.Rapid advances in technology in this decade have brought robots into the healthcare industry. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the deployment of robots in hospitals, where the main goal is to reduce infection and protect human resources from it. Information about robots in healthcare has previously been scattered and difficult to find. This practical part of the thesis introduces the use of robotics in nowadays nurse practice. Software robots are not included in this thesis as they are part of information technology. The co-authors of this thesis are the Laurea University of Applied Scenes and the Roboboost-6Aika project. The thesis is based on practice, and its final product is video. The practical part of the thesis was based on preliminary research, while the theoretical part of the dissertation was based on a literature review on robots in healthcare. The theoretical part of thesis reveals several advantages and problems of robotics and reveals the relationship of nursing education with the development of technology. The purpose of this thesis is to create a video about the benefits of robotics in a medical institution. The purpose of the dissertation is to expand students' knowledge of the benefits of robots in the work of a nurse and become part of the educational material. The video was presented at the joint Technology Day of the University of Applied Scenes Laura and Vocational College Varia. Feedback was collected over there via questionnaires and verbally with the ability to respond in the Zoom chat field. The feedback shows us that students already knew about the use of robots in health care to some extent, but the video increased their interest in this subject. Almost all respondents considered the video useful considering their future profession, which is consistent with the purpose of the video. As the further development the video, it can be expanded with the addition of subtitles and audio explanations as well as detailed information, such as ethical issues in robotics, technical limitations, and reliability issues. The impact of videos on students' preconceptions about robots could also be a topic for further research.

    Erosional and accumulative processes as a factor of the soil cover transformation

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