135 research outputs found

    Primary headaches, attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities in children and adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: Primary headaches and Learning difficulties are both common in the pediatric population. The goal of our study was to assess the prevalence of learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder in children and adolescents with migraine and tension type headaches. METHODS: Retrospective review of medical records of children and adolescents who presented with headache to the outpatient pediatric neurology clinics of Bnai-Zion Medical Center and Meyer Children’s Hospital, Haifa, during the years 2009–2010. Demographics, Headache type, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities and academic achievements were assessed. RESULTS: 243 patients met the inclusion criteria and were assessed: 135 (55.6%) females and 108 (44.4%) males. 44% were diagnosed with migraine (35.8% of the males, 64.2% of the females, p = 0.04), 47.7% were diagnosed with tension type headache (50.4% of the males, 49.6% of the females). Among patients presenting with headache for the first time, 24% were formerly diagnosed with learning disabilities and 28% were diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD). ADHD was more prevalent among patients with tension type headache when compared with patients with migraine (36.5% vs. 19.8%, p = 0.006). Poor to average school academic performance was more prevalent among children with tension type headache, whereas good to excellent academic performance was more prevalent among those with migraine. CONCLUSIONS: Learning disabilities and ADHD are more common in children and adolescents who are referred for neurological assessment due to primary headaches than is described in the general pediatric population. There is an association between headache diagnosis and school achievements

    Chew-Bites, Jaw Movement Allocation and Bite Rate in Grazing Cattle as Identified by Acoustic Monitoring

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    Bite rate derives from the time budget of the biting and chewing processes of intake, which are both performed by jaw movements. A new type of jaw movement was revealed by acoustic monitoring in cattle - the chew-bite -which chews herbage already in the mouth and harvests fresh herbage with the same jaw movement (Laca et al., 1992). Chew-biting should enable the animal to reduce the total number of jaw movements performed per bite without reducing the number of chews per bite. We examined the variation among individuals in the allocation of jaw movements between the three types, and its relation to bite rate

    The Importance of Patch Size in Estimating Steady-State Bite Rate in Grazing Cattle

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    Since the pioneering work of Black and Kenney (1984), various intake studies have been conducted at the spatial scale of a single feeding station ( patch ) to elucidate the processes that determine instantaneous intake rate (e.g. Laca et al., 1994). While these are well-suited for patch depletion studies, it is less clear how well they represent non-patchy and relatively homogeneous environments (Ungar & Griffiths, 2002). Clearly, grazing should be restricted to the upper grazing horizon (i.e. layer of bites), but sample duration may be insufficient to characterize steady-state behaviour, especially when grazing commences on an empty mouth. We examined the impact of feeding station size on bite rate and jaw movement allocation between bites and chews

    Sensory Processing Difficulties Correlate With Disease Severity and Quality of Life Among Children With Migraine

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    Introduction: Headaches are common among children and about 80% of children reporting them. Migraine and tension type headaches are the most common primary headaches in children and the prevalence of migraine is about 8%. Accompanying sensory symptoms are common before, during and after migraine attacks. They may be a part of a wider symptom constellation called sensory processing disorder or difficulties (SPD). This includes both hyper or hypo sensitivity to sensations. However, the literature regarding sensory processing symptoms of children and youth with headaches as well as its interaction with child's emotional aspects and quality of life is scarce.Materials and Methods: One hundred and thirty-four children between the ages of 8 and 12 participated in this study. Fifty-four children (22 boys and 32 girls) with episodic migraine were prospectively recruited from pediatric neurological clinics during the years 2014–2017. The control group included 80 healthy children. Both groups completed a health and demographic questionnaire, headache assessment including Ped-MIDAS, Short Sensory Profile, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for children, and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory.Results: Children with migraine showed significantly higher prevalence of sensory processing difficulties and lower quality of life compared to healthy controls. Among children with migraine, sensory processing difficulties significantly correlated with lower quality of life. Headache-related disability and sensory processing difficulties predicted quality of life.Conclusion: The possible relationship between migraine and sensory processing disorder or difficulties stresses the need to screen for sensory processing difficulties among children with migraine and when found—refer to their impacts on children's daily function and quality of life

    Paediatric Primary Headache: Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Treatments

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    Headaches are common in children and adolescents, and are the most common pain complaint when seeking medical advice. Primary headaches are one of the most common disorders of childhood, with migraine and tension type headache being the most prominent. Treatment strategies for primary headaches vary according to patient’s age, family structure, culture and beliefs, headache diagnosis, and according to the disability the headache imposes on the patient’s daily living. A multidisciplinary treatment approach was found to be an effective strategy for children and adolescents; it was shown to improve multiple outcome variants, including frequency and severity of headache, and school days missed because of headache

    Understanding the Results of Multiple Linear Regression: Beyond Standardized Regression Coefficients

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    Multiple linear regression (MLR) remains a mainstay analysis in organizational research, yet intercorrelations between predictors (multicollinearity) undermine the interpretation of MLR weights in terms of predictor contributions to the criterion. Alternative indices include validity coefficients, structure coefficients, product measures, relative weights, all-possible-subsets regression, dominance weights, and commonality coefficients. This article reviews these indices, and uniquely, it offers freely available software that (a) computes and compares all of these indices with one another, (b) computes associated bootstrapped confidence intervals, and (c) does so for any number of predictors so long as the correlation matrix is positive definite. Other available software is limited in all of these respects. We invite researchers to use this software to increase their insights when applying MLR to a data set. Avenues for future research and application are discussed

    A Case of Pediatric Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Presenting with Divergence Insufficiency

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    An 11-year-old female presenting diplopia only at distance was found to have comitant esotropia of 20 prism diopters (PD) at distance and normal alignment at nearer proximity. Other ocular movement, including abduction, was normal and a thorough neurologic examination was also normal. The deviation angle of esotropia was increased to 35 PD in 6 months, and a brain magnetic resonance imaging with venogram at that time demonstrated no intracranial lesion. A lumbar puncture showed increased opening pressure but the cerebrospinal fluid composition was normal. The patient was diagnosed as having idiopathic intracranial hypertension and treated with oral acetazolamide. Three months after treatment, the deviation angle decreased to 10 PD. This is a case report of divergence insufficiency in pediatric idiopathic intracranial hypertension, with an increasing deviation angle of esotropia. Although sixth cranial nerve palsy is a common neurologic manifestation in intracranial hypertension, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of divergence insufficiency. Also, ophthalmoparesis may not be apparent and typical at first presentation, as seen in this case, and therefore ophthalmologists should be aware of this fact, while conducting careful and proper evaluation, follow-up, and intervention

    Kawasaki syndrome: an intriguing disease with numerous unsolved dilemmas

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    More than 40 years have passed since Kawasaki syndrome (KS) was first described. Yet KS still remains an enigmatic illness which damages the coronary arteries in a quarter of untreated patients and is the most common cause of childhood-acquired heart disease in developed countries. Many gaps exist in our knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of KS, making improvements in therapy difficult. In addition, many KS features and issues still demand further efforts to achieve a much better understanding of the disease. Some of these problem areas include coronary artery injuries in children not fulfilling the classic diagnostic criteria, genetic predisposition to KS, unpredictable ineffectiveness of current therapy in some cases, vascular dysfunction in patients not showing echocardiographic evidence of coronary artery abnormalities in the acute phase of KS, and risk of potential premature atherosclerosis. Also, the lack of specific laboratory tests for early identification of the atypical and incomplete cases, especially in infants, is one of the main obstacles to beginning treatment early and thereby decreasing the incidence of cardiovascular involvement. Transthoracic echocardiography remains the gold-standard for evaluation of coronary arteries in the acute phase and follow-up. In KS patients with severe vascular complications, more costly and potentially invasive investigations such as coronary CT angiography and MRI may be necessary. As children with KS with or without heart involvement become adolescents and adults, the recognition and treatment of the potential long term sequelae become crucial, requiring that rheumatologists, infectious disease specialists, and cardiologists cooperate to develop specific guidelines for a proper evaluation and management of these patients. More education is needed for physicians and other professionals about how to recognize the long-term impact of systemic problems related to KS