176 research outputs found


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    As do many species, humans visually assess the ability and propensity of others to cause trouble or harm (threat potential), although the mechanisms that guide this ability are unknown. One potential mechanism that may underlie advertisements and assessments of threat is the facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio). The overarching goal of this thesis was to test both the ecological validity of the face ratio (i.e., the extent to which it maps onto an individual’s actual threat potential), and its utility in influencing observers’ first impressions of traits related to threat potential. In Chapter 2, I found that men (n = 146) but not women (n = 76) with larger face ratios were more likely to cheat in a lottery for a cash prize than were men with smaller face ratios. In Chapter 3, to better identify the precise social function of the metric, I examined its differential association with two types of threat-related judgements, untrustworthiness and aggressiveness. The face ratio (n of faces = 141) was more strongly linked to observers’ (n = 129) judgements of aggression than to their judgements of trust, although it is possible that this metric advertises threat potential more generally, of which aggression is a best indicator. In Chapter 4 (which extended some preliminary, additional findings from Chapter 3), I found that observers’ (n = 56) judgements of aggression were strongly correlated with the face ratio (n of faces = 25) even when men were bearded, suggesting that this metric could have been operational in our ancestral past when interactions likely involved bearded men. In Chapter 5, I combined effect sizes from experiments conducted from several independent labs and identified significant (albeit weak) associations between the face ratio and actual threat behaviour, and significant (and stronger) associations between the face ratio and judgements of threat potential. Together, this body of work provides initial evidence that the face ratio, and sensitivity to it, may be part of an evolved system designed for advertising and assessing threat in humans, akin to threat assessment systems identified in other species

    Psychopathic Traits and Endocrine Function as Predictors of Costly and Non-Costly Reactive Aggression

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    I investigated factors of psychopathy (fearless dominance, self-centered impulsivity) and hormones (testosterone, cortisol, estradiol) in predicting costly and non-costly reactive aggression. I hypothesized that whereas self-centred impulsivity (SCI) would promote costly aggression, fearless dominance (FD) would promote non-costly aggression. Costly aggression was measured using the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm and noncostly aggression was measured using one-shot dictator games. In women (n = 97; M age = 19.86 years), greater SCI and lower baseline estradiol predicted greater costly aggression; also, greater FD predicted greater non-costly aggression, particularly among women with lower SCI. In men (n = 104; M age = 20.15 years), psychopathy and endocrine function did not predict costly aggression; however, greater FD and greater increases in testosterone were associated with greater non-costly aggression. Thus, there are sex-specific links between psychopathic personality traits, hormones, and aggressive behaviour, and psychopathic traits and endocrine function predict aggressive behaviour independently of each other

    PolĂ­ticas PĂșblicas de SaĂșde e Processo de Trabalho em SaĂșde da FamĂ­lia - vol. 1

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    A EstratĂ©gia de SaĂșde da FamĂ­lia Ă© um salto conceitual genuĂ­no, uma transição paradigmĂĄtica que vem sendo enfrentada pelos pensadores e gestores da saĂșde, ao aliar os princĂ­pios do Sistema Único de SaĂșde de integralidade, equidade, universalidade, descentralização, hierarquização, comando Ășnico e participação popular com os princĂ­pios da atenção primĂĄria: atenção ao primeiro contato/acessibilidade, integralidade, longitudinalidade, coordenação, abordagem familiar, orientação comunitĂĄria, competĂȘncia cultural. Conciliar tantos princĂ­pios e conceitos no cotidiano da gestĂŁo de saĂșde, levada ao territĂłrio dividido em centenas de milhares de microĂĄreas, respeitando e valorizando a autonomia das pessoas nas suas escolhas sobre saĂșde, em um mundo complexo e em rĂĄpida mudança, nĂŁo Ă© uma tarefa fĂĄcil para os trabalhadores que trabalham todos os dias nas equipes de saĂșde da famĂ­lia. Assumir que a estratĂ©gia de saĂșde da famĂ­lia Ă© uma fronteira do conhecimento, de inovação em gestĂŁo na saĂșde, ambiente de constante criação e adaptação de tecnologias de atenção Ă  saĂșde nos ajuda a entender melhor qual deve ser o papel da Universidade Aberta. Para ter relevĂąncia social nesse campo do setor saĂșde, deve adaptar-se a ele, servindo de suporte, mobilizando o conhecimento acadĂȘmico em formas flexĂ­veis, que permitam sua adaptação e aplicação a cada uma das dezenas de milhares de microĂĄreas e centenas de milhĂ”es de condiçÔes particulares dos cidadĂŁos atendidos.1.0MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDEUna-SU

    Taking Control of Aggression: Perceptions of Aggression Suppress the Link Between Perceptions of Facial Masculinity and Attractiveness

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    Women’s preferences for masculine-looking male faces are inconsistent across studies, with some studies finding a positive relationship between masculinity and attractiveness and others finding a negative relationship or no association. One possible reason for this inconsistency is that the perception of masculinity is also associated with perceptions of aggression, which may be viewed as particularly costly to women (aggressive individuals are more likely to experience injury or death). Based on the proposal that women’s preference for masculinity is in conflict with their aversion for aggression in male faces, we hypothesized that the bivariate associations between perceptions of masculinity and attractiveness would be weak or negative, but would be positive and significantly stronger after controlling statistically for perceptions of aggression. Across three studies involving three sets of faces (n = 25, 54, 24) and five sets of raters (n = 29, 30, 26, 16, 10), this hypothesis was supported with the average correlation between perceptions of masculinity and attractiveness (r = -.09) reversing in direction and substantially increasing in magnitude after perceptions of aggression were controlled statistically (r = .35). Perceived masculinity may thus involve both attractive and unattractive components, and women’s preferences for masculinity may involve weighing its relative costs and benefits

    AssistĂȘncia MĂ©dica por Ciclos de Vida

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    As competĂȘncias de um MĂ©dico de FamĂ­lia necessĂĄrias para atuação na estratĂ©gia de saĂșde da famĂ­lia, extrapolam seu nĂșcleo de formação, geralmente voltadas Ă  resolução de patologias instaladas e com pouca ĂȘnfase na promoção Ă  saĂșde dos indivĂ­duos. Para trabalhar na EstratĂ©gia de SaĂșde da FamĂ­lia, exigem-se do profi ssional mĂ©dico outras habilidades e conhecimentos, para que possa aprender a administrar seu tempo ao realizar as açÔes indicadas no Pacto de Atenção Ă  SaĂșde, planejar e gerenciar as açÔes voltadas Ă s situaçÔes de risco Ă  saĂșde, avaliar essas açÔes. AlĂ©m disso precisa desenvolver competĂȘncias para trabalhar em equipe, partilhando responsabilidades e decisĂ”es.1.0MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDEUna-SU

    Ação educativa em relação Ă  violĂȘncia contra a mulher: capacitação de agentes comunitĂĄrios de saĂșde

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar um vĂ­deo para ser utilizado como metodologia de açÔes de educação em saĂșde direcionadas aos ACS da ESF Dr. Arcely de Castro Paulino (CassilĂąndia, MS), que estavam envolvidos na atenção Ă  saĂșde de mulheres vĂ­timas de violĂȘncia. Na elaboração do vĂ­deo, foram utilizadas imagens provenientes da internet e o programa Edius 6.0; dados obtidos da Organização Mundial da SaĂșde, Organização Pan-Americana de SaĂșde, VigilĂąncia de ViolĂȘncia e Acidentes, Sistema de Atenção BĂĄsica e do Departamento de VigilĂąncia e EstatĂ­stica Municipal de CassilĂąndia (MS); fotografias e vĂ­deos produzidos pelos membros da equipe de saĂșde, com a permissĂŁo destes. O vĂ­deo se revelou uma ferramenta estratĂ©gica de educação em saĂșde e de prevenção da violĂȘncia, caracterizando-se por ser produtivo, dinĂąmico e prĂĄtico, capaz de levar os ACS a compreender os fatores de risco e os fatores potencializadores de violĂȘncia contra a mulher, desenvolvendo principalmente o senso de responsabilidade social, o compromisso e a solidariedade que devem ser inerentes ao desempenho dessa função. Paulatinamente, percebemos uma melhora significante no trabalho de abordagem das famĂ­lias/indivĂ­duos, no reconhecimento dos determinantes das condiçÔes de violĂȘncia e, principalmente, na busca da cidadania para as mulheres vĂ­timas de violĂȘncia, por meio da preocupação dos ACS de que todas as pessoas entendam a violĂȘncia e ajudem a denunciĂĄ-la

    AssistĂȘncia Multidisciplinar Ă  SaĂșde - vol 1

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    Tratar da questĂŁo da assistĂȘncia multidisciplinar Ă  saĂșde Ă© um desafi o, pois traz Ă  tona a necessidade do trabalho em equipe e do trabalho com uma visĂŁo holĂ­stica, integral do ser humano. Para tanto, hĂĄ que se envolver o conhecimento de diversas disciplinas, nĂŁo apenas no campo da saĂșde, mas tambĂ©m no campo das ciĂȘncias humanas e das ciĂȘncias sociais. Pode-se dizer que o trabalho no enfoque do ciclo vital, abrangendo, por exemplo, o bebĂȘ, a criança, o adolescente e assim por diante, garante uma visĂŁo integral das condiçÔes de saĂșde e daquelas que desencadeiam as doenças nos seres humanos.1.0MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDEUna-SU

    Facing Aggression: Cues Differ for Female versus Male Faces

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    The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio), is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers’ judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers’ judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio even when other cues in the face related to masculinity were controlled statistically. Nevertheless, correlations between the face ratio and judgements of aggression were smaller for female than for male faces (F1,36 = 7.43, p = 0.01). In Study 1, there was no significant relationship between judgements of femininity and of aggression in female faces. In Study 2, the association between judgements of masculinity and aggression was weaker in female faces than for male faces in Study 1. The weaker association in female faces may be because aggression and masculinity are stereotypically male traits. Thus, in Study 3, observers rated faces on nurturing (a stereotypically female trait) and on femininity. Judgements of nurturing were associated with femininity (positively) and masculinity (negatively) ratings in both female and male faces. In summary, the perception of aggression differs in female versus male faces. The sex difference was not simply because aggression is a gendered construct; the relationships between masculinity/femininity and nurturing were similar for male and female faces even though nurturing is also a gendered construct. Masculinity and femininity ratings are not associated with aggression ratings nor with the face ratio for female faces. In contrast, all four variables are highly inter-correlated in male faces, likely because these cues in male faces serve as ‘‘honest signals’’

    Is testosterone linked to human aggression? A meta-analytic examination of the relationship between baseline, dynamic, and manipulated testosterone on human aggression

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    Testosterone is often considered a critical regulator of aggressive behaviour. There is castration/replacement evidence that testosterone indeed drives aggression in some species, but causal evidence in humans is generally lacking and/or—for the few studies that have pharmacologically manipulated testosterone concentrations—inconsistent. More often researchers have examined differences in baseline testosterone concentrations between groups known to differ in aggressiveness (e.g., violent vs non-violent criminals) or within a given sample using a correlational approach. Nevertheless, testosterone is not static but instead fluctuates in response to cues of challenge in the environment, and these challenge-induced fluctuations may more strongly regulate situation-specific aggressive behaviour. Here, we quantitatively summarize literature from all three approaches (baseline, change, and manipulation), providing the most comprehensive meta-analysis of these testosterone-aggression associations/effects in humans to date. Baseline testosterone shared a weak but significant association with aggression (r = 0.054, 95% CIs [0.028, 0.080]), an effect that was stronger and significant in men (r = 0.071, 95% CIs [0.041, 0.101]), but not women (r = 0.002, 95% CIs [−0.041, 0.044]). Changes in T were positively correlated with aggression (r = 0.108, 95% CIs [0.041, 0.174]), an effect that was also stronger and significant in men (r = 0.162, 95% CIs [0.076, 0.246]), but not women (r = 0.010, 95% CIs [−0.090, 0.109]). The causal effects of testosterone on human aggression were weaker yet, and not statistically significant (r = 0.046, 95% CIs [−0.015, 0.108]). We discuss the multiple moderators identified here (e.g., offender status of samples, sex) and elsewhere that may explain these generally weak effects. We also offer suggestions regarding methodology and sample sizes to best capture these associations in future work

    AssistĂȘncia Multidisciplinar Ă  SaĂșde - vol 2

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    Na parte geral, discutem-se os programas de hipertensĂŁo arterial, diabetes, tuberculose, hansenĂ­ase, atenção Ă  pessoa portadora de deficiĂȘncias fĂ­sicas, tabagismo, prevenção de DST/AIDS e atenção Ă  saĂșde bucal. Como no mĂłdulo anterior, apresenta as açÔes que todos os membros da equipe devem desenvolver, independente do fato de ser cirurgiĂŁo dentista, enfermeiro ou mĂ©dico. Essa parte traz tambĂ©m as açÔes que devem ser desenvolvidas para qualificar a atenção prestada Ă  comunidade. Na parte especĂ­fica, apresenta os programas voltados Ă  atenção Ă  saĂșde da mulher, como o preventivo de cĂąncer de colo uterino e mama, bem como a importĂąncia da realização do prĂ©natal, do planejamento familiar e, sobretudo, da abordagem do tema “violĂȘncia contra as mulheres”, tĂŁo importante para a manutenção da saĂșde da mulher, entre outros enfoques. Quanto Ă  saĂșde do homem, apresenta-se a recente PolĂ­tica de Atenção Ă  SaĂșde do Homem, que foi implantada hĂĄ pouco mais de trĂȘs anos e cujo objetivo maior Ă© trazer o homem Ă  unidade de saĂșde para começar a cuidar-se. Em ambas as partes, mostram-se os dados de morbimortalidade no paĂ­s e no estado.2.0MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDEUna-SU
