18 research outputs found

    Fires and forests: A reconstruction of Holocene fire-vegetation relationships in Central Yakutia, Siberia

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    The year 2021 set new records for wildfire extent in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in eastern Siberia, Russia. Wildfire seasons in this unique region, characterized by its deciduous boreal forest and permafrost landforms, are becoming more intense. Some fires are threatening local communities, while their smoke covers vast stretches of land every summer, posing health risks to people even in the distance. At the same time, the larch trees of the eastern Siberian boreal forest stabilize the permafrost soils below as guardians of a continental-scale storage of terrestrial carbon. It is still largely unknown how the current trend of wildfire intensification will develop in the future, and how it will modify the structure of the boreal forests within the next decades to centuries. However, even though needed for a well-founded evaluation of long-term impacts of changing fire regimes, data on past trends of wildfire activity still remains scarce in eastern Siberia. Here, we present a new reconstruction of boreal fire and vegetation dynamics, spanning the last ca. 10.8 ka. Continuously analyzed macroscopic charcoal particles and a REVEALS-transformed pollen record from a sediment core from Lake Satagay (N 63.078, E 117.998) give insight into long-term trends and relationships between changes in fire regime and vegetation composition and coverage. The data indicates that modern larch-dominated forests co-exist with a lower severity fire regime, whereas early Holocene open larch-birch woodlands enabled increased charcoal accumulation and thus supported a higher severity fire regime. Considering the expected increase in tree mortality caused by wildfires and insect damage, likely to thin out currently denser tree stands, this fire-vegetation relationship suggests a potential upcoming positive feedback on intensifying fire regimes

    Holocene wildfire and vegetation dynamics in Central Yakutia, Siberia, reconstructed from lake-sediment proxies

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    Wildfires play an essential role in the ecology of boreal forests. In eastern Siberia, fire activity has been increasing in recent years, challenging the livelihoods of local communities. Intensifying fire regimes also increase disturbance pressure on the boreal forests, which currently protect the permafrost beneath from accelerated degradation. However, long-term relationships between changes in fire regime and forest structure remain largely unknown. We assess past fire-vegetation feedbacks using sedimentary proxy records from Lake Satagay, Central Yakutia, Siberia, covering the past c. 10,800 years. Results from macroscopic and microscopic charcoal analyses indicate high amounts of burnt biomass during the Early Holocene, and that the present-day, low-severity surface fire regime has been in place since c. 4,500 years before present. A pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of vegetation cover and a terrestrial plant record based on sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding suggest a pronounced shift in forest structure toward the Late Holocene. Whereas the Early Holocene was characterized by postglacial open larch-birch woodlands, forest structure changed toward the modern, mixed larch-dominated closed-canopy forest during the Mid-Holocene. We propose a potential relationship between open woodlands and high amounts of burnt biomass, as well as a mediating effect of dense larch forest on the climate-driven intensification of fire regimes. Considering the anticipated increase in forest disturbances (droughts, insect invasions, and wildfires), higher tree mortality may force the modern state of the forest to shift toward an open woodland state comparable to the Early Holocene. Such a shift in forest structure may result in a positive feedback on currently intensifying wildfires. These new long-term data improve our understanding of millennial-scale fire regime changes and their relationships to changes of vegetation in Central Yakutia, where the local population is already being confronted with intensifying wildfire seasons

    Modern Pollen Assemblages From Lake Sediments and Soil in East Siberia and Relative Pollen Productivity Estimates for Major Taxa

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    Modern pollen–vegetation–climate relationships underpin palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate reconstructions from fossil pollen records. East Siberia is an ideal area for investigating the relationships between modern pollen assemblages and near natural vegetation under cold continental climate conditions. Reliable pollen-based quantitative vegetation and climate reconstructions are still scarce due to the limited number of modern pollen datasets. Furthermore, differences in pollen representation of samples from lake sediments and soils are not well understood. Here, we present a new pollen dataset of 48 moss/soil and 24 lake surface-sediment samples collected in Chukotka and central Yakutia in East Siberia. The pollen–vegetation–climate relationships were investigated by ordination analyses. Generally, tundra and taiga vegetation types can be well distinguished in the surface pollen assemblages. Moss/soil and lake samples contain generally similar pollen assemblages as revealed by a Procrustes comparison with some exceptions. Overall, modern pollen assemblages reflect the temperature and precipitation gradients in the study areas as revealed by constrained ordination analysis. We estimate the relative pollen productivity (RPP) of major taxa and the relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) for moss/soil samples from Chukotka and central Yakutia using Extended R-Value (ERV) analysis. The RSAP of the tundra-forest transition area in Chukotka and taiga area in central Yakutia are ca. 1300 and 360 m, respectively. For Chukotka, RPPs relative to both Poaceae and Ericaceae were estimated while RPPs for central Yakutia were relative only to Ericaceae. Relative to Ericaceae (reference taxon, RPP = 1), Larix, Betula, Picea, and Pinus are overrepresented while Alnus, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and Salix are underrepresented in the pollen spectra. Our estimates are in general agreement with previously published values and provide the basis for reliable quantitative reconstructions of East Siberian vegetation.</jats:p

    SiDroForest: a comprehensive forest inventory of Siberian boreal forest investigations including drone-based point clouds, individually labeled trees, synthetically generated tree crowns, and Sentinel-2 labeled image patches

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    The SiDroForest (Siberian drone-mapped forest inventory) data collection is an attempt to remedy the scarcity of forest structure data in the circumboreal region by providing adjusted and labeled tree-level and vegetation plot-level data for machine learning and upscaling purposes. We present datasets of vegetation composition and tree and plot level forest structure for two important vegetation transition zones in Siberia, Russia; the summergreen–evergreen transition zone in Central Yakutia and the tundra–taiga transition zone in Chukotka (NE Siberia). The SiDroForest data collection consists of four datasets that contain different complementary data types that together support in-depth analyses from different perspectives of Siberian Forest plot data for multi-purpose applications. i. Dataset 1 provides unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne data products covering the vegetation plots surveyed during fieldwork (Kruse et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933263). The dataset includes structure-from-motion (SfM) point clouds and red–green–blue (RGB) and red–green–near-infrared (RGN) orthomosaics. From the orthomosaics, point-cloud products were created such as the digital elevation model (DEM), canopy height model (CHM), digital surface model (DSM) and the digital terrain model (DTM). The point-cloud products provide information on the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the forest at each plot.ii. Dataset 2 contains spatial data in the form of point and polygon shapefiles of 872 individually labeled trees and shrubs that were recorded during fieldwork at the same vegetation plots (van Geffen et al., 2021c, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.932821). The dataset contains information on tree height, crown diameter, and species type. These tree and shrub individually labeled point and polygon shapefiles were generated on top of the RGB UVA orthoimages. The individual tree information collected during the expedition such as tree height, crown diameter, and vitality are provided in table format. This dataset can be used to link individual information on trees to the location of the specific tree in the SfM point clouds, providing for example, opportunity to validate the extracted tree height from the first dataset. The dataset provides unique insights into the current state of individual trees and shrubs and allows for monitoring the effects of climate change on these individuals in the future.iii. Dataset 3 contains a synthesis of 10 000 generated images and masks that have the tree crowns of two species of larch (Larix gmelinii and Larix cajanderi) automatically extracted from the RGB UAV images in the common objects in context (COCO) format (van Geffen et al., 2021a, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.932795). As machine-learning algorithms need a large dataset to train on, the synthetic dataset was specifically created to be used for machine-learning algorithms to detect Siberian larch species.iv. Dataset 4 contains Sentinel-2 (S-2) Level-2 bottom-of-atmosphere processed labeled image patches with seasonal information and annotated vegetation categories covering the vegetation plots (van Geffen et al., 2021b, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933268). The dataset is created with the aim of providing a small ready-to-use validation and training dataset to be used in various vegetation-related machine-learning tasks. It enhances the data collection as it allows classification of a larger area with the provided vegetation classes. The SiDroForest data collection serves a variety of user communities. The detailed vegetation cover and structure information in the first two datasets are of use for ecological applications, on one hand for summergreen and evergreen needle-leaf forests and also for tundra–taiga ecotones. Datasets 1 and 2 further support the generation and validation of land cover remote-sensing products in radar and optical remote sensing. In addition to providing information on forest structure and vegetation composition of the vegetation plots, the third and fourth datasets are prepared as training and validation data for machine-learning purposes. For example, the synthetic tree-crown dataset is generated from the raw UAV images and optimized to be used in neural networks. Furthermore, the fourth SiDroForest dataset contains S-2 labeled image patches processed to a high standard that provide training data on vegetation class categories for machine-learning classification with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) labels provided. The SiDroForest data collection adds unique insights into remote hard-to-reach circumboreal forest regions.</p

    Pollen data for 72 sites in East Siberia

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    A total of 72 surface samples were collected from Chukotka and Yakutia in East Siberia in the Russian-German Cooperation Expeditions to Siberia in 2016 and 2018: 10 lake surface samples were collected in July 2016, 48 moss/soil polsters and 14 lake sediment samples in July and August 2018. Coordinates of the sampling sites were obtained by hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS). The altitudes of the sampling sites range from 94 to 843 m above sea level. At least 300 terrestrial pollen grains were counted and identified in each sample under a microscope at 400X using published pollen atlases and identification keys. Pollen percentages were calculated based on the total number of terrestrial pollen grains. Ecoregions, including Floodplain and Anthropogenic Meadows, Mountain Tundra, Open Woodlands and Middle Taiga, of each sampling site were extracted from a 1:4 million scale vegetation map for the land area of the former Soviet Union

    SiDroForest: Sentinel-2 Level-2 Bottom of Atmosphere labelled image patches with seasonal information for Central Yakutia and Chukotka vegetation plots (Siberia, Russia)

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    This Sentinel-2 Level-2 (Bottom-of-Atmosphere) image patches with seasonal information for Central Yakutia and Chukotka vegetation plots dataset in Siberia, Russia, is a part of the SiDroForest data collection. The aim of SiDroForest is to map current vegetation dynamics in the boreal to sub arctic region of Siberia. Sentinel-2 is an ESA optical satellite mission providing satellite imagery globally- and freely-available, which facilitates low-cost large-scale analyses of circumpolar boreal forests. The Sentinel-2 mission is composed of two identical satellites that were launched in 2015 and 2017. Though freely available, Sentinel-2 data often contains clouds and finding a cloud and haze-free acquisition can take time. Therefore, this Data Collection provides cloud free atmospherically corrected image patches of the vegetation plots in three different seasons of the vegetation period in Siberia: early summer, peak summer and summer. The atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 data were optimized prior to vegetation related analyses: we resampled the spectral bands to 10 m spatial resolution to make them comparable in the same spatial pixel resolution, removing the 60m bands that support atmospheric correction but are not optimal for land surface classification. In addition, for vegetation monitoring it is common to apply the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) that we provide as an additional band. The dataset presented here contains subsets of Sentinel-2 acquisitions that cover all the 54 locations where fieldwork was performed in Siberia during a 2-month fieldwork expedition in 2018 by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany (Kruse et al., 2019). 30 by 30m image patches were cropped and given a vegetation label (classes 1-11)

    Tree height and crown diameter during fieldwork expeditions that took place in 2018 in Central Yakutia and Chukotka, Siberia

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    This Individual-labelled trees dataset is a part of the SiDroForest data collection (https://www.pangaea.de/?q=keyword%3A%22SiDroForest%22) and contains spatial data in the form of points and polygons of 872 trees and shrubs that were recorded in Siberia during a 2-month fieldwork expedition in 2018 by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany (Kruse et al., 2019). During the fieldwork, 15 m radius vegetation surveys were performed during which information such as height, species, crown diameter were recorded for individual trees. In addition, the vegetation plots were covered by 50*50-meter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flights and Red Green Blue (RGB) photographs were taken with a consumer grade DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter (Brieger et al. 2019). From these UAV images, orthoimages were constructed with Agisoft PhotoScan Professional (Agisoft, 2018) using using Structure-from- Motion/Multi-view Stereo (SfM-MVS) techniques. (Agisoft manual 2019). Orthophotos are geometrically corrected images that are georeferenced. When the individual is located in the orthoimage we also know the location of said individual in real life. The construction techniques are explained in detail in Brieger et al (2019). In these orthoimages, individual trees and shrubs recorded during the expeditions were mapped (Fig 1 in README). The trees recorded during fieldwork that could be located in the orthoimages were marked in a point shapefile and polygon shapefile that outlines the tree crown of the individual tree, each element contains the individual number of the tree, the species and the type (Tree or Shrub). In addition, to clarify between Tree and Shrub, the type attribute was added because in the Chukotka sites there are Pinus species that are shrubs which can be misleading. The Point shapefiles also include the x and y coordinates of the point. The individual number can be used to link the tree or shrub to the rest of the information collected during the expedition such as tree height, crown diameter and vitality

    SiDroForest: Individual-labelled trees acquired during the fieldwork expeditions that took place in 2018 in Central Yakutia and Chukotka, Siberia

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    This Individual-labelled trees dataset is a part of the SiDroForest data collection (https://www.pangaea.de/?q=keyword%3A%22SiDroForest%22) and contains spatial data in the form of points and polygons of 872 trees and shrubs that were recorded in Siberia during a 2-month fieldwork expedition in 2018 by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany (Kruse et al., 2019). During the fieldwork, 15 m radius vegetation surveys were performed during which information such as height, species, crown diameter were recorded for individual trees. In addition, the vegetation plots were covered by 50*50-meter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flights and Red Green Blue (RGB) photographs were taken with a consumer grade DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter (Brieger et al. 2019). From these UAV images, orthoimages were constructed with Agisoft PhotoScan Professional (Agisoft, 2018) using using Structure-from- Motion/Multi-view Stereo (SfM-MVS) techniques. (Agisoft manual 2019). Orthophotos are geometrically corrected images that are georeferenced. When the individual is located in the orthoimage we also know the location of said individual in real life. The construction techniques are explained in detail in Brieger et al (2019). In these orthoimages, individual trees and shrubs recorded during the expeditions were mapped (Fig 1 in README). The trees recorded during fieldwork that could be located in the orthoimages were marked in a point shapefile and polygon shapefile that outlines the tree crown of the individual tree, each element contains the individual number of the tree, the species and the type (Tree or Shrub). In addition, to clarify between Tree and Shrub, the type attribute was added because in the Chukotka sites there are Pinus species that are shrubs which can be misleading. The Point shapefiles also include the x and y coordinates of the point. The individual number can be used to link the tree or shrub to the rest of the information collected during the expedition such as tree height, crown diameter and vitality. This information is included in the dataset doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.932817

    Shapefiles of individual-labelled trees acquired during fieldwork expeditions that took place in 2018 in Central Yakutia and Chukotka, Siberia

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    This Individual-labelled trees dataset is a part of the SiDroForest data collection (https://www.pangaea.de/?q=keyword%3A%22SiDroForest%22) and contains spatial data in the form of points and polygons of 872 trees and shrubs that were recorded in Siberia during a 2-month fieldwork expedition in 2018 by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany (Kruse et al., 2019). During the fieldwork, 15 m radius vegetation surveys were performed during which information such as height, species, crown diameter were recorded for individual trees. In addition, the vegetation plots were covered by 50*50-meter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flights and Red Green Blue (RGB) photographs were taken with a consumer grade DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter (Brieger et al. 2019). From these UAV images, orthoimages were constructed with Agisoft PhotoScan Professional (Agisoft, 2018) using using Structure-from- Motion/Multi-view Stereo (SfM-MVS) techniques. (Agisoft manual 2019). Orthophotos are geometrically corrected images that are georeferenced. When the individual is located in the orthoimage we also know the location of said individual in real life. The construction techniques are explained in detail in Brieger et al (2019). In these orthoimages, individual trees and shrubs recorded during the expeditions were mapped (Fig 1). The trees recorded during fieldwork that could be located in the orthoimages were marked in a point shapefile and polygon shapefile that outlines the tree crown of the individual tree, each element contains the individual number of the tree, the species and the type (Tree or Shrub). In addition, to clarify between Tree and Shrub, the type attribute was added because in the Chukotka sites there are Pinus species that are shrubs which can be misleading. The Point shapefiles also include the x and y coordinates of the point. The individual number can be used to link the tree or shrub to the rest of the information collected during the expedition such as tree height, crown diameter and vitality