570 research outputs found

    Ulcerative oral lesions: an overview of non-pharmacologic treatment options

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    Background and Objective: Ulcerative diseases frequently affect the oral cavity and are disabling conditions. The management is challenging, and traditional treatments are associated with potential side effects. Alternative non-pharmacologic strategies have become available to effectively manage these conditions. This review aims at providing a synthesis of the most common erosive-ulcerative oral diseases and an updated overview of the main non-pharmacologic options for their management, such as laser therapy, ozone applications, and photodynamic therapy. Methods: A narrative review was conducted by searching PubMed/MEDLINE for the most recent relevant systematic reviews or, alternatively, clinical trials or case reports. Results: Laser photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), ozone therapy and photodynamic therapy (PDT) generally resulted in rapid relief of painful symptoms, reduced healing time and improved oral functions and patients’ quality of life. No major side-effects were reported. Regardless of the primary etiology, photodynamic therapy proved particularly effective in case of infections. Ozone was used in gaseous, ozonized water and oil formulations. The most used light sources were Nd:YAG, He:Ne, Er,Cr:YSGG, red and infrared diode lasers and LED for PBMT, while red diode lasers prevailed for PDT. The most common photosensitizers were methylene blue and toluidine blue O. Conclusions: There is growing evidence for an efficacy of PBMT, ozone and PDT for the treatment of ulcerative oral lesions, and therefore these approaches should be considered as valid non-pharmacologic strategies. However, due to the great heterogeneity of protocols, additional well-designed research to identify the best therapeutic protocols is needed. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Assessment of colour modifications in two different composite resins induced by the influence of chlorhexidine mouthwashes and gels, with and without anti-staining properties: An in vitro study

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    Objectives: Chlorhexidine (CHX)-based products are the most effective chemical agents used in plaque control and oral disinfection. One of their side effects is tooth and restoration staining. For this reason, CHX products with anti-discolouration systems (ADS) have been developed. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare different CHX-based products (gel and mouthwash) with or without ADS in composite colour modification.Methods: Two hundred specimens were created, 100 of which were made of packable composite and 100 of flowable composite. After 24 h, colour coordinates (L*, a*, b*, C*, h degrees) were recorded using a spectrophotometer (T0). Then, all samples were subjected to a CHX/tea staining model and immersed in human saliva for 2 min. Composite specimens were divided in 10 groups (N = 20). Control groups (PC, FC) were soaked in distilled water and test groups (PG, PGads, FG, FGads, PM, PMads, FM and FMads) were immersed in CHX-based solutions or brushed with CHX gel. Then the cycle was repeated 6 times, and colour differences (Delta E-ab and Delta E-00) were finally calculated.Results: Through flowable composites, FC and FG showed the highest colour differences, respectively Delta E-ab = 3.48 +/- 1.0, Delta E-00 = 2.24 +/- 0.6 and Delta E-ab = 2.95 +/- 1.3, Delta E-00 = 1.53 +/- 0.6. In the composite groups instead, PM and PMads showed the highest colour differences, respectively Delta Eab = 2.78 +/- 1.3,Delta E00 = 1.94 +/- 0.8 and Delta E-ab = 2.71 +/- 1.4, Delta E-00 = 1.84 +/- 0.9.Conclusions: CHX-containing products are able to cause stains on restorative composite materials. Discolouration is more likely to occur in flowable composites than packable composites, and ADS-containing products cause fewer pigmentations than CHX products without ADS. Packable composites showed more staining after mouthwash treatment, whereas flowable composites underwent higher discolouration after treatment with gels

    Ozone Treatment for the Management of Caries in Primary Dentition: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies

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    Dental caries in children is a frequent and debilitating condition, whose management is often challenging. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of ozone applications for the treatment of caries in primary dentition. According to PRISMA guidelines, a systematic literature search was performed up to 6 January 2024. Clinical studies using ozone to treat caries of deciduous teeth were considered for inclusion. Out of the 215 records retrieved, seven studies were eventually included in the review, all of which used gaseous ozone. Four studies were judged at high risk of bias, two at low risk, and one of some concerns. The great heterogeneity of designs, outcomes, and protocols made it impossible to conduct a meta-analysis. Despite some limitations, the evidence yielded by the included studies suggests that ozone application, regardless of the protocol applied, is comparable to other interventions in terms of clinical outcomes and anti-bacterial activity, with no reported adverse effects and good patient acceptance. Therefore, ozone application may be a non-invasive approach to treat caries in primary dentition, especially in very young and poorly cooperative patients. Further standardized and rigorous studies are, however, needed to identify the best clinical protocols for this specific field

    The role of matrix metalloproteinases in periodontal disease

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    This review provides a detailed description of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), focusing on those that are known to have critical roles in bone and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an inflammatory process initiated by anaerobic bacteria, which promote the host immune response in the form of a complex network of molecular pathways involving proinflammatory mediators such as cytokines, growth factors, and MMPs. MMPs are a family of 23 endopeptidases, collectively capable of degrading virtually all extracellular matrix (ECM) components. This study critically discusses the available research concerning the involvement of the MMPs in periodontal disease development and progression and presents possible therapeutic strategies. MMPs participate in morphogenesis, physiological tissue turnover, and pathological tissue destruction. Alterations in the regulation of MMP activity are implicated in the manifestation of oral diseases, and MMPs comprise the most important pathway in tissue destruction associated with periodontal disease. MMPs can be considered a risk factor for periodontal disease, and measurements of MMP levels may be useful markers for early detection of periodontitis and as a tool to assess prognostic follow-ups. Detection and inhibition of MMPs could, therefore, be useful in periodontal disease prevention or be an essential part of periodontal disease therapy, which, considering the huge incidence of the disease, may greatly improve oral health globally

    Traumatic Dental Injuries: Clinical Case Presentation and a 10-Year Epidemiological Investigation in an Italian Dental Emergency Service

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    Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) are very common in the world population, and international literature reports several studies which helped in the definition of international guidelines. The aim of this study is to present two clinical cases of TDI and to investigate epidemiological and etiological aspects of TDIs in patients treated in Modena, Italy, between January 2010 and December 2020. The presented case reports are two explicative clinical cases of successful TDI management with a long-Term follow-up. The epidemiological analysis was performed on patients who visited the Dental Emergency Service of the Dentistry and Oral-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit of Modena (Italy) over a period of 10 years. Data relating to age, gender, type of trauma, and place of accident were collected. Five-hundred-sixty-five TDIs that occurred to patients from 1 to 68 years old were reported, with a total of 860 injured teeth. The peak age at which TDIs are most represented varies between 2 and 3 years old, and they occurred frequently from 1 up to 7 years old. 57.5% were male, while 42.5% were female. The most common trauma resulted to be the uncomplicated crown fracture (20%), immediately followed by lateral luxation (19%), intrusive luxation (18%), avulsion (17%), and complicated crown fracture (15%). TDIs occurred at home in 44% of cases. The need for more prevention training must be highlighted, due to the fact that many TDIs occur at home and in a preschool age

    Early fluoride intake and Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) defects: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

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    Background: Excessive intake of fluoride has been implicated in the complex multifactorial etiology of hypomineralisation (MIH) defects. Objective: To study the possible effect of early exposure to fluoride on the risk of molar incisor hypomineralisation, also through a dose-response approach. Methods: Observational and clinical studies investigating the relation between fluoride exposure from any source or evaluating exposure biomarkers and MIH defects. PubMed MEDLINE, Embase and Web of Science databases were con-sulted up to December 1, 2023, using terms related to “fluoride”, “enamel defects” and “demarcated opacities”. We performed a meta-analysis comparing the highest versus lowest fluoride exposure using a random-effects model, and we quantitively assessed this relation using piece-wise linear meta-regression. Results: Thirteen studies were included in the meta-analysis, 12 of which were eligible for the dose-response analysis, all regarding exposure from fluoride in drinking water. Three of them specifically addressed MIH, while the remaining concerned “demarcated opacities”, yet with features attributable to MIH. Comparing the highest versus lowest water fluoride exposure categories, virtually no evidence of a fluoride effect was identified, with an overall odds ratio of 0.93 [95% confidence interval 0.60; 1.45]. The dose-response meta-regression showed a decreasing risk for MIH defects exposure up to 1 mg/L, whereas an increase in risk emerged at higher exposure levels. Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that early systemic exposure to fluoride may affect the occurrence of MIH defects differently depending on fluoride concentration. However, these results need to be evaluated with caution due to potential methodological limitations of the studies included. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Up-regulation of delta-like 4 ligand in human tumor vasculature and the role of basal expression in endothelial cell function.

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    The Notch signaling pathway and the delta-like 4 ligand (DLL4) play key roles in embryonic vascular development. Many of the pathways involved in embryonic vascular development also play important roles in tumor angiogenesis. In this study, we assessed the expression of DLL4 in primary renal cancer and investigated the biological function of DLL4 in primary endothelial cells. Using real-time quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization, we showed that the expression of DLL4 was up-regulated within the vasculature of clear cell-renal cell carcinoma almost 9-fold more than normal kidney and was correlated with the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The expression of DLL4 in endothelial cells was up-regulated by VEGF and basic fibroblast growth factor synergistically, and by hypoxia through hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha. Down-regulation of DLL4 expression with RNA interference led to decreased expression of HEY1 and EphrinB2, and the inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and network formation, all of which are important processes in tumor angiogenesis. The inhibition of proliferation occurred via the induction of cell cycle arrest in G0-G1 by increased expression of p21 and decreased phosphorylation of retinoblastoma. We conclude that an optimal window of the DLL4 expression is essential for tumor angiogenesis and that selective modulation of the DLL4 expression within human tumors may represent a potential novel antiangiogenic therapy
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