18 research outputs found

    Exterminator: Automatically Correcting Memory Errors with High Probability

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    Programs written in C and C++ are susceptible to memory errors, including buffer overflows and dangling pointers. These errors, which can lead to crashes, erroneous execution, and security vulnerabilities, are notoriously costly to repair. Tracking down their location in the source code is difficult, even when the full memory state of the program is available. Once the errors are finally found, fixing them remains challenging: even for critical security-sensitive bugs, the average time between initial reports and the issuance of a patch is nearly one month. We present Exterminator, a system that automatically corrects heap-based memory errors without programmer intervention. Exterminator exploits randomization to pinpoint errors with high precision. From this information, Exterminator derives runtime patches that fix these errors both in current and subsequent executions. In addition, Exterminator enables collaborative bug correction by merging patches generated by multiple users. We present analytical and empirical results that demonstrate Exterminator’s effectiveness at detecting and correcting both injected and real faults

    DieHarder: Securing the Heap

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    Heap-based attacks depend on a combination of memory management errors and an exploitable memory allocator. Many allocators include ad hoc countermeasures against particular exploits, but their effectiveness against future exploits has been uncertain. This paper presents the first formal treatment of the impact of allocator design on security. It analyzes a range of widely-deployed memory allocators, including those used by Windows, Linux, Free-BSD, and OpenBSD, and shows that they remain vulnerable to attack. It then presents DieHarder, a new allocator whose design was guided by this analysis. DieHarder provides the highest degree of security from heap-based attacks of any practical allocator of which we are aware, while imposing modest performance overhead. In particular, the Firefox web browser runs as fast with DieHarder as with the Linux allocator


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    Efficiently and Precisely Locating Memory Leaks and Bloat

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    Inefficient use of memory, including leaks and bloat, remain a significant challenge for C and C++ developers. Applications with these problems become slower over time as their working set grows and can become unresponsive. At the same time, memory leaks and bloat remain notoriously difficult to debug, and comprise a large number of reported bugs in mature applications. Previous tools for diagnosing memory inefficiencies—based on garbage collection, binary rewriting, or code sampling—impose high overheads (up to 100X) or generate many false alarms. This paper presents Hound, a runtime system that helps track down the sources of memory leaks and bloat in C and C++ applications. Hound employs data sampling, a staleness-tracking approach based on a novel heap organization, to make it both precise and efficient. Hound has no false positives, and its runtime and space overhead are low enough that it can be used in deployed applications. We demonstrate Hound’s efficacy across a suite of synthetic benchmarks and real applications