176 research outputs found

    Electronic transport properties through thiophenes on switchable domains

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    The electronic transport of electrons and holes through stacks of α\alpha,\ome ga-dicyano-β\beta,β\beta'-dibutyl- quaterthiophene (DCNDBQT) as part of a nov el organic ferroic field-effect transistor (OFFET) is investigated. The novel ap plication of a ferroelectric instead of a dielectric substrate provides the poss ibility to switch bit-wise the ferroelectric domains and to employ the polarizat ion of these domains as a gate field in an organic semiconductor. A device conta ining very thin DCNDBQT films of around 20 nm thickness is intended to be suitab le for logical as well as optical applications. We investigate the device proper ties with the help of a phenomenological model called multilayer organic light-e mitting diodes (MOLED), which was extended to transverse fields. The results sho wed, that space charge and image charge effects play a crucial role in these org anic devices

    First-principles study of ferroelectric domain walls in multiferroic bismuth ferrite

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    We present a first-principles density functional study of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the ferroelectric domain walls in multiferroic BiFeO3. We find that domain walls in which the rotations of the oxygen octahedra do not change their phase when the polarization reorients are the most favorable, and of these the 109 degree domain wall centered around the BiO plane has the lowest energy. The 109 degree and 180 degree walls have a significant change in the component of their polarization perpendicular to the wall; the corresponding step in the electrostatic potential is consistent with a recent report of electrical conductivity at the domain walls. Finally, we show that changes in the Fe-O-Fe bond angles at the domain walls cause changes in the canting of the Fe magnetic moments which can enhance the local magnetization at the domain walls.Comment: 9 pages, 20 figure

    Interface driven magnetoelectric effects in granular CrO2

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    Antiferromagnetic and magnetoelectric Cr2O3-surfaces strongly affect the electronic properties in half metallic CrO2. We show the presence of a Cr2O3 surface layer on CrO3 grains by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The effect of these surface layers is demonstrated by measurements of the temperature variation of the magnetoelectric susceptibility. A major observation is a sign change at about 100 K followed by a monotonic rise as a function of temperature. These electric field induced moments in CrO3 are correlated with the magnetoelectric susceptibility of pure Cr2O3. This study indicates that it is important to take into account the magnetoelectric character of thin surface layers of Cr2O3 in granular CrO2 for better understanding the transport mechanism in this system. The observation of a finite magnetoelectric susceptibility near room temperature may find utility in device applications.Comment: Figure 1 with strongly reduced resolutio

    The prismatic Sigma 3 (10-10) twin bounday in alpha-Al2O3 investigated by density functional theory and transmission electron microscopy

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    The microscopic structure of a prismatic Σ3\Sigma 3 (101ˉ0)(10\bar{1}0) twin boundary in \aal2o3 is characterized theoretically by ab-initio local-density-functional theory, and experimentally by spatial-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), measuring energy-loss near-edge structures (ELNES) of the oxygen KK-ionization edge. Theoretically, two distinct microscopic variants for this twin interface with low interface energies are derived and analysed. Experimentally, it is demonstrated that the spatial and energetical resolutions of present high-performance STEM instruments are insufficient to discriminate the subtle differences of the two proposed interface variants. It is predicted that for the currently developed next generation of analytical electron microscopes the prismatic twin interface will provide a promising benchmark case to demonstrate the achievement of ELNES with spatial resolution of individual atom columns

    Current without bias and diode effect in shuttling transport of nanoshafts

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    A row of parallely ordered and coupled molecular nanoshafts is shown to develop a shuttling transport of charges at finite temperature. The appearance of a cu rrent without applying an external bias voltage is reported as well as a natura l diode effect allowing unidirectional charge transport along one field directi on while blocking the opposite direction. The zero-bias voltage current appears above a threshold of initial thermal and/or dislocation energy
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