643 research outputs found

    Remote Navigation and Contact-Force Control of Radiofrequency Ablation Catheters

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common and clinically significant heart rhythm disorder, is characterized by rapid and irregular electrical activity in the upper chambers resulting in abnormal contractions. Radiofrequency (RF) cardiac catheter ablation is a minimally invasive curative treatment that aims to electrically correct signal pathways inside the atria to restore normal sinus rhythm. Successful catheter ablation requires the complete and permanent elimination of arrhythmogenic signals by delivering transmural RF ablation lesions contiguously near and around key cardiac structures. These procedures are complex and technically challenging and, even when performed by the most skilled physician, nearly half of patients undergo repeat procedures due to incomplete elimination of the arrhythmogenic pathways. This thesis aims to incorporate innovative design to improve catheter stability and maneuverability through the development of robotic platforms that enable precise placement of reproducibly durable ablation lesions. The first part of this thesis deals with the challenges to lesion delivery imposed by cardiorespiratory motion. One of the main determinants of the delivery of durable and transmural RF lesions is the ability to define and maintain a constant contact force between the catheter tip electrode and cardiac tissue, which is hampered by the presence of cardiorespiratory motion. To address this need, I developed and evaluated a novel catheter contact-force control device. The compact electromechanical add-on tool monitors catheter-tissue contact force in real-time and simultaneously adjusts the position of a force-sensing ablation catheter within a steerable sheath to compensate for the change in contact force. In a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments, the contact-force control device demonstrated an ability to: a) maintain an average force to within 1 gram of a set level; b) reduce contact-force variation to below 5 grams (2-8-fold improvement over manual catheter intervention); c) ensure the catheter tip never lost contact with the tissue and never approached dangerous force levels; and importantly, d) deliver reproducible RF ablation lesions regardless of cardiac tissue motion, which were of the same depth and volume as lesions delivered in the absence of tissue motion. In the second part of the thesis, I describe a novel steerable sheath and catheter robotic navigation system, which incorporates the catheter contact-force controller. The robotic platform enables precise and accurate manipulation of a remote conventional steerable sheath and permits catheter-tissue contact-force control. The robotic navigation system was evaluated in vitro using a phantom that combines stationary and moving targets within an in vitro model representing a beating heart. An electrophysiologist used the robotic system to remotely navigate the sheath and catheter tip to select targets and compared the accuracy of reaching these targets performing the same tasks manually. Robotic intervention resulted in significantly higher accuracy and significantly improved the contact-force profile between the catheter tip and moving tissue-mimicking material. Our studies demonstrate that using available contact-force information within a robotic system can ensure precise and accurate placement of reliably transmural RF ablation lesions. These robotic systems can be valuable tools used to optimize RF lesion delivery techniques and ultimately improve clinical outcomes for AF ablation therapy

    Derechos de propiedad, crecimiento económico y desigualdad en la región pampeana, siglos XVIII y XIX

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    Este trabajo se propone discutir la relación que buena parte de la historiografía establece entre la implantación de derechos de propiedad ‘liberales’ y las posibilidades de crecimiento económico en el largo plazo. El caso en estudio es la región pampeana en la transición de la colonia al siglo XIX. Se analiza primero la conformación de un ideario favorable a reformas liberales en lo económico entre las elites locales. Luego las dificultades que encuentran para llevarlas a cabo, a pesar de lo cual se puede verificar un proceso de fuerte crecimiento económico. A partir de ello la hipótesis que se propone es que la disputa por los derechos de propiedad reflejaba más una querella por la distribución de los beneficios de ese crecimiento que una discusión sobre las posibilidades del crecimiento en sí.Fil: Gelman, Jorge Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani"; Argentin

    Entre la eficiencia y la equidad. Los desafíos de la reforma fiscal en Buenos Aires. Primera mitad del siglo XIX

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    En 1821 se realiza una reforma fiscal en Buenos Aires de claro carácter modernizador. Se suprimen gravámenes de antiguo régimen y se crea un sistema que si bien incluye los inevitables impuestos al comercio exterior, implanta contribuciones directas a los capitales, con el objeto de disminuir la dependencia de los primeros y distribuir más equitativamente la carga fiscal, imponiendo a los propietarios según sus riquezas. En este trabajo se reconstruyen las series impositivas, mostrando el escaso peso de la Contribución Directa en el conjunto. Se estudian también diversos intentos de mejorar su recaudación, que fueron fracasando uno tras otro. Finalmente se analizan las causas de estos fracasos y la lógica que llevó a los gobiernos del período a mantener un sistema impositivo regresivo, pero eficiente y con menores costos políticos

    Una medición de la economía rural de Buenos Aires en la época de Rosas: Expansión ganadera y diferencias regionales

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaLos historiadores han considerado en general de poca utilidad los documentos relativos al pago de la Contribución Directa, como fuente para estudiar la economía de Buenos Aires. En este trabajo se evaluó la calidad de la fuente para el año 1839. Se constató que, al menos en este caso, la fuente contiene una valiosa información que puede ser utilizada con provecho para acercarse a diversos aspectos de la economía rural de Buenos Aires en un período para el cual carecemos de fuentes estadísticas alternativas de calidad. Esta información alcanza a más de 5.000 propietarios, lo que significa una alta proporción de los existentes en ese momento en la campaña. Una vez hecho el trabajo de crítica de las fuentes se presentan las primeras conclusiones utilizando la base de datos construida con la información.Historians have generally considered the fiscal documents relative to the payment of Direct Contribution not very useful as a source to study the Buenos Aires economy. In this paper the quality of these documents for the year 1839 is evaluated. It was verified that, at least for this year, fiscal statements contain valuable information that can be employed to approach different aspects of the rural economy of Buenos Aires in a period for which we lack alternative statistical sources. In the paper we also offer some conclusions for the Argentine economy using a new set of data gathered from the information included in the documents of the Direct Contribution.Publicad

    Pareto Smoothed Importance Sampling

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    Importance weighting is a general way to adjust Monte Carlo integration to account for draws from the wrong distribution, but the resulting estimate can be noisy when the importance ratios have a heavy right tail. This routinely occurs when there are aspects of the target distribution that are not well captured by the approximating distribution, in which case more stable estimates can be obtained by modifying extreme importance ratios. We present a new method for stabilizing importance weights using a generalized Pareto distribution fit to the upper tail of the distribution of the simulated importance ratios. The method, which empirically performs better than existing methods for stabilizing importance sampling estimates, includes stabilized effective sample size estimates, Monte Carlo error estimates and convergence diagnostics.Comment: Major revision: 1) proofs for consistency, finite variance, and asymptotic normality, 2) justification of k<0.7 with theoretical computational complexity analysis, 3) major rewrit