3,037 research outputs found

    Quantum interference and electron-electron interactions at strong spin-orbit coupling in disordered systems

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    Transport and thermodynamic properties of disordered conductors are considerably modified when the angle through which the electron spin precesses due to spin-orbit interaction (SOI) during the mean free time becomes significant. Cooperon and Diffusion equations are solved for the entire range of strength of SOI. The implications of SOI for the electron-electron interaction and interference effects in various experimental settings are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 1 eps.figure Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Phase-Coherent Transport through a Mesoscopic System: A New Probe of Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior

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    A novel chiral interferometer is proposed that allows for a direct measurement of the phase of the transmission coefficient for transport through a variety of mesoscopic structures in a strong magnetic field. The effects of electron-electron interaction on this phase is investigated with the use of finite-size bosonization techniques combined with perturbation theory resummation. New non-Fermi-liquid phenomena are predicted in the FQHE regime that may be used to distinguish experimentally between Luttinger and Fermi liquids.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    A rationale for modeling hydrogen effects on plastic deformation across scales in FCC metals

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    Although there have been many investigations on the effects of hydrogen on the plastic deformation of metals, an intense debate continues about the physical mechanisms responsible. Most puzzling is the fact that hydrogen appears to be able to both harden and soften FCC metals, depending on the loading conditions. In addition, experiments have shown that hydrogen affects slip system activity differentially, resulting in shear localization of plastic deformation. The work reported in this paper employs a physics-based crystal plasticity model to reproduce the macroscopic response of hydrogen-charged FCC metals through the hydrogen effects on dislocation interactions proposed herein. Different micro-scale mechanisms by which hydrogen may affect plastic deformation are considered, and their resulting macroscopic stress-strain responses under monotonic and cyclic loading are compared. The results support the conclusion that hydrogen screening of dislocations alone cannot explain all the observed macroscopic responses. Instead, it is argued that hydrogen can promote hardening or softening through an increase in glide activation energy and a reduction in dislocation line tension

    Orbital mechanism of the circular photogalvanic effect in quantum wells

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    It is shown that the free-carrier (Drude) absorption of circularly polarized radiation in quantum well structures leads to an electric current flow. The photocurrent reverses its direction upon switching the light helicity. A pure orbital mechanism of such a circular photogalvanic effect is proposed that is based on interference of different pathways contributing to the light absorption. Calculation shows that the magnitude of the helicity dependent photocurrent in nn-doped quantum well structures corresponds to recent experimental observations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in JETP Letter

    Spin separation in cyclotron motion

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    Charged carriers with different spin states are spatially separated in a two-dimensional hole gas. Due to strong spin-orbit interaction holes at the Fermi energy have different momenta for two possible spin states travelling in the same direction and, correspondingly, different cyclotron orbits in a weak magnetic field. Two point contacts, acting as a monochromatic source of ballistic holes and a narrow detector in the magnetic focusing geometry are demonstrated to work as a tunable spin filter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universal Equilibrium Currents in the Quantum Hall Fluid

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    The equilibrium current distribution in a quantum Hall fluid that is subjected to a slowly varying confining potential is shown to generally consist of strips or channels of current, which alternate in direction, and which have universal integrated strengths. A measurement of these currents would yield direct independent measurements of the proper quasiparticle and quasihole energies in the fractional quantum Hall states.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Domain walls and the conductivity of mesoscopic ferromagnets

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    Quantum interference phenomena in the conductivity of mesoscopic ferromagnets are considered, particularly with regard to the effects of geometric phases acquired by electrons propagating through regions of spatially varying magnetization (due, e.g., to magnetic domain walls). Weak localization and electron-electron interaction quantum corrections to the conductivity and universal conductance fluctuations are discussed. Experiments are proposed for multiply-connected geometries that should reveal conductance oscillations with variations of the profile of the magnetization.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fugure, RevTEX, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Coulomb "blockade" of Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Quantum Dots

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    We study the mechanism of nuclear spin relaxation in quantum dots due to the electron exchange with 2D gas. We show that the nuclear spin relaxation rate is dramatically affected by the Coulomb blockade and can be controlled by gate voltage. In the case of strong spin-orbit coupling the relaxation rate is maximal in the Coulomb blockade valleys whereas for the weak spin-orbit coupling the maximum of the nuclear spin relaxation rate is near the Coulomb blockade peaks.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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