2 research outputs found

    Depolarization of multidomain ferroelectric materials

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    Depolarization in ferroelectric materials has been studied since the 1970s, albeit quasi-statically. The dynamics are described by the empirical Merz law, which gives the polarization switching time as a function of electric field, normalized to the so-called activation field. The Merz law has been used for decades; its origin as domain-wall depinning has recently been corroborated by molecular dynamics simulations. Here we experimentally investigate domain-wall depinning by measuring the dynamics of depolarization. We find that the boundary between thermodynamically stable and depolarizing regimes can be described by a single constant, Pr/ε0εferroEc. Among different multidomain ferroelectric materials the values of coercive field, Ec, dielectric constant, εferro, and remanent polarization, Pr, vary by orders of magnitude; the value for Pr/ε0εferroEc however is comparable, about 15. Using this extracted universal value, we show that the depolarization field is similar to the activation field, which corresponds to the transition from creep to domain-wall flow.Aerospace Structures & MaterialsNovel Aerospace Material

    Large-Area All-Printed Temperature Sensing Surfaces Using Novel Composite Thermistor Materials

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    Surfaces which can accurately distinguish spatial and temporal changes in temperature are critical for not only flow sensors, microbolometers, process control, but also future applications like electronic skins and soft robotics. Realizing such surfaces requires the deposition of thousands of thermal sensors over large areas, a task ideally suited for printing technologies. Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) ceramics represent the industry standard in temperature sensing due to their high thermal coefficient and excellent stability. A drawback is their complex and high temperature fabrication process and high stiffness, prohibiting their monolithic integration in large area or flexible applications. As a remedy, a printable NTC composite that combines a rapid and scalable all-printed fabrication process with performances that are on par with conventional NTC ceramics is demonstrated. The composite consists of micrometer-sized manganese spinel oxide particles dispersed in a benzocyclobutene matrix. The sensor has a B coefficient of 3500 K, with a 4.0% change in resistance at 25 °C, comparable to bulk ceramics. The selected polymer binder yields a composite exhibiting less than a 1 °C change in resistance to changes in humidity. The sensor's scalability is validated by demonstration of a Q4 A4-sized temperature sensing sheet consisting of over 400 sensors.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Novel Aerospace Material