43 research outputs found

    Strong-coupling perturbation theory for the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model in a magnetic field

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    The Bose-Hubbard model in an external magnetic field is investigated with strong-coupling perturbation theory. The lowest-order secular equation leads to the problem of a charged particle moving on a lattice in the presence of a magnetic field, which was first treated by Hofstadter. We present phase diagrams for the two-dimensional square and triangular lattices, showing a change in shape of the phase lobes away from the well-known power-law behavior in zero magnetic field. Some qualitative agreement with experimental work on Josephson-junction arrays is found for the insulating phase behavior at small fields.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures include

    Separation of variables for the quantum SL(2,R) spin chain

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    We construct representation of the Separated Variables (SoV) for the quantum SL(2,R) Heisenberg closed spin chain and obtain the integral representation for the eigenfunctions of the model. We calculate explicitly the Sklyanin measure defining the scalar product in the SoV representation and demonstrate that the language of Feynman diagrams is extremely useful in establishing various properties of the model. The kernel of the unitary transformation to the SoV representation is described by the same "pyramid diagram" as appeared before in the SoV representation for the SL(2,C) spin magnet. We argue that this kernel is given by the product of the Baxter Q-operators projected onto a special reference state.Comment: 26 pages, Latex style, 9 figures. References corrected, minor stylistic changes, version to be publishe

    Hyperbolic phase and squeeze-parameter estimation

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    We define a new representation, the hyperbolic phase representation, which enables optimal estimation of a squeeze parameter in the sense of quantum estimation theory. We compare the signal-to-noise ratio for such measurements, with conventional measurement based on photon counting and homodyne detection. The signal-to-noise ratio for hyperbolic phase measurements is shown to increase quadratically with the squeezing parameter for fixed input power

    Higher spin quaternion waves in the Klein-Gordon theory

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    Electromagnetic interactions are discussed in the context of the Klein-Gordon fermion equation. The Mott scattering amplitude is derived in leading order perturbation theory and the result of the Dirac theory is reproduced except for an overall factor of sixteen. The discrepancy is not resolved as the study points into another direction. The vertex structures involved in the scattering calculations indicate the relevance of a modified Klein-Gordon equation, which takes into account the number of polarization states of the considered quantum field. In this equation the d'Alembertian is acting on quaternion-like plane waves, which can be generalized to representations of arbitrary spin. The method provides the same relation between mass and spin that has been found previously by Majorana, Gelfand, and Yaglom in infinite spin theories

    New Strong-Field QED Effects at ELI: Nonperturbative Vacuum Pair Production

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    Since the work of Sauter, and Heisenberg, Euler and K\"ockel, it has been understood that vacuum polarization effects in quantum electrodynamics (QED) predict remarkable new phenomena such as light-light scattering and pair production from vacuum. However, these fundamental effects are difficult to probe experimentally because they are very weak, and they are difficult to analyze theoretically because they are highly nonlinear and/or nonperturbative. The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project offers the possibility of a new window into this largely unexplored world. I review these ideas, along with some new results, explaining why quantum field theorists are so interested in this rapidly developing field of laser science. I concentrate on the theoretical tools that have been developed to analyze nonperturbative vacuum pair production.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures; Key Lecture at the ELI Workshop and School on "Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Fields", 29 Sept - 2 Oct. 2008, Frauenworth Monastery, Germany; v2: refs updated, English translations of reviews of Nikishov and Ritu