2 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eGrxcr2\u3c/i\u3e is required for stereocilia morphogenesis in the cochlea

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    Hearing and balance depend upon the precise morphogenesis and mechanosensory function of stereocilia, the specialized structures on the apical surface of sensory hair cells in the inner ear. Previous studies of Grxcr1 mutant mice indicated a critical role for this gene in control of stereocilia dimensions during development. In this study, we analyzed expression of the paralog Grxcr2 in the mouse and evaluated auditory and vestibular function of strains carrying targeted mutations of the gene. Peak expression of Grxcr2 occurs during early postnatal development of the inner ear and GRXCR2 is localized to stereocilia in both the cochlea and in vestibular organs. Homozygous Grxcr2 deletion mutants exhibit significant hearing loss by 3 weeks of age that is associated with developmental defects in stereocilia bundle orientation and organization. Despite these bundle defects, the mechanotransduction apparatus assembles in relatively normal fashion as determined by whole cell electrophysiological evaluation and FM1-43 uptake. Although Grxcr2 mutants do not exhibit overt vestibular dysfunction, evaluation of vestibular evoked potentials revealed subtle defects of the mutants in response to linear accelerations. In addition, reduced Grxcr2 expression in a hypomorphic mutant strain is associated with progressive hearing loss and bundle defects. The stereocilia localization of GRXCR2, together with the bundle pathologies observed in the mutants, indicate that GRXCR2 plays an intrinsic role in bundle orientation, organization, and sensory function in the inner ear during development and at maturity

    Allele-specific gene editing prevents deafness in a model of dominant progressive hearing loss

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    Since most dominant human mutations are single nucleotide substitutions(1,2), we explored gene editing strategies to disrupt dominant mutations efficiently and selectively without affecting wild-type alleles. However, single nucleotide discrimination can be difficult to achieve(3) because commonly used endonucleases, such as Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9), can tolerate up to seven mismatches between guide RNA (gRNA) and target DNA. Furthermore, the protospacer-adjacent motif (PAM) in some Cas9 enzymes can tolerate mismatches with the target DNA(3,4). To circumvent these limitations, we screened 14 Cas9/gRNA combinations for specific and efficient disruption of a nucleotide substitution that causes the dominant progressive hearing loss, DFNA36. As a model for DFNA36, we used Beethoven mice(5), which harbor a point mutation in Tmc1, a gene required for hearing that encodes a pore-forming subunit of mechanosensory transduction channels in inner-ear hair cells(6). We identified a PAM variant of Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SaCas9-KKH) that selectively and efficiently disrupted the mutant allele, but not the wild-type Tmc1/ TMC1 allele, in Beethoven mice and in a DFNA36 human cell line. Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated SaCas9-KKH delivery prevented deafness in Beethoven mice up to one year post injection. Analysis of current ClinVar entries revealed that similar to 21% of dominant human mutations could be targeted using a similar approach