13 research outputs found

    The impact of death and dying on the personhood of senior nurses at the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS): a qualitative study.

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    BackgroundA nurse's role in caring for the dying is fraught with ethical, professional, and psychosocial challenges that impact how they perceive their roles as professionals. When unsupported, nurses caring for the dying experience burnout, career dissatisfaction and leave the profession. Better understanding of how caring for the dying affects the professional identity formation (PIF) of nurses will guide efforts to better support nurses.MethodsGuided by new data on the subject, we adopt the theoretical lens of the Ring Theory of Personhood (RToP) to evaluate how caring for the dying impacts the values, beliefs, principles, professional identities and personhood of nurses. We employ Krishna's Systematic Evidence-Based Approach (SEBA) to guide the design and piloting of the semi-structured interview tool.ResultsAnalysis of interviews with eight senior nurses in Supportive, Palliative and Oncology care revealed three domains: Identity 1) Formation; 2) Conflict and 3) Refinement. Identity Formation occurs early in a nurse's career, upon entering a new specialist field, and at the start of Supportive, Palliative and Oncology care. Identity Formation reveals significant changes to how self-concepts of professional identities are tied to individual concepts of personhood. Caring for the dying, however, resulted in Conflicts between values, beliefs, and principles within regnant concepts of personhood and their professional duties. These conflicts are captured as conflicts within ('disharmony') and/or between ('dyssynchrony') the rings of the RToP. These conflicts can result in changes to self-concepts of personhood and professional identities. Identity Refinement sees experience and timely support helping nurses attenuate the impact of difficult experiences. This reduces the risk of burnout and mitigates changes to their professional identities. Identity Refinement helps them develop a 'rooted identity' which remains relatively consistent in the face of adversity.ConclusionsOngoing Identity Construction amongst nurses, particularly in caring for the dying, underscore the host organisation's role in ensuring structured, longitudinal, accessible, and personalised assessments and support of nurses, especially when they are prone to dyssynchrony and disharmony whilst caring for the terminally ill. Further study into assessment methods and the role of the environment is critical

    Professional identity formation amongst peer-mentors in a research-based mentoring programme.

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    BackgroundMentoring plays a pivotal yet poorly understood role in shaping a physician's professional identity formation (PIF) or how they see, feel and act as professionals. New theories posit that mentoring nurtures PIF by functioning as a community of practice through its structured approach and its support of a socialisation process made possible by its assessment-directed personalized support. To test this theory and reshape the design, employ and support of mentoring programs, we evaluate peer-mentor experiences within the Palliative Medicine Initiative's structured research mentoring program.MethodsSemi-structured interviews with peer mentors under the Palliative Medicine Initiative (PMI) at National Cancer Centre Singapore were conducted and triangulated against mentoring diaries to capture longitudinal data of their PMI experiences. The Systematic Evidence-Based Approach (SEBA) was adopted to enhance the trustworthiness of the data. SEBA employed concurrent content and thematic analysis of the data to ensure a comprehensive review. The Jigsaw Perspective merged complementary themes and categories identified to create themes/categories. The themes/categories were compared with prevailing studies on mentoring in the Funnelling Process to reaffirm their accuracy.ResultsTwelve peer-mentors participated in the interviews and eight peer-mentors completed the mentoring diaries. The domains identified were community of practice and identity work.ConclusionsThe PMI's structured mentoring program functions as a community of practice supporting the socialisation process which shapes the peer-mentor's belief system. Guided by a structured mentoring approach, stage-based assessments, and longitudinal mentoring and peer support, peer-mentors enhance their detection and evaluation of threats to their regnant belief system and adapt their self-concepts of identity and personhood to suit their context. These insights will help structure and support mentoring programs as they nurture PIF beyond Palliative Medicine

    Assessing the effects of a mentoring program on professional identity formation.

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    BackgroundMedical education has enjoyed mixed fortunes nurturing professional identity formation (PIF), or how medical students think, feel and act as physicians. New data suggests that structured mentoring programs like the Palliative Medicine Initiative (PMI) may offer a means of developing PIF in a consistent manner. To better understand how a well-established structured research mentoring program shapes PIF, a study of the experiences of PMI mentees is proposed.MethodologyAcknowledging PIF as a sociocultural construct, a Constructivist approach and Relativist lens were adopted for this study. In the absence of an effective tool, the Ring Theory of Personhood (RToP) and Krishna-Pisupati Model (KPM) model were used to direct this dual Systematic Evidence-Based Approach (Dual-SEBA) study in designing, employing and analysing semi-structured interviews with PMI mentees and mentoring diaries. These served to capture changes in PIF over the course of the PMI's mentoring stages. Transcripts of the interviews and mentoring diaries were concurrently analysed using content and thematic analysis. Complementary themes and categories identified from the Split Approach were combined using the Jigsaw Approach and subsequently compared with mentoring diaries in the Funnelling Process. The domains created framed the discussion.ResultsA total of 12 mentee interviews and 17 mentoring diaries were analysed, revealing two domains-PMI as a Community of Practice (CoP) and Identity Formation. The domains confirmed the centrality of a structured CoP capable of facilitating longitudinal mentoring support and supporting the Socialisation Process along the mentoring trajectory whilst cultivating personalised and enduring mentoring relationships.ConclusionThe provision of a consistent mentoring approach and personalised, longitudinal mentoring support guided along the mentoring trajectory by structured mentoring assessments lay the foundations for more effective mentoring programs. The onus must now be on developing assessment tools, such as a KPM-based tool, to guide support and oversight of mentoring relationships

    Postgraduate ethics training programs: a systematic scoping review

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    BACKGROUND: Molding competent clinicians capable of applying ethics principles in their practice is a challenging task, compounded by wide variations in the teaching and assessment of ethics in the postgraduate setting. Despite these differences, ethics training programs should recognise that the transition from medical students to healthcare professionals entails a longitudinal process where ethics knowledge, skills and identity continue to build and deepen over time with clinical exposure. A systematic scoping review is proposed to analyse current postgraduate medical ethics training and assessment programs in peer-reviewed literature to guide the development of a local physician training curriculum. METHODS: With a constructivist perspective and relativist lens, this systematic scoping review on postgraduate medical ethics training and assessment will adopt the Systematic Evidence Based Approach (SEBA) to create a transparent and reproducible review. RESULTS: The first search involving the teaching of ethics yielded 7669 abstracts with 573 full text articles evaluated and 66 articles included. The second search involving the assessment of ethics identified 9919 abstracts with 333 full text articles reviewed and 29 articles included. The themes identified from the two searches were the goals and objectives, content, pedagogy, enabling and limiting factors of teaching ethics and assessment modalities used. Despite inherent disparities in ethics training programs, they provide a platform for learners to apply knowledge, translating it to skill and eventually becoming part of the identity of the learner. Illustrating the longitudinal nature of ethics training, the spiral curriculum seamlessly integrates and fortifies prevailing ethical knowledge acquired in medical school with the layering of new specialty, clinical and research specific content in professional practice. Various assessment methods are employed with special mention of portfolios as a longitudinal assessment modality that showcase the impact of ethics training on the development of professional identity formation (PIF). CONCLUSIONS: Our systematic scoping review has elicited key learning points in the teaching and assessment of ethics in the postgraduate setting. However, more research needs to be done on establishing Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA)s in ethics, with further exploration of the use of portfolios and key factors influencing its design, implementation and assessment of PIF and micro-credentialling in ethics practice. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12909-021-02644-5

    Adaptation of the Serious Illness Conversation Guide to Singapore's Multicultural Setting for Patients With Heart Failure, Renal Failure, or Cancer

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    Background: The Serious Illness Conversation Guide (SICG) was developed by Ariadne Labs in the United States. However, there is a scarcity of literature on the cross-cultural adaptations of the SICG in Asian settings. Objectives: We aimed to adapt the SICG for English-speaking patients with serious illnesses in Singapore. Methods: We purposively recruited 28 patients with advanced stages of heart failure, renal failure, or cancer from a tertiary hospital. A designated research team member conducted semistructured interviews to obtain participants' feedback on the SICG. The interviews were transcribed by the designated study team member. Participants' response to each item on the SICG was coded quantitatively into categories to denote participant acceptance, partial acceptance, or nonacceptance. Transcripts were further analyzed using content analysis to understand participants' rationale regarding feedback of the specific SICG item. Modifications to the SICG were iteratively made over time to obtain its current version. Results: Participants indicated a preference for direct language with shorter sentences and inclusive pronouns. It was considered important that clinicians keep the conversation hopeful, individualize the conversation content according to the patient's journey, and use prompts where necessary to support the patient's elaboration. Conclusion: This study outlined a patient-centric approach to localizing the SICG in the English language to a new cultural context, marking the first such effort in an Asian setting. Further study is under way to evaluate the SICG in more disease populations and non-English languages used in Singapore

    A Systematic Scoping Review on Dignity Assessment Tools.

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    ContextThe provision of person-centered dignity-conserving care is central to palliative care. It is important to reevaluate current methods of assessing dignity as the concept of dignity is multi-faceted.ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to understand the tools which are used to assess a patient's dignity and the elements of dignity evaluated in these tools.MethodsTwo independent and concurrent Systematic Evidence-Based Approach guided systematic scoping reviews (SSR in SEBA) on existing dignity assessment tools and on accounts of assessments of dignity were carried out. The SSR in SEBA on dignity assessment tools involving PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Scopus, and CINAHL databases saw 22 full-text articles included from the 645 articles reviewed. The SSR in SEBA on accounts of assessments of dignity featured in the PubMed database identified 102 full-text articles which saw 46 articles included.Resultsdomains identified were factors affecting patient's definition of dignity; elements of dignity conserving care; and components of effective tools.ConclusionCurrent accounts to assess dignity and assessment tools fail to capture shifting self-concepts of dignity holistically. A portfolio-like appraisal of dignity is proposed to achieve assessments which are timely, longitudinal, and patient-specific. Portfolio-based assessments by members of the multidisciplinary team will better direct timely evaluations of relevant aspects of changing concepts of dignity, without losing the patient's holistic perception of dignity

    Physician-patient boundaries in palliative care.

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    BackgroundNurturing effective physician-patient relationships is essential to the provision of patient-centred care. Palliative care physicians may apply boundary-crossings or breaches in professional standards to nurture effective physician-patient relationships. Being highly individualized and shaped by the physician's narratives, clinical experience, and contextual considerations, boundary-crossings are susceptible to ethical and professional violations. To better appreciate this concept, we employ the Ring Theory of Personhood (RToP) to map the effects of boundary-crossings on the physician's belief systems.MethodsAs part of the Tool Design SEBA methodology, a Systematic Evidence-Based Approach (SEBA) guided systematic scoping review was employed to guide the design of a semi-structured interview questionnaire with palliative care physicians. The transcripts were simultaneously content and thematically analysed. The themes and categories identified were combined using the Jigsaw Perspective and the resulting domains formed the basis for the discussion.ResultsThe domains identified from the 12 semi-structured interviews were catalysts and boundary-crossings. Boundary-crossings attempt to address threats to a physician's belief systems (catalysts) and are highly individualized. Employ of boundary-crossings depend on the physician's sensitivity to these 'catalysts', their judgement and willingness to act, and their ability to balance various considerations and reflect on their actions and their ramifications. These experiences reshape belief systems, understandings of boundary-crossings and may influence decision-making and practice, underscoring the potential for greater professional breaches when unchecked.ConclusionUnderlining its longitudinal effects, the Krishna Model underscores the importance of longitudinal support, assessment and oversight of palliative care physicians, and lays the foundation for a RToP-based tool to be employed within portfolios

    The role of patients’ stories in medicine: a systematic scoping review

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    Abstract Background Patients’ stories provide Palliative Care physicians with a glimpse into the former’s lives and their psycho-emotional, sociocultural, and contextual considerations. Yet, few physicians are trained to interpret and apply patients’ stories in their practice. Inherent variability in how stories are transmitted and interpreted raises questions over their potential effects on care. Amidst a dearth of accounts in Palliative Care, we map current use of patient stories to guide the training, assessment, and oversight of this ‘care influencing’ practice in medicine. Methods This systematic scoping review was guided by the Systematic Evidence-Based Approach (SEBA) to ensure a reproducible and structured approach. The themes and categories identified through the Split Approach’s concurrent and independent thematic and directed content analyses provided a comprehensive sketch of the included articles. The Jigsaw Perspective combined the themes and categories identified. The last stage of SEBA compared these results with two recent reviews of storytelling to ensure consistency of the domains created that guided the discussion. Results Ten thousand two hundred seven articles were reviewed, 963 full text articles were evaluated, and 199 articles were included. The four domains identified were study characteristics, benefits, approaches, and positive effects and concerns. Conclusion Stories support patient-centered, personalized, and holistic clinical care. However, variability in the stories, their interpretations and use in care decisions underscore the need for further study on the structuring, teaching, assessing, and delivery of this ‘care influencing’ practice. </jats:sec

    A systematic scoping review of group reflection in medical education.

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    BackgroundReviewing experiences and recognizing the impact of personal and professional views and emotions upon conduct shapes a physician's professional and personal development, molding their professional identity formation (PIF). Poor appreciation on the role of reflection, shortages in trained tutors and inadequate 'protected time' for reflections in packed medical curricula has hindered its integration into medical education. Group reflection could be a viable alternative to individual reflections; however, this nascent practice requires further study.MethodsA Systematic Evidence Based Approach guided Systematic Scoping Review (SSR in SEBA) was adopted to guide and structure a review of group reflections in medical education. Independent searches of articles published between 1st January 2000 and 30th June 2022 in bibliographic and grey literature databases were carried out. Included articles were analysed separately using thematic and content analysis, and combined into categories and themes. The themes/categories created were compared with the tabulated summaries of included articles to create domains that framed the synthesis of the discussion.Results1141 abstracts were reviewed, 193 full-text articles were appraised and 66 articles were included and the domains identified were theories; indications; types; structure; and benefits and challenges of group reflections.ConclusionsScaffolded by current approaches to individual reflections and theories and inculcated with nuanced adaptations from other medical practices, this SSR in SEBA suggests that structured group reflections may fill current gaps in training. However, design and assessment of the evidence-based structuring of group reflections proposed here must be the focus of future study

    Enhancing self-care education amongst medical students: a systematic scoping review

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    Abstract Background Reports of emotional, existential and moral distress amongst medical students witnessing death and suffering of patients during their clinical postings have raised awareness on the need for better psycho-emotional support during medical school. Furthermore, the stress experienced by medical students stemming from the rigours of their academic curriculum underlines the need for greater awareness on mental health issues and better self-care practices across medical training. With such programmes lacking in most medical schools, we propose a systematic scoping review (SSR) to map and address our research question, “what is known about self-care education interventions amongst medical students?”. Methods We adopted the Systematic Evidence-Based Approach to guide a systematic scoping review (SSR in SEBA) of relevant articles published between 1st January 2000 and 30th June 2023 in PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, ERIC, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases. The included articles were independently and concurrently thematically and content analysed, with complementary categories and themes combined using the Jigsaw Approach. The domains created from the Funnelling Process framed the discussion. Results A total of 6128 abstracts were identified, 429 full-text articles evaluated, and 147 articles included. The 6 domains identified were definition, topics, pedagogy, influences, outcomes and assessment. Most interventions were promising, though peer-led mindfulness-based interventions showed most promise in enhancing engagement, positively impacting personal wellbeing, and improving patient care. Overall, however, self-care education was poorly recognized, adopted and integrated into curricula. Conclusion Greater dedicated time and conducive practice environments within medical school curricula is required to enhance medical student wellbeing. Host organizations must ensure faculty are appropriately selected to instil the importance of self-care, be trained to assess and personalize self-care interventions and provide longitudinal assessment and support. Further study into assessing self-care capabilities is required. </jats:sec