235 research outputs found

    Probiotic potency of butyrate-producing bacteria for modulating the microbiome and epithelial barrier in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are characterized by a severe chronic, relapsing intestinal inflammation. An imbalance in structural and functional properties of the gut microbiota that can disrupt host-microbe homeostasis – defined as microbial dysbiosis – is associated with the etiology of IBD. Modulation of the dysbiosed gut microbiota in IBD is gaining more attention as a novel strategy to control the disease and to support current therapy. Butyrate-producing bacteria are considered as the future probiotics for IBD because butyrate has anti-inflammatory functions and has the capacity to strengthen the intestinal barrier. Before setting up clinical trials in humans with these novel probiotic candidates, more knowledge of their behavior under gastrointestinal conditions is required. The aim of this PhD research was to characterize and evaluate the potency of butyrate-producing bacteria, and especially of Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum, to modulate the microbiome and epithelial barrier in IBD. By using an in vitro intestinal technology platform, simulating the conditions from the stomach to the colon, we provided more insights in the potential of applying B. pullicaecorum or a mix of butyrate-producing bacteria as future probiotic for IBD

    Stimulus-Informed Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis of Stimulus-Following Brain Responses

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    In brain-computer interface or neuroscience applications, generalized canonical correlation analysis (GCCA) is often used to extract correlated signal components in the neural activity of different subjects attending to the same stimulus. This allows quantifying the so-called inter-subject correlation or boosting the signal-to-noise ratio of the stimulus-following brain responses with respect to other (non-)neural activity. GCCA is, however, stimulus-unaware: it does not take the stimulus information into account and does therefore not cope well with lower amounts of data or smaller groups of subjects. We propose a novel stimulus-informed GCCA algorithm based on the MAXVAR-GCCA framework. We show the superiority of the proposed stimulus-informed GCCA method based on the inter-subject correlation between electroencephalography responses of a group of subjects listening to the same speech stimulus, especially for lower amounts of data or smaller groups of subjects

    Two new methods to study anaerobic microbial metabolism and kinetics

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    Hydrodynamic chronoamperometry for probing kinetics of anaerobic microbial metabolism : case study of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii

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    Monitoring in vitro the metabolic activity of microorganisms aids bioprocesses and enables better understanding of microbial metabolism. Redox mediators can be used for this purpose via different electrochemical techniques that are either complex or only provide non-continuous data. Hydrodynamic chronoamperometry using a rotating disc electrode (RDE) can alleviate these issues but was seldom used and is poorly characterized. The kinetics of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii A2-165, a beneficial gut microbe, were determined using a RDE with riboflavin as redox probe. This butyrate producer anaerobically ferments glucose and reduces riboflavin whose continuous monitoring on a RDE provided highly accurate kinetic measurements of its metabolism, even at low cell densities. The metabolic reaction rate increased linearly over a broad range of cell concentrations (9 x 10(4) to 5 x 10(7) cells. mL(-1)). Apparent Michaelis-Menten kinetics was observed with respect to riboflavin (K-M = 6 mu M; k(cat) = 5.3x10(5) s(-1), at 37 degrees C) and glucose (K-M = 6 mu M; k(cat) = 2.4 x 10(5) s(-1)). The short temporal resolution allows continuous monitoring of fast cellular events such as kinetics inhibition with butyrate. Furthermore, we detected for the first time riboflavin reduction by another potential probiotic, Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum. The ability of the RDE for fast, accurate, simple and continuous measurements makes it an ad hoc tool for assessing bioprocesses at high resolution

    Bistable auto-aggregation phenotype in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum emerges after cultivation in in vitro colonic microbiota

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    Background Auto-aggregation is a desired property for probiotic strains because it is suggested to promote colonization of the human intestine, to prevent pathogen infections and to modulate the colonic mucosa. We recently reported the generation of adapted mutants of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum NZ3400, a derivative of the model strain WCFS1, for colonization under adult colonic conditions of PolyFermS continuous intestinal fermentation models. Here we describe and characterize the emerge of an auto-aggregating phenotype in L. plantarum NZ3400 derivatives recovered from the modelled gut microbiota. Results L. plantarum isolates were recovered from reactor effluent of four different adult microbiota and from spontaneously formed reactor biofilms. Auto-aggregation was observed in L. plantarum recovered from all microbiota and at higher percentage when recovered from biofilm than from effluent. Further, auto-aggregation percentage increased over time of cultivation in the microbiota. Starvation of the gut microbiota by interrupting the inflow of nutritive medium enhanced auto-aggregation, suggesting a link to nutrient availability. Auto-aggregation was lost under standard cultivation conditions for lactobacilli in MRS medium. However, it was reestablished during growth on sucrose and maltose and in a medium that simulates the abiotic gut environment. Remarkably, none of these conditions resulted in an auto-aggregation phenotype in the wild type strain NZ3400 nor other non-aggregating L. plantarum, indicating that auto-aggregation depends on the strain history. Whole genome sequencing analysis did not reveal any mutation responsible for the auto-aggregation phenotype. Transcriptome analysis showed highly significant upregulation of LP_RS05225 (msa) at 4.1–4.4 log2-fold-change and LP_RS05230 (marR) at 4.5–5.4 log2-fold-change in all auto-aggregating strains compared to non-aggregating. These co-expressed genes encode a mannose-specific adhesin protein and transcriptional regulator, respectively. Mapping of the RNA-sequence reads to the promoter region of the msa-marR operon reveled a DNA inversion in this region that is predominant in auto-aggregating but not in non-aggregating strains. This strongly suggests a role of this inversion in the auto-aggregation phenotype. Conclusions L. plantarum NZ3400 adapts to the in vitro colonic environment by developing an auto-aggregation phenotype. Similar aggregation phenotypes may promote gut colonization and efficacy of other probiotics and should be further investigated by using validated continuous models of gut fermentation such as PolyFermS

    Identification of Valerate as Carrying Capacity Modulator by Analyzing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Colonization of Colonic Microbiota in vitro

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    Humans ingest many microorganisms, which may colonize and interact with the resident gut microbiota. However, extensive knowledge about host-independent microbe-microbe interactions is lacking. Here, we investigated such colonization process using a derivative of the model probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum WCFS1 into continuously cultivated gut microbiota in the intestinal PolyFermS fermentation model inoculated with five independently immobilized human adult fecal microbiota. L. plantarum successfully colonized and organized itself spatially in the planktonic, that is, the reactor effluent, and sessile, that is, reactor biofilm, fractions of distinct human adult microbiota. The microbiota carrying capacity for L. plantarum was independent of L. plantarum introduction dose and second supplementation. Adult microbiota (n = 3) dominated by Prevotella and Ruminoccocus exhibited a higher carrying capacity than microbiota (n = 2) dominated by Bacteroides with 105^{5} and 103^{3} CFU/ml of L. plantarum, respectively. Cultivation of human adult microbiota over 3 months resulted in decreased carrying capacity and correlated positively with richness and evenness, suggesting enhanced resistance toward colonizers. Our analyses ultimately allowed us to identify the fermentation metabolite valerate as a modulator to increase the carrying capacity in a microbiota-independent manner. In conclusion, by uncoupling microbe-microbe interactions from host factors, we showed that L. plantarum colonizes the in vitro colonic community in a microbiota-dependent manner. We were further able to demonstrate that L. plantarum colonization levels were not susceptible to the introduction parameters dose and repeated administration but to microbiota features. Such knowledge is relevant in gaining a deeper ecological understanding of colonizer-microbiota interactions and developing robust probiotic strategies

    In Vitro Gut Modeling as a Tool for Adaptive Evolutionary Engineering of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum

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    Research and marketing of probiotics demand holistic strain improvement considering both the biotic and abiotic gut environment. Here, we aim to establish the continuous in vitro colonic fermentation model PolyFermS as a tool for adaptive evolutionary engineering. Immobilized fecal microbiota from adult donors were steadily cultivated up to 72 days in PolyFermS reactors, providing a long-term compositional and functional stable ecosystem akin to the donor’s gut. Inoculation of the gut microbiota with immobilized or planktonic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum NZ3400, a derivative of the probiotic model strain WCFS1, led to successful colonization. Whole-genome sequencing of 45 recovered strains revealed mutations in 16 genes involved in signaling, metabolism, transport, and cell surface. Remarkably, mutations in LP_RS14990, LP_RS15205, and intergenic region LP_RS05100<LP_RS05095 were found in recovered strains from different adaptation experiments. Combined addition of the reference strain NZ3400 and each of those mutants to the gut microbiota resulted in increased abundance of the corresponding mutant in PolyFermS microbiota after 10 days, showing the beneficial nature of these mutations. Our data show that the PolyFermS system is a suitable technology to generate adapted mutants for colonization under colonic conditions. Analysis thereof will provide knowledge about factors involved in gut microbiota colonization and persistence
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