15 research outputs found
Concept for a fast tracking 60 GHz 3D-radar using frequency scanning antennas
This paper discusses the system concept for a compact three dimensional (3D) millimeter wave radar system for tracking fast moving objects with low radar cross section (RCS). The concept contains two orthogonally arranged two dimensional (2D) scanning radar frontends operating in a fast time-multiplexed mode. The 2D scanning is achieved by FMCW based operation of frequency steering meander-line antennas, which allow very fast generation of 2D scans of the monitored area. Both 2D scans are then combined into a three dimensional representation of the monitored area and therefore the tracking of fast moving objects in single target scenarios is possible
System design of a fast W-band line scan camera using a broadband SFCW approach
In this paper the development of a W-band line scan camera for the use in industrial quality control applications is described. In order to achieve a high line scan rate, a DDS-based baseband generation approach is employed to drive multiple pixel clusters. Each cluster comprising four channels is operated in a time-division multiplexed mode. This allows for the channel clusters to be cascaded and enables wide scan lines without causing additional timing or configuration overhead. The novel system approach is based on independent frontend modules enabling transmission and reflection measurements as well as hybrid geometries. Using flexible dielectric waveguides and 3D printed support structures, arbitrary pixel configurations can be realized in space-constrained environments. The scan time of below 2 ms for a scan line of arbitrary width qualifies the system for the use in real time measurements on conveyor belts with speeds exceeding 5 m/s
Multi-sensor field trials for detection and tracking of multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles flying at low altitude
Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flying at low altitude are becoming more and more a serious threat in civilian and military scenarios. In recent past, numerous incidents have been reported where small UAV were flying in security areas leading to serious danger to public safety or privacy. The detection and tracking of small UAV is a widely discussed topic. Especially, small UAV flying at low altitude in urban environment or near background structures and the detection of multiple UAV at the same time is challenging. Field trials were carried out to investigate the detection and tracking of multiple UAV flying at low altitude with state of the art detection technologies. Here, we present results which were achieved using a heterogeneous sensor network consisting of acoustic antennas, small frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) RADAR systems and optical sensors. While acoustics, RADAR and LiDAR were applied to monitor a wide azimuthal area (360◦) and to simultaneously track multiple UAV, optical sensors were used for sequential identification with a very narrow field of view
Multimodal UAV detection: Study of various intrusion scenarios
Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular and affordable the last years for professional and private consumer market, with varied capacities and performances. Recent events showed that illicit or hostile uses constitute an emergent, quickly evolutionary threat. Recent developments in UAV technologies tend to bring autonomous, highly agile and capable unmanned aerial vehicles to the market. These UAVs can be used for spying operations as well as for transporting illicit or hazardous material (smuggling, flying improvised explosive devices). The scenario of interest concerns the protection of sensitive zones against the potential threat constituted by small drones. In the recent past, field trials were carried out to investigate the detection and tracking of multiple UAV flying at low altitude. Here, we present results which were achieved using a heterogeneous sensor network consisting of acoustic antennas, small FMCW RADAR systems and optica l sensors. While acoustics and RADAR was applied to monitor a wide azimuthal area (360°), optical sensors were used for sequentially identification. The localization results have been compared to the ground truth data to estimate the efficiency of each detection system. Seven-microphone acoustic arrays allow single source localization. The mean azimuth and elevation estimation error has been measured equal to 1.5 and -2.5 degrees respectively. The FMCW radar allows tracking of multiple UAVs by estimating their range, azimuth and motion speed. Both technologies can be linked to the electro-optical system for final identification of the detected object