2,614 research outputs found

    Neutron Diffuse Scattering from Polar Nanoregions in the Relaxor Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3

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    We have studied the neutron diffuse scattering in the relaxor PMN. The diffuse scattering appears around the Burns temperature (~620K), indicating its origin from the polar nanoregions (PNR). While the relative diffuse intensities are consistent with previous reports, they are entirely different from those of the lowest-energy TO phonon. Because of that, it has been considered that this TO mode could not be the ferroelectric soft mode. Recently, a neutron scattering study has unambiguously shown that the TO mode does soften on cooling. If the diffuse scattering in PMN originates from the soft mode condensation, then the atomic displacements must satisfy the center of mass condition. But, the atomic displacements determined from diffuse scattering intensities do not fulfill this condition. To resolve this contradiction, we propose a simple model in which the total atomic displacement consists of two components: δCM\delta_{CM} is created by the soft mode condensation, satisfying the center of mass condition, and, δshift\delta_{shift} represents a uniform displacement of the PNR along their polar direction relative to the surrounding (unpolarized) cubic matrix. Within this framework, we can successfully describe the neutron diffuse scattering intensities observed in PMN.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures (Revised: 11-16-2001

    Quantum Impurities in the Two-Dimensional Spin One-Half Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    The study of randomness in low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets is at the forefront of research in the field of strongly correlated electron systems, yet there have been relatively few experimental model systems. Complementary neutron scattering and numerical experiments demonstrate that the spin-diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet La2Cu(1-z)(Zn,Mg)zO4 is an excellent model material for square-lattice site percolation in the extreme quantum limit of spin one-half. Measurements of the ordered moment and spin correlations provide important quantitative information for tests of theories for this complex quantum-impurity problem.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. NOTE: possible errors in PDF version of Fig. 1. View postscript version of figure if possibl

    Soft Mode Dynamics Above and Below the Burns Temperature in the Relaxor Pb(Mg_1/3Nb_2/3)O_3

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    We report neutron inelastic scattering measurements of the lowest-energy transverse optic (TO) phonon branch in the relaxor Pb(Mg_1/3Nb_2/3)O_3 from 400 to 1100 K. Far above the Burns temperature T_d ~ 620 K we observe well-defined propagating TO modes at all wave vectors q, and a zone center TO mode that softens in a manner consistent with that of a ferroelectric soft mode. Below T_d the zone center TO mode is overdamped. This damping extends up to, but not above, the waterfall wave vector q_wf, which is a measure of the average size of the PNR.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; modified discussion of Fig. 3, shortened captions, added reference, corrected typos, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Density matrix renormalisation group study of the correlation function of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain

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    Using the recently developed density matrix renormalization group approach, we study the correlation function of the spin-1 chain with quadratic and biquadratic interactions. This allows us to define and calculate the periodicity of the ground state which differs markedly from that in the classical analogue. Combining our results with other studies, we predict three phases in the region where the quadratic and biquadratic terms are both positive.Comment: 13 pages, Standard Latex File + 5 PostScript figures in separate (New version with SUBSTANTIAL REVISIONS to appear in J Phys A

    Dynamical effects of the nanometer-sized polarized domains in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3

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    Recent neutron scattering measurements performed on the relaxor ferroelectric Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.92Ti0.08]O3 (PZN-8%PT) in its cubic phase at 500 K, have revealed an anomalous ridge of inelastic scattering centered ~0.2 A-1 from the zone center (Gehring et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5216 (2000)). This ridge of scattering resembles a waterfall when plotted as a phonon dispersion diagram, and extends vertically from the transverse acoustic (TA) branch near 4 meV to the transverse optic (TO) branch near 9 meV. No zone center optic mode was found. We report new results from an extensive neutron scattering study of pure PZN that exhibits the same waterfall feature. We are able to model the dynamics of the waterfall using a simple coupled-mode model that assumes a strongly q-dependent optic mode linewidth Gamma1(q) that increases sharply near 0.2 A-1 as one approaches the zone center. This model was motivated by the results of Burns and Dacol in 1983, who observed the formation of a randomly-oriented local polarization in PZN at temperatures far above its ferroelectric phase transition temperature. The dramatic increase in Gamma1 is believed to occur when the wavelength of the optic mode becomes comparable to the size of the small polarized micro-regions (PMR) associated with this randomly-oriented local polarization, with the consequence that longer wavelength optic modes cannot propagate and become overdamped. Below Tc=410 K, the intensity of the waterfall diminishes. At lowest temperatures ~30 K the waterfall is absent, and we observe the recovery of a zone center transverse optic mode near 10.5 meV.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (one color). Submitted to Physical Review

    Coexistence and competition of local- and long-range polar orders in a ferroelectric relaxor

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    We have performed a series of neutron diffuse scattering measurements on a single crystal of the solid solution Pb(Zn1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3 (PZN) doped with 8% PbTiO3_3 (PT), a relaxor compound with a Curie temperature TC∼450_C \sim 450 K, in an effort to study the change in local polar orders from the polar nanoregions (PNR) when the material enters the ferroelectric phase. The diffuse scattering intensity increases monotonically upon cooling in zero field, while the rate of increase varies dramatically around different Bragg peaks. These results can be explained by assuming that corresponding changes occur in the ratio of the optic and acoustic components of the atomic displacements within the PNR. Cooling in the presence of a modest electric field E⃗\vec{E} oriented along the [111] direction alters the shape of diffuse scattering in reciprocal space, but does not eliminate the scattering as would be expected in the case of a classic ferroelectric material. This suggests that a field-induced redistribution of the PNR has taken place

    X-ray scattering study of two length scales in the critical fluctuations of CuGeO3

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    The critical fluctuations of CuGeO3_3 have been measured by synchrotron x-ray scattering, and two length scales are clearly observed. The ratio between the two length scales is found to be significantly different along the aa axis, with the aa axis along the surface normal direction. We believe that such a directional preference is a clear sign that surface random strains, especially those caused by dislocations, are the origin of the long length scale fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
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