93 research outputs found

    Wide-field LOFAR-LBA power-spectra analyses: Impact of calibration, polarization leakage and ionosphere

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    Contamination due to foregrounds (Galactic and Extra-galactic), calibration errors and ionospheric effects pose major challenges in detection of the cosmic 21 cm signal in various Epoch of Reionization (EoR) experiments. We present the results of a pilot study of a field centered on 3C196 using LOFAR Low Band (56-70 MHz) observations, where we quantify various wide field and calibration effects such as gain errors, polarized foregrounds, and ionospheric effects. We observe a `pitchfork' structure in the 2D power spectrum of the polarized intensity in delay-baseline space, which leaks into the modes beyond the instrumental horizon (EoR/CD window). We show that this structure largely arises due to strong instrumental polarization leakage (∼30%\sim30\%) towards {Cas\,A} (∼21\sim21 kJy at 81 MHz, brightest source in northern sky), which is far away from primary field of view. We measure an extremely small ionospheric diffractive scale (rdiff≈430r_{\text{diff}} \approx 430 m at 60 MHz) towards {Cas\,A} resembling pure Kolmogorov turbulence compared to rdiff∼3−20r_{\text{diff}} \sim3 - 20 km towards zenith at 150 MHz for typical ionospheric conditions. This is one of the smallest diffractive scales ever measured at these frequencies. Our work provides insights in understanding the nature of aforementioned effects and mitigating them in future Cosmic Dawn observations (e.g. with SKA-low and HERA) in the same frequency window.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Role of diffusion weighted MR imaging in differentiating benign from malignant prostate lesions

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    Background: The purpose of the study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of diffusion weighted MR imaging and to propose a cut off ADC value in differentiating benign from malignant prostatic lesions considering histopathology as gold standard.Methods: It is a descriptive type of observational study done on 40 patients with clinical suspicion of prostate carcinoma and elevated PSA level more than 4ng/ml. The patients underwent Multiparametric prostate MRI and ADC values were calculated using ADC maps.Results: Of the 40 cases included in the study histopathology revealed a diagnosis of abscess (1), chronic prostatitis (2), BPH with chronic prostatitis (4), BPH (12), and malignancy (21). The mean and standard deviation (SD) of ADC values for the abscess (0.59), CP (0.83+0.16), BPH with CP (0.94+0.22), BPH (1.14+0.14) and malignancy (0.72+0.15) (x10-3mm2/s) were found in our study. The mean ADC value of malignant lesion was lower (0.727+0.149) as compare to benign lesion (1.034+0.216) and this difference was found to be statistically significant with p<0.001. By using ROC curve, ADC cut off value was calculated as 0.92 x 10-3mm2/s and sensitivity, specificity at this cut off value of ADC were 95.24% and 73.68% respectively. The PPV, NPV, diagnostic accuracy of at this cut off value of ADC were 80%, 93.33%, 85% respectively.Conclusions: Our study shows that DWI with ADC calculation helps in differentiation of Benign from Malignant prostatic lesions with high accuracy and this quantitative analysis should be incorporated in routine MRI evaluation of prostatic lesion

    First results of evaporation residue cross-section measurements of 32^{32}S+208^{208}Pb system

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    The dynamics of heavy ion-induced reactions play a critical role in forming super heavy elements (SHE), and one clear signature of the SHE formation is the evaporation residue (ER). In our pursuit of SHE, we present the heaviest element populated in India for ER cross-section measurements. These are the first-ever measurements of the Evaporation Residue (ER) cross-sections for the nuclear reactions between 32^{32}S and 208^{208}Pb. These measurements were conducted above the Coulomb barrier at four distinct beam energies in the laboratory frame, ranging from 176 to 191 MeV at the pelletron Linac facility at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi. The Hybrid Recoil Mass Analyzer (HYRA) in a gas-filled mode was employed for these experiments. The obtained range of ER cross-sections enriches our knowledge and helps advance the field of heavy ion-induced reactions, especially in the context of super heavy element formation.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2311.0904

    A novel radio imaging method for physical spectral index modelling

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    We present a new method, called "forced-spectrum fitting", for physically-based spectral modelling of radio sources during deconvolution. This improves upon current common deconvolution fitting methods, which often produce inaccurate spectra. Our method uses any pre-existing spectral index map to assign spectral indices to each model component cleaned during the multi-frequency deconvolution of WSClean, where the pre-determined spectrum is fitted. The component magnitude is evaluated by performing a modified weighted linear least-squares fit. We test this method on a simulated LOFAR-HBA observation of the 3C196 QSO and a real LOFAR-HBA observation of the 4C+55.16 FRI galaxy. We compare the results from the forced-spectrum fitting with traditional joined-channel deconvolution using polynomial fitting. Because no prior spectral information was available for 4C+55.16, we demonstrate a method for extracting spectral indices in the observed frequency band using "clustering". The models generated by the forced-spectrum fitting are used to improve the calibration of the datasets. The final residuals are comparable to existing multi-frequency deconvolution methods, but the output model agrees with the provided spectral index map, embedding correct spectral information. While forced-spectrum fitting does not solve the determination of the spectral information itself, it enables the construction of accurate multi-frequency models that can be used for wide-band calibration and subtraction.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Measurements of evaporation residue cross-sections and evaporation residue-gated γ\gamma-ray fold distributions for 32^{32}S+154^{154}Sm system

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    Evaporation Residue (ER) cross-sections and ER-gated γ\gamma-ray fold distributions are measured for the 32^{32}S + 154^{154}Sm nuclear reaction above the Coulomb barrier at six different beam energies from 148 to 191 MeV. γ\gamma-ray multiplicities and spin distributions are extracted from the ER-gated fold distributions. The ER cross-sections measured in the present work are found to be much higher than what was reported in a previous work using a very different target-projectile (48^{48}Ti + 138^{138}Ba) combination, leading to the same compound nucleus 186^{186}Pt, with much less mass asymmetry in the entrance channel than the present reaction. This clearly demonstrates the effect of the entrance channel on ER production cross-section. The ER cross-sections measured in the present work are compared with the results of both the statistical model calculations and the dynamical model calculations. Statistical model calculations have been performed to generate a range of parameter space for both the barrier height and Kramers' viscosity parameter over which the ER cross-section data can be reproduced. The calculations performed using the dinuclear system (DNS) model reproduce the data considering both complete and incomplete fusion processes. DNS calculations indicate the need for the inclusion of incomplete fusion channel at higher energies to reproduce the ER cross-sections.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Assessing the impact of two independent direction-dependent calibration algorithms on the LOFAR 21-cm signal power spectrum

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    Detecting the 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) is challenging due to the strong astrophysical foregrounds, ionospheric effects, radio frequency interference and instrumental effects. Understanding and calibrating these effects are crucial for the detection. In this work, we introduce a newly developed direction-dependent (DD) calibration algorithm DDECAL and compare its performance with an existing algorithm, SAGECAL, in the context of the LOFAR-EoR 21-cm power spectrum experiment. In our data set, the North Celestial Pole (NCP) and its flanking fields were observed simultaneously. We analyse the NCP and one of its flanking fields. The NCP field is calibrated by the standard pipeline, using SAGECAL with an extensive sky model and 122 directions, and the flanking field is calibrated by DDECAL and SAGECAL with a simpler sky model and 22 directions. Additionally, two strategies are used for subtracting Cassiopeia A and Cygnus A. The results show that DDECAL performs better at subtracting sources in the primary beam region due to the application of a beam model, while SAGECAL performs better at subtracting Cassiopeia A and Cygnus A. This indicates that including a beam model during DD calibration significantly improves the performance. The benefit is obvious in the primary beam region. We also compare the 21-cm power spectra on two different fields. The results show that the flanking field produces better upper limits compared to the NCP in this particular observation. Despite the minor differences between DDECAL and SAGECAL due to the beam application, we find that the two algorithms yield comparable 21-cm power spectra on the LOFAR-EoR data after foreground removal. Hence, the current LOFAR-EoR 21-cm power spectrum limits are not likely to depend on the DD calibration method.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The AARTFAAC Cosmic Explorer:Observations of the 21-cm power spectrum in the EDGES absorption trough

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    The 21-cm absorption feature reported by the EDGES collaboration is several times stronger than that predicted by traditional astrophysical models. If genuine, a deeper absorption may lead to stronger fluctuations on the 21-cm signal on degree scales (up to 1~Kelvin in rms), allowing these fluctuations to be detectable in nearly 50~times shorter integration times compared to previous predictions. We commenced the "AARTFAAC Cosmic Explorer" (ACE) program, that employs the AARTFAAC wide-field imager, to measure or set limits on the power spectrum of the 21-cm fluctuations in the redshift range z=17.9−18.6z = 17.9-18.6 (Δν=72.36−75.09\Delta\nu = 72.36-75.09~MHz) corresponding to the deep part of the EDGES absorption feature. Here, we present first results from two LST bins: 23.5-23.75h and 23.5-23.75h, each with 2~h of data, recorded in `semi drift-scan' mode. We demonstrate the application of the new ACE data-processing pipeline (adapted from the LOFAR-EoR pipeline) on the AARTFAAC data. We observe that noise estimates from the channel and time-differenced Stokes~VV visibilities agree with each other. After 2~h of integration and subtraction of bright foregrounds, we obtain 2σ2\sigma upper limits on the 21-cm power spectrum of Δ212<(8139 mK)2\Delta_{21}^2 < (8139~\textrm{mK})^2 and Δ212<(8549 mK)2\Delta_{21}^2 < (8549~\textrm{mK})^2 at k=0.144 h cMpc−1k = 0.144~h\,\textrm{cMpc}^{-1} for the two LST bins. Incoherently averaging the noise bias-corrected power spectra for the two LST bins yields an upper limit of Δ212<(7388 mK)2\Delta_{21}^2 < (7388~\textrm{mK})^2 at k=0.144 h cMpc−1k = 0.144~h\,\textrm{cMpc}^{-1}. These are the deepest upper limits thus far at these redshifts.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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