564 research outputs found
Multi-particle structure in the Z_n-chiral Potts models
We calculate the lowest translationally invariant levels of the Z_3- and
Z_4-symmetrical chiral Potts quantum chains, using numerical diagonalization of
the hamiltonian for N <= 12 and N <= 10 sites, respectively, and extrapolating
N to infinity. In the high-temperature massive phase we find that the pattern
of the low-lying zero momentum levels can be explained assuming the existence
of n-1 particles carrying Z_n-charges Q = 1, ... , n-1 (mass m_Q), and their
scattering states. In the superintegrable case the masses of the n-1 particles
become proportional to their respective charges: m_Q = Q m_1. Exponential
convergence in N is observed for the single particle gaps, while power
convergence is seen for the scattering levels. We also verify that
qualitatively the same pattern appears for the self-dual and integrable cases.
For general Z_n we show that the energy-momentum relations of the particles
show a parity non-conservation asymmetry which for very high temperatures is
exclusive due to the presence of a macroscopic momentum P_m=(1-2Q/n)/\phi,
where \phi is the chiral angle and Q is the Z_n-charge of the respective
particle.Comment: 22 pages (LaTeX) plus 5 figures (included as PostScript),
Spin operator matrix elements in the superintegrable chiral Potts quantum chain
We derive spin operator matrix elements between general eigenstates of the
superintegrable Z_N-symmetric chiral Potts quantum chain of finite length. Our
starting point is the extended Onsager algebra recently proposed by R.Baxter.
For each pair of spaces (Onsager sectors) of the irreducible representations of
the Onsager algebra, we calculate the spin matrix elements between the
eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of the quantum chain in factorized form, up to
an overall scalar factor. This factor is known for the ground state Onsager
sectors. For the matrix elements between the ground states of these sectors we
perform the thermodynamic limit and obtain the formula for the order
parameters. For the Ising quantum chain in a transverse field (N=2 case) the
factorized form for the matrix elements coincides with the corresponding
expressions obtained recently by the Separation of Variables Method.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur
Factorized finite-size Ising model spin matrix elements from Separation of Variables
Using the Sklyanin-Kharchev-Lebedev method of Separation of Variables adapted
to the cyclic Baxter--Bazhanov--Stroganov or -model, we derive
factorized formulae for general finite-size Ising model spin matrix elements,
proving a recent conjecture by Bugrij and Lisovyy
Minimal Unitary Models and The Closed SU(2)-q Invariant Spin Chain
We consider the Hamiltonian of the closed invariant chain. We
project a particular class of statistical models belonging to the unitary
minimal series. A particular model corresponds to a particular value of the
coupling constant. The operator content is derived. This class of models has
charge-dependent boundary conditions. In simple cases (Ising, 3-state Potts)
corresponding Hamiltonians are constructed. These are non-local as the original
spin chain.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figure
Eigenvectors in the Superintegrable Model I: sl_2 Generators
In order to calculate correlation functions of the chiral Potts model, one
only needs to study the eigenvectors of the superintegrable model. Here we
start this study by looking for eigenvectors of the transfer matrix of the
periodic tau_2(t)model which commutes with the chiral Potts transfer matrix. We
show that the degeneracy of the eigenspace of tau_2(t) in the Q=0 sector is
2^r, with r=(N-1)L/N when the size of the transfer matrix L is a multiple of N.
We introduce chiral Potts model operators, different from the more commonly
used generators of quantum group U-tilde_q(sl-hat(2)). From these we can form
the generators of a loop algebra L(sl(2)). For this algebra, we then use the
roots of the Drinfeld polynomial to give new explicit expressions for the
generators representing the loop algebra as the direct sum of r copies of the
simple algebra sl(2).Comment: LaTeX 2E document, 11 pages, 1 eps figure, using iopart.cls with
graphicx and iopams packages. v2: Appended text to title, added
acknowledgments and made several minor corrections v3: Added reference,
eliminated ambiguity, corrected a few misprint
The modified tetrahedron equation and its solutions
A large class of 3-dimensional integrable lattice spin models is constructed.
The starting point is an invertible canonical mapping operator in the space of
a triple Weyl algebra. This operator is derived postulating a current branching
principle together with a Baxter Z-invariance. The tetrahedron equation for
this operator follows without further calculations. If the Weyl parameter is
taken to be a root of unity, the mapping operator decomposes into a matrix
conjugation and a C-number functional mapping. The operator of the matrix
conjugation satisfies a modified tetrahedron equation (MTE) in which the
"rapidities" are solutions of a classical integrable Hirota-type equation. The
matrix elements of this operator can be represented in terms of the
Bazhanov-Baxter Fermat curve cyclic functions, or alternatively in terms of
Gauss functions. The paper summarizes several recent publications on the
subject.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures using epic/eepic package, Contribution to the
proceedings of the 6th International Conference on CFTs and Integrable
Models, Chernogolovka, Spetember 2002, reference adde
Conformal off-diagonal boundary density profiles on a semi-infinite strip
The off-diagonal profile phi(v) associated with a local operator (order
parameter or energy density) close to the boundary of a semi-infinite strip
with width L is obtained at criticality using conformal methods. It involves
the surface exponent x_phi^s and displays a simple universal behaviour which
crosses over from surface finite-size scaling when v/L is held constant to
corner finite-size scaling when v/L -> 0.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, IOP macros and eps
Time resolved emission spectroscopy of poly(2,5-dicyano-p-phenylene-vinylene) films
Films of poly (2,5-dicyano-p-phenylene vinylene), DCNPPV, were obtained by electrochemical synthesis over gold thin layer (20 nm) transparent electrode deposited on a glass plate. The DCNPPV films of 4 µm thickness were produced by electropolymerization process of α,α,α',α'-tetrabromo-2-5-dicyano-p-xilene at different applied potentials (-0.15, -0.25, -0.40, -0.60, -0.80, and -1.0 V) using 0.1 mol L-1 of tetraethylammonium bromide in acetonitrile as the supporting electrolyte. The emission decays have three exponential components: a fast component in the picosecond range (200-400 ps), and two other of about one and five nanoseconds at 293 K. The fluorescence quenching process seems to occur by exciton trapping in a low-energy site and quenching by residual bromine monomer attached at the end of the polymer chain. However, the electrochemical synthesis generates entrapped bromide or ion pairs during the growth step of the film which also contributes to the deactivation. The change of the electrolyte from bromide to perchlorate reduces significantly this additional quenching effect by allowing ion exchange of formed bromide with the nonquenching perchloride anion.Filmes finos de poli(2,5-diciano-p-fenileno vinileno), DCNPPV, foram produzidos por síntese eletroquímica com variação do potencial aplicado de-0,15 até-1,0 V, e depositados sobre camada fina de ouro sobre vidro. A cinética de estado excitado destes materiais foi investigada por medidas de decaimentos de fluorescência. Os filmes apresentam decaimentos com três componentes, uma rápida da ordem de 200-400 picossegundos, e outra duas componentes de aproximadamente um e cinco nanossegundos, na temperatura de 293 K. O decaimento de fluorescência ocorre pela desativação em sítios de baixa energia na cadeia polimérica conjugada e por supressão do estado excitado por monômeros bromados terminais da cadeia e íons brometo aprisionados durante o crescimento eletroquímico do filme. A mudança do ânion do eletrólito suporte de brometo para perclorato reduziu de modo significativo essa contribuição de supressão do estado excitado como resultado da troca iônica por uma espécie não supressora.FAPESPCNP
Finite-size scaling corrections in two-dimensional Ising and Potts ferromagnets
Finite-size corrections to scaling of critical correlation lengths and free
energies of Ising and three-state Potts ferromagnets are analysed by numerical
methods, on strips of width sites of square, triangular and honeycomb
lattices. Strong evidence is given that the amplitudes of the ``analytical''
correction terms, , are identically zero for triangular-- and honeycomb
Ising systems. For Potts spins, our results are broadly consistent with this
lattice-dependent pattern of cancellations, though for correlation lengths
non-vanishing (albeit rather small) amplitudes cannot be entirely ruled out.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX with Institute of Physics macros, 2 EPS figures; to
appear in Journal of Physics
Random Matrix Theory and higher genus integrability: the quantum chiral Potts model
We perform a Random Matrix Theory (RMT) analysis of the quantum four-state
chiral Potts chain for different sizes of the chain up to size L=8. Our
analysis gives clear evidence of a Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble statistics,
suggesting the existence of a generalized time-reversal invariance.
Furthermore a change from the (generic) GOE distribution to a Poisson
distribution occurs when the integrability conditions are met. The chiral Potts
model is known to correspond to a (star-triangle) integrability associated with
curves of genus higher than zero or one. Therefore, the RMT analysis can also
be seen as a detector of ``higher genus integrability''.Comment: 23 pages and 10 figure
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