751 research outputs found

    Bond Graph Model Based and Fuzzy Logic For Robust FDI of Mechatronic Systems

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    Emulsions stabilised by whey protein microgel particles: Towards food-grade Pickering emulsions

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    We have investigated a new class of food-grade particles, whey protein microgels, as stabilisers of triglyceride-water emulsions. The sub-micron particles stabilized oil-in-water emulsions at all pH with and without salt. All emulsions creamed but exhibited exceptional resistance to coalescence. Clear correlations exist between the properties of the microgels in aqueous dispersion and the resulting emulsion characteristics. For conditions in which the particles were uncharged, fluid emulsions with relatively large drops were stabilised, whereas emulsions stabilized by charged particles contained smaller flocculated drops. A combination of optical microscopy of the drops and spectrophotometry of the resolved aqueous phase allowed us to estimate the interfacial adsorption densities of the particles using the phenomenon of limited coalescence. We deduce two classes of particle arrangement. Complete adsorption of the particles was obtained when they were neutral or when their charges were screened by salt resulting in at least one particle monolayer at the interface. By contrast, only around 50% of the particles adsorbed when they were charged with emulsion drops being covered by less than half a monolayer. These findings were supported by direct visualization of drop interfaces using cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Uncharged particles were highly aggregated and formed a continuous 2-D network at the interface. Otherwise particles organized as individual aggregates separated by particle-free regions. In this case, we suggest that some particles spread at the interface leading to the formation of a continuous protein membrane. Charged particles displayed the ability to bridge opposing interfaces of neighbouring drops to form dense particle disks protecting drops against coalescence; this is the main reason for the flocculation and stability of emulsions containing sparsely covered drops. © 2014 the Partner Organisations

    Robust fault decision : Contribution to Omni directional Mobile Robot

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    Fault diagnosis is crucial for ensuring the safe operation of complex engineering systems and avoiding the execution of an unsafe behaviour. This chapter deals with Robust Decision Making (RDM) for fault detection of electromechanical systems by combining the advantages of Bond Graph (BG) modeling and Fuzzy logic reasoning. A fault diagnosis method implemented in two stages is proposed. In the first stage, the residuals are deduced from the BG model allowing the building of a Fault Signature Matrix (FSM) according to the sensitivity of residuals to different parameters. In the second stage, the result of FSM and the robust residual thresholds are used by the fuzzy reasoning mechanism in order to evaluate a degree of detectability for each set of components. Finally, in order to make robust decision according to the detected fault component, an analysis is done between the output variables of the fuzzy system and components having the same signature in the FSM. The performance of the proposed fault diagnosis methodology is demonstrated through experimental data of an omni directional robot. - See more at: http://www.eurekaselect.com/102039/chapter/robust-fault-decision%3A-appl...

    The German dual system: a model for Europe?

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    "Die Stärke und Flexibilität des dualen Systems der Berufsausbildung wird im allgemeinen mit dem sozialen Konsens im deutschen System der industriellen Beziehungen erklärt. Viele Studien führen sogar den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg , speziell im Export, auf die Qualität der Berufsausbildung zurück, die dieses System stützt. Deshalb ist zu erwarten, daß das deutsche Modell auf das besondere Interesse in den europäischen Ländern stößt, in denen das Bildungssystem in einer Krise zu stecken scheint. Basierend auf einem Vergleich mit Frankreich wird in diesem Beitrag versucht, eine dynamischere und globalere (die berufliche Fort- und Weiterbildung umgreifende) Sicht des deutschen dualen Systems zu entwerfen. Es wird argumentiert, daß sich die internen Spannungen des 'beruflichen' Modells verstärkt haben und seine Grundlagen radikal verändern, sowohl was die Ausbildungsmethoden als auch die Arbeitsorganisation und die Arbeitsbeziehungen in den Betrieben anbelangt. Anschließend werden die aktuellen Veränderungen des französischen Modells untersucht, das sich - von einer anderen Seite - einer mehr beruflichen Struktur des Arbeitsmarktes nähert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku

    SBG for Health Monitoring of Fuel Cell System

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    To guarantee the safe operation of the Fuel Cell (FC) systems, it is necessary to use systematic techniques to detect and isolate faults for diagnosis purposes. The problematic for Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) model-based of fuel cell consists in that such system is bad instrumented, its model is complex (because of coupling of multi-physical phenomena such as electrochemical, electrical, thermo fluidic…) and the numerical values related to it are not always known. This is why qualitative model (based on existence or not of the links between variables and the relations) is well suited for fuel cell diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a new graphical model (named Signed Bond Graph) allowing to combine both qualitative and quantitative features for health monitoring (in terms of diagnosis and prognosis) of the fuel cell. The innovative interest of the presented paper is the use of only one representation for not only structural model but also diagnosis of faults which may affect the fuel cell. The developed theory is illustrated by an application to a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC).

    Design and evaluation of a novel technology for ambulatory monitoring of bruxism events

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    International audienceBruxism is a widespread phenomenon whose diagnosis is usually made from non reliable, self-evaluation of the patient on one hand, and clinical signs whose absence does not mean absence of bruxism on the other hand. Different methods have been used in research setting for the assessment of bruxism such as portable electromyography but currently there exists no reliable method for the diagnosis of bruxism at home. In this paper, the hardware and software architecture of a complete ambulatory system, enabling long term monitoring of bruxism by measuring clenching/grinding forces of the patient is presented. The results of the tests conducted in vitro to evaluate the sensor's response are also presented. In vivo tests exhibited good correlation with an electromyography of the masseter muscle. With a maximum thickness of 2 mm, the discomfort for the patient is reduced and corresponds nearly to the usual thickness of an occlusal splint. This inductively rechargeable instrumented splint enables a long-term use over different periods and clenching/grinding data can be retrieved locally or transmitted wirelessly via WiFi, on a secured server, for further analysis

    Conception et réalisation d'un système électronique ambulatoire pour l'évaluation de la microcirculation cutanée

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    La microcirculation est constituée d un réseau vasculaire qui comprend les artérioles, les veinules et les capillaires. La microcirculation cutanée est un paramètre physiologique important pour les applications cliniques avancées comme le syndrome de Raynaud ou la prévention des escarres. De nombreuses méthodes non ambulatoires ont été développées afin de mesurer la microcirculation sanguine. La tendance actuelle dans le domaine des technologies pour la santé est la miniaturisation des capteurs et de leurs instrumentations associées pour les rendre non-invasifs, portables par le patient et ainsi adaptés aux mesures ambulatoires en conditions réelles, ou appelées aussi écologiques . Le manuscrit présente la conception et la réalisation d un système électronique miniaturisé ambulatoire ( Hématron), permettant de réaliser un monitoring continu, en temps réel de la conductivité thermique tissulaire qui est l image de la microcirculation dans les capillaires. La première expérimentation effectuée a pour l objectif de confronter le système Hématron avec un moniteur de fluxmétrie laser Doppler, au cours d une étude destinée à évaluer le confort thermique chez l homme. Ainsi, une étude d influence de la température de différentes ambiances sur un certain nombre de paramètres de la peau de sujets sains, y compris la microcirculation cutanée, a été réalisée. Les corrélations obtenues entre les variations des deux signaux des deux instrumentations pour les ambiances neutres, chaudes et froides sont présentées. La deuxième expérimentation est consacrée à l étude préliminaire de l effet global des bas médicaux de compression sur la microcirculation cutanée des membres inférieurs de sujets sains. Grâce à l instrumentation ambulatoire, la microcirculation a pu être évaluée de façon continue pour différentes postures des sujets : allongée, assise, débout et en marche, et ce, pour des différentes classes de bas de compression (I, II, et III). Cette étude a permis d améliorer la compréhension de l effet de ces bas sur les sujets sains.The microcirculation consists of a vascular network that includes arterioles, venules and capillaries. Skin microcirculation is an important physiological parameter for advanced clinical applications such as Raynaud's syndrome or the prevention of ulcers. Many non-ambulatory methods were developed to measure blood microcirculation. The current trend in the field of health technology is the miniaturization of sensors and their associated instrumentation to make them non-invasive, portable by the patient and adapted to ambulatory measurements in time real, or also known as ecological . The manuscript presents the design and the realization of an ambulatory miniaturized electronic system ( Hematron), to achieve continuous monitoring of the effective thermal conductivity in real-time that is the image of the microcirculation in the capillaries. The first experimentation was performed to compare the Hematron system with a laser Doppler flowmetry monitor, during a study which aims to evaluate thermal comfort in humans. A study of the effects of different temperature environments on a group of skin parameters of healthy subjects, including the cutaneous microcirculation, was performed. Correlations between changes in the two signals of both instrumentations for neutral, hot and cold temperatures are presented. The second experimentation is aimed to a preliminary study of the global effect of medical compression stockings on the cutaneous microcirculation of the lower extremities of healthy subjects. Thanks to the ambulatory instrumentation, the microcirculation has been measured continuously for different postures of subject: lying, sitting, standing and walking, and this for different classes of compression stockings (I, II, and III). This study has improved the understanding of the effect of these stockings on healthy subjects.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les devenirs socioprofessionnels des sortants sans diplôme: un état des lieux dix ans après la sortie du système éducatif (1998-2008)

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    Nous présentons ici un état des lieux de l’insertion professionnelle des sortants sans diplôme, à partir de l’enquête à 10 ans du Céreq, auprès de la « Génération 1998 ». Moins nombreux qu’auparavant, ils sont en compétition avec des jeunes diplômés pour les emplois d’exécution. Nous décrivons la diversité de leurs devenirs socioprofessionnels et quantifions l’impact de certains facteurs sur ces devenirs. En effet, à niveau de sortie équivalent, les parcours d’entrée dans la vie professionnelle sont très dissemblables. Enfin, nous éprouvons l’hypothèse selon laquelle, au cours du processus d’insertion professionnelle, l’obtention d’un titre scolaire prime sur le niveau de qualification.In this article, we give an overview about the transition to work of young people who don’t have any diplomas. This study leans on the survey realized by the Céreq (French Centre for Research on Education, Training and Employment), about the 1998 generation, which covers the ten first years of the working life of 1998 school leavers. Less numerous than before, they have to compete with youngs graduated to get an access to low-qualified jobs. We describe the diversity of occupational trajectories and quantify the impact of several factors on these trajectories. Indeed, from an equivalent school level, transitions to work are very diversified. Finally, we test the hypothesis that diplomas are more determinant for occupational trajectories than qualification levels.Zehn Jahre nach der CEREQ-Untersuchung „Generation 1998“ ziehen wir Bilanz über die berufliche Eingliederung von Schulabgängern ohne Abschlusszeugnis. Diese sind zwar weniger zahlreich als früher, stehen aber in einfachen Berufen im Wettbewerb mit jungen diplomierten Abgängern. Wir beschreiben die Vielfalt ihres sozioprofessionellen Werdegangs und quantifizieren die Auswirkung bestimmter Faktoren auf diesen Werdegang. Bei gleichen Ausgangsbedingungen unterscheidet sich der Berufseinstieg beträchtlich. Wir überprüfen die Hypothese, nach der bei einer Berufseingliederung ein Schulabschluss Vorrang vor dem Qualifikationsniveau hat.Presentamos aquí un estado de la situación de la inserción profesional de los que dejan el sistema educativo sin diploma, a partir de la encuesta a 10 años del Cereq, para la « Generación 1998 ». Menos numerosos que antes, están en competencia con jóvenes diplomados para los empleos de ejecución. Describimos la diversidad de sus devenires socioprofesionales y cuantificamos el impacto de algunos factores sobre estos devenires. En efecto, con nivel de salida equivalente los itinerarios de entrada en la vida profesional son muy disímiles. Finalmente, probamos la hipótesis según la cual a lo largo del proceso de inserción profesional la obtención de un título educativo prima sobre el nivel de calificación

    A exposição de uma cultura de confinamento : análise da legendagem de the magdalene sisters, de Peter Mullan

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, Florianópolis, 2019Este projeto de pesquisa se propõe a analisar a tradução do discursoreligioso e da sexualidade no âmbito da legendagem a partir denoções de tradução cultural. Este trabalho adota como corpus ofilme The Magdalene Sisters (2002), escrito e dirigido por PeterMullan. No Brasil, o filme estreou em 2004 sob o título Em Nomede Deus. Baseada em fatos reais, a trama narra a história de quatromulheres encarceradas, por questões religiosas e morais, eminstituições denominadas Magdalen Asylums (Asilos deMadalenas), na Irlanda. O objetivo central deste estudo consisteem analisar como a mulher é representada através da legendagemdo discurso religioso e da sexualidade, investigando de quemaneira os procedimentos de tradução ? adotados no processo delegendagem do idioma inglês para o português brasileiro ?refletem a desigualdade de gênero e a misoginia com baseteológica, assim como as ideologias religiosas e morais quepermeiam esses discursos na narrativa. Para tanto, o estudo seapoia em noções de tradução cultural e feminismo desenvolvidaspor teóricos como Susan Bassnett e Andre Lefevere (1990;1998),Homi Bhabha (1998), Luise von Flotow (1997; 1991), Jorge DíazCintas (2014; 2008) e Jan Pedersen (2011), dentre outros.Ademais, esta pesquisa se apoia em noções de discurso elaboradaspor Teun A. van Dijk (2017). No que concerne a investigaçãohistórica e religiosa dos Asilos de Madalenas, tema de TheMagdalene Sisters, este projeto está embasado sobretudo empesquisas desenvolvidas por Finnegan (2001), Luddy (1995) eSmith (2014). Do ponto de vista metodológico, a pesquisa adotauma abordagem descritiva qualitativa que consiste em compararconceitual e empiricamente os diálogos originais com sua versãolegendada.Abstract: This research project sets out to analyse the translation of religiousdiscourse as well as the discourse on sexuality within the scope ofsubtitling from a cultural translation point of view. This workadopts as corpus the film The Magdalene Sisters (2002), writtenand directed by Peter Mullan. In Brazil, the film was released in2004, under the title Em Nome de Deus. Based on true facts, theplot tells the story of four women imprisoned, for religious andmoral reasons, in institutions called Magdalen Asylums, in Ireland.The ultimate goal of this study is to unveil how women isrepresented through the subtitling of religious discourse and thediscourse on sexuality. Furthermore, to investigate how thetranslation procedures ? applied in the process of subtitling fromEnglish into Portuguese ? reflects gender inequality, andtheologically based misogyny, as well as the religious and moralideologies that permeate these discourses in the narrative. To doso, this study is based on notions of cultural translation andfeminism developed by theorists such as Susan Bassnett and AndreLefevere (1990, 1998), Homi Bhabha (1998), Luise von Flotow(1997, 1991), Jorge Díaz Cintas (2014; 2008) and Jan Pedersen(2011), among others. In addition, this research relies on discoursenotions elaborated by Teun A. van Dijk (2017). With regard to thehistorical and religious investigation of the Magdalen Asylums,this project relies mainly on research developed by Finnegan(2001), Luddy (1995) and Smith (2014). From a methodologicalpoint of view, this study adopts a qualitative descriptive approachthat consists in comparing conceptually and empirically theoriginal dialogues with its subtitled version

    Addressing decision making for remanufacturing operations and design-for-remanufacture

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    Remanufacturing is a process of returning a used product to at least original equipment manufacturer original performance specification from the customers' perspective and giving the resultant product a warranty that is at least equal to that of a newly manufactured equivalent. This paper explains the need to combine ecological concerns and economic growth and the significance of remanufacturing in this. Using the experience of an international aero-engine manufacturer it discusses the impact of the need for sustainable manufacturing on organisational business models. It explains some key decision-making issues that hinder remanufacturing and suggests effective solutions. It presents a peer-validated, high-level design guideline to assist decision-making in design in order to support remanufacturing. The design guide was developed in the UK through the analysis of selections of products during case studies and workshops involving remanufacturing and conventional manufacturing practitioners as well as academics. It is one of the initial stages in the development of a robust design for remanufacture guideline
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