2 research outputs found

    The structure of maps on the space of all quantum pure states that preserve a fixed quantum angle

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    Abstract Let HH be a Hilbert space and P(H)P(H) be the projective space of all quantum pure states. Wigner’s theorem states that every bijection ϕ ⁣:P(H)P(H)\phi \colon P(H)\to P(H) that preserves the quantum angle between pure states is automatically induced by either a unitary or an antiunitary operator U ⁣:HHU\colon H\to H. Uhlhorn’s theorem generalizes this result for bijective maps ϕ\phi that are only assumed to preserve the quantum angle π2\frac{\pi }{2} (orthogonality) in both directions. Recently, two papers, written by Li–Plevnik–Šemrl and Gehér, solved the corresponding structural problem for bijections that preserve only one fixed quantum angle α\alpha in both directions, provided that 0 < \alpha \leq \frac{\pi }{4} holds. In this paper we solve the remaining structural problem for quantum angles α\alpha that satisfy \frac{\pi }{4} < \alpha < \frac{\pi }{2}, hence complete a programme started by Uhlhorn. In particular, it turns out that these maps are always induced by unitary or antiunitary operators, however, our assumption is much weaker than Wigner’s

    Isometric study of Wasserstein spaces - the real line

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    Recently Kloeckner described the structure of the isometry group of the quadratic Wasserstein space W2(Rn) \mathcal {W}_2(\mathbb{R}^n). It turned out that the case of the real line is exceptional in the sense that there exists an exotic isometry flow. Following this line of investigation, we compute Isom(Wp(R)) \mathrm {Isom}(\mathcal {W}_p(\mathbb{R})), the isometry group of the Wasserstein space Wp(R) \mathcal {W}_p(\mathbb{R}) for all p[1,){2} p \in [1, \infty )\setminus \{2\}. We show that W2(R) \mathcal {W}_2(\mathbb{R}) is also exceptional regarding the parameter p p: Wp(R) \mathcal {W}_p(\mathbb{R}) is isometrically rigid if and only if p2 p\neq 2. Regarding the underlying space, we prove that the exceptionality of p=2 p=2 disappears if we replace R \mathbb{R} by the compact interval [0,1] [0,1]. Surprisingly, in that case, Wp([0,1]) \mathcal {W}_p([0,1]) is isometrically rigid if and only if p1 p\neq 1. Moreover, W1([0,1]) \mathcal {W}_1([0,1]) admits isometries that split mass, and Isom(W1([0,1])) \mathrm {Isom}(\mathcal {W}_1([0,1])) cannot be embedded into Isom(W1(R)) \mathrm {Isom}(\mathcal {W}_1(\mathbb{R}))