13 research outputs found

    Tuntutan undang-undang dan pendekatan Malaysia di dalam kes Pulau Ligitan, Pulau Sipadan dan Pedra Branca

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    Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk memaparkan penggunaan instrumen perundangan antarabangsa oleh kerajaan Malaysia di dalam menjustifikasikan tuntutan maritimnya di samping menjelaskan keputusan yang diambil oleh Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa/International Court of Justice (ICJ). Secara umumnya, negaranegara Asia Tenggara enggan menyelesaikan konflik pertikaian wilayah menerusi penglibatan institusi keadilan antarabangsa. Namun, Malaysia mengambil keputusan untuk merujuk isu pertikaian wilayah dengan Indonesia dan Singapura berhubung dengan Pulau Ligitan dan Sipadan serta pemilikan Pedra Branca ke ICJ. Pada masa yang sama, konflik hak dan kedaulatan ke atas Pedra Branca ini juga melibatkan Batuan Tengah (Middle Rocks) dan Tubir Selatan (South Ledge) yang turut terletak di Selat Singapura. Justeru itu, kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif ini menyoroti semula kronologi status kedua-dua kes berkenaan berdasarkan kepada aspek sejarah, undang-undang antarabangsa dan perlaksanaan kawalan efektif. Kemudiannya, keputusan ICJ dikaji untuk memahami bagaimana status dan pemilikan sesebuah wilayah ditentukan. Dalam hal ini, ICJ memutuskan bahawa kedaulatan Pulau Ligitan dan Sipadan adalah milik Malaysia manakala Pedra Branca diberikan kepada Singapura. Berdasarkan Malaysia sebagai pewaris kepada Kesultanan Johor, ICJ memberikan Middle Rocks kepada Kuala Lumpur. Pihak Mahkamah sedia maklum bahawa South Ledge terletak pada ketinggian air pasang rendah. Disebabkan tidak terdapat sebarang persetujuan sempadan maritim yang jelas, maka ICJ menyerahkan soal hak dan kedaulatan South Ledge kepada Malaysia dan Singapura. Hasil analisis mendapati prinsip kawalan efektif dan kegagalan menyuarakan sebarang bantahan terhadap pelbagai aktiviti menjadi faktor-faktor penentu dalam memutuskan status pemilikan wilayah. Melalui penerimaan keputusan mahkamah secara terbuka, Malaysia telah menunjukkan kesediaannya untuk mengimplementasikan keakurannya terhadap undang-undang antarabangsa dengan penuh kepercayaan, semata-mata bagi mengukuhkan hubungan baik sesama negara jirannya. Maka, kes Pulau Ligitan dan Sipadan serta Pedra Branca boleh menjadi rujukan kepada negara-negara lain yang mempunyai konflik yang sama. Dengan berbuat demikian, keamanan dan kestabilan rantau dapat dikekalkan

    Interdependence of manufacturing industry between Korea and ASEAN-5 countries : Asian International Input-Output analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the interdependence of the manufacturing industry between South South Korea and ASEAN-5 countries. To conduct an international analysis for the manufacturing industries, an interregional input-output (IRIO) model is applied. The Asian International Input-Output Table (AIIO) provided by IDE-JETRO (2017) is employed and the spillover effects of manufacturing industry are compared in terms of inducement production, value added and backward/forward linkages. The results indicate that the production inducement outcome between Malaysia and South Korea and the effect of forward and backward linkage industry are high, and the dependence on industry is high. On the other hand, in terms of decomposition of value added exports to ASEAN from South South Korea in the manufacturing sector; Vietnam, Singapore, and Indonesia are the states where South South Korea's domestic value-added exports are high. The result shows that South South Korea is necessary to diversify economic cooperation between East Asian and ASEAN member states


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    One of the main obstacles in building an ASEAN Community relates to the huge gaps in the levels of economic and infrastructure development that exists between older and newer member countries of ASEAN. The paper argues that the construction of an ASEAN Community demands a multilateral approach. ASEAN is doing this by establishing stronger ties with middle powers in the region. The paper is a preliminary consideration of issues relating to the relationship between South Korea and ASEAN. It provides a country level exploration of the extent to which South Korea facilitates the strengthening of the ASEAN Community in various sectors. South Korea, which prides itself as a middle power, has played a significant role in strengthening ASEAN’s internal and regional economic and social integration. Both parties are already involved in four significant frameworks namely the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation, ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation, East Asia Summit and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Economically, the combination of South Korea’s technology and ASEAN’s natural resources have seen two way investments and trade linkages rise significantly. Further, in order to reduce the gap between the older and newer ASEAN member countries, 30% of Korea’s official development assistance is being channeled to ASEAN. Understanding that the development of the Mekong region is imperative in achieving the goal of an ASEAN Community, South Korea signed the Han River Declaration to aid in increasing ASEAN connectivity, improving sustainable development and promoting people - to people oriented development. In sum, the paper serves as a reminder that the creation of an ASEAN Community requires some outside assistance and expertise. Keywords: South Korea, ASEAN, community building, middle power diplomacy, development gap Theme: International Relation

    The clash of pro and anti-protest sentiments during the Pandemic: Youths’ Narratives in Malaysia and Hong Kong as Contrasting political communication

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects, impacting not only the health and economic sectors but also the global political landscape. In response, certain youth groups have turned to protests as a means of expressing their dissatisfaction with their governments. This study aims to analyse the conflicting narratives between protest groups that support the right to assemble and the anti-protest narratives promoted by governments. While the Malaysian and Hong Kong governments implemented Movement Control Order and a national lockdown respectively, to curb the spread of the coronavirus, young people within these countries perceived these measures as incompatible with their political objectives. This study employs a narrative analysis approach and the theoretical framework of New Social Movement (NSM) in order to examine this issue. The findings of this study indicate the youths in Malaysia and Hong Kong who supported mobilizing protests during the pandemic perceive the government’s presented narratives and response as a defence mechanism to opportunistic suppression of democratic, government-critical actions. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a clear clash of implicit political messages conveyed by both the youths and governments, with the pandemic serving as the instigating factor in motivation for or against the mobilization of protests

    Social Support, Self-Care Behaviour and Self-Efficacy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Diabetes mellitus is a major public health issue that considerably impacts mortality, morbidity, and healthcare costs worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc in diabetes management, too, like other spectrums of life. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was adopted to determine the effect of Social Support, Self-Care Behaviour and Self-Efficacy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D) during this COVID-19 pandemic. Two hundred T2D patients who satisfied the inclusion criteria were chosen using a convenient sampling procedure. The tool consists of four sections, including socio-demographic characteristics, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), revised Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA) Scale and modified Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale (DMS). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the obtained data. The mean and SD of diabetic management self-efficacy is 5.74 (1.95) and 4.37 (1.4), respectively, for patients with HbA1c < 6.5% and HbA1c ≥ 6.5%. The self-care activities of the patients who had good glycemic control were 4.31 (2.06) compared to 3.50 (1.73) who did not. The social support received by the patients was 6.13 (2.13) vs. 5.31 (1.67) among patients with glycemic control vs. no control. The results show that social support (p = 0.04), self-efficacy (p =0.01) and self-care activities (p = 0.001) were significantly related to the level of glycemic control of the T2D patients. A significant relationship was also identified between gender (p = 0.036), age (p = 0.001) and education status (p = 0.000) with HbA1c control of the participants. This study demonstrates a significant relationship between social support, self-care behaviours, self-efficacy and glycemic management in T2D patients. During this COVID-19 pandemic, interventions to enhance the self-care activities like exercise and social support to boost their self-efficacy; for better diabetes management, reducing diabetes complications or prolonging their onset are the need of the hour