730 research outputs found

    Comparison Of Modified Dual Ternary Indexing And Multi-Key Hashing Algorithms For Music Information Retrieval

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    In this work we have compared two indexing algorithms that have been used to index and retrieve Carnatic music songs. We have compared a modified algorithm of the Dual ternary indexing algorithm for music indexing and retrieval with the multi-key hashing indexing algorithm proposed by us. The modification in the dual ternary algorithm was essential to handle variable length query phrase and to accommodate features specific to Carnatic music. The dual ternary indexing algorithm is adapted for Carnatic music by segmenting using the segmentation technique for Carnatic music. The dual ternary algorithm is compared with the multi-key hashing algorithm designed by us for indexing and retrieval in which features like MFCC, spectral flux, melody string and spectral centroid are used as features for indexing data into a hash table. The way in which collision resolution was handled by this hash table is different than the normal hash table approaches. It was observed that multi-key hashing based retrieval had a lesser time complexity than dual-ternary based indexing The algorithms were also compared for their precision and recall in which multi-key hashing had a better recall than modified dual ternary indexing for the sample data considered.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    Objective: An accurate, simple, and rapid HPLC-UV based method for the quantitative determination of ritonavir (RTV) in human plasma is developed.Methods: The method involved deproteinization of the sample with 0.125N NaOH and methyl tertiary butyl ether and evaporated to dryness. The residue was reconstituted with mobile phase (20 mM Sodium Acetate and Acetonitrile–55:45 v/v). The analysis was done using C8 column (250 x 4.6 mm ID) and detection at a wavelength of 212 nmResults: The method range was linear over the range 0.5–10.0 µg/ml as derived using calibration curve method. Mean intra-and inter-day variations over the ranges of the standard curves were less than 10 % and mean extraction recoveries from human plasma ranged from 96 to 110 %.Conclusion: A rapid and accurate method for quantitation of RTV in plasma was validated. The assay spans the concentration range of clinical interest. The easy sample preparation and small sample size makes this assay highly suitable for pharmacokinetic studies of RTV in HIV-infected patients with TB.Keywords: Ritonavir, Pharmacokinetics, HPLC, Plasma extraction, HI

    Critical behavior study of the spin ordering transition in RVO3 (R = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Er) by means of ac photopyroelectric calorimetry

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    The thermal diffusivity of RVO3 single crystals (R = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Er) has been measured with an ac photopyroelectric calorimetry in the region in which the G-type orbital ordering and C-type spin ordering take place. Detailed measurements in the close neighbourhood of the spin ordering temperature have allowed to extract the critical parameter α and the critical ratio A+/A− for this transition. While the samples containing Ce, Nd, Sm and Er belong to the 3D-XY universality class (showing that the spins have an easy plane anisotropy), the sample with Gd, which is known to present a clear easy axis, belongs to the 3D-Ising class. Finally, PrVO3 shows an effective isotropic behavior, as the critical parameters found agree with the 3D-Heisenberg class

    Monitoring Social Distancing by Smart Phone App in the effect of COVID-19

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    Social distancing measures are necessary for many infectious diseases that spreads through droplets and microdroplets. According to WHO, the preventive measure for COVID-19 is to follow strict social distancing. It is not easy to enforce social distance easily in a crowded region and people often not maintain sufficient distance with neighbours. Driven by the need for energy-efficient and cost-effective social distancing monitoring, this paper proposes Smart Social Distancing (SSD) mobile application based monitoring, which can predict the social distancing between two people assisted by mobile bluetooth and mobile camera. SSD involves two major steps to predict the social distance: first the pedestrian in the video frames is identified with the aid of Deep Learning (DL) and in the second step, distance between the two pedestrian is estimated through image processing techniques. The application can also be configured to calculate the distance using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) by calculating its received signal strength. The application demonstrates 85% accuracy on predicting the social distancing and alert the user using beep sound or alert messag

    Influence of organic sources of nutrients on vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) as an intercrop in coconut garden

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    Performance of vanilla, as influenced by organic source of nutrition when grown as intercrop in coconut garden, was studied in sandy loam soil at ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala for seven years. Field experiments were carried out with different sources of organic manures, recommended NPK fertilizer and no fertilizer treatments. Application of cow dung slurry (6 tonnes ha-1) resulted in vigorous growth of vine (vine length of 5.5 m) and higher number of beans per vine (208) and a significantly higher mean fresh yield of bean (1.87 kg vine-1). Application of vermicompost (5 kg plant-1) + biofertilizers (Bacillus and Azospirillum) and vermiwash were on par and recorded mean fresh yield of 1.47 kg vine-1 and 1.30 kg vine-1, respectively. Control treatment without fertilizer application recorded significantly lower fresh bean yield (0.55 kg vine-1) due to lower number of beans per vine (72 nos.).  In the rhizosphere of vanilla, no significant difference for either bacterial or actinomycetes population was noticed among the treatments. The fungal population differed significantly among the treatments and the highest population level was found with application of biogas slurry (62.1x103cfu g-1 soil), which was on par with application of cow dung slurry (59x103 cfu g-1 soil). Among the function specific microbial communities, the highest population of  P-solubilisers (98x103 cfu g-1 soil) was recorded in the biogas slurry treatment, and it was the lowest in control and vermiwash application treatments. The average coconut yield realized during experimental period(2004-05 to 2009-10) was 136 nuts per palm, recording 53 per cent increase in yield compared to pre-experimental yield (89 nuts per palm).Â

    Non-syndromic multiple odontogenic keratocysts: report of case

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    Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) are epithelial developmental cysts which were first described by Phillipsen in 1956. Lesions are frequently multiple and a component of Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS) (Gorlin Goltz syndrome/Bifid rib syndrome). We hereby report a case of multiple OKCs in a non – syndromic patient and highlight the general practitioner the importance of diagnosing the disease and enforcing a strict long-term follow-up whenever such a case is identified
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