57 research outputs found

    Machine learning to detect marine animals in UAV imagery: effect of morphology, spacing, behaviour and habitat

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    Machine learning algorithms are being increasingly used to process large volumes of wildlife imagery data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); however, suitable algorithms to monitor multiple species are required to enhance efficiency. Here, we developed a machine learning algorithm using a low-cost computer. We trained a convolutional neural network and tested its performance in: (1) distinguishing focal organisms of three marine taxa (Australian fur seals, loggerhead sea turtles and Australasian gannets; body size ranges: 0.8–2.5 m, 0.6–1.0 m, and 0.8–0.9 m, respectively); and (2) simultaneously delineating the fine-scale movement trajectories of multiple sea turtles at a fish cleaning station. For all species, the algorithm performed best at detecting individuals of similar body length, displaying consistent behaviour or occupying uniform habitat (proportion of individuals detected, or recall of 0.94, 0.79 and 0.75 for gannets, seals and turtles, respectively). For gannets, performance was impacted by spacing (huddling pairs with offspring) and behaviour (resting vs. flying shapes, overall precision: 0.74). For seals, accuracy was impacted by morphology (sexual dimorphism and pups), spacing (huddling and creches) and habitat complexity (seal sized boulders) (overall precision: 0.27). For sea turtles, performance was impacted by habitat complexity, position in water column, spacing, behaviour (interacting individuals) and turbidity (overall precision: 0.24); body size variation had no impact. For sea turtle trajectories, locations were estimated with a relative positioning error of <50 cm. In conclusion, we demonstrate that, while the same machine learning algorithm can be used to survey multiple species, no single algorithm captures all components optimally within a given site. We recommend that, rather than attempting to fully automate detection of UAV imagery data, semi-automation is implemented (i.e. part automated and part manual, as commonly practised for photo-identification). Approaches to enhance the efficiency of manual detection are required in parallel to the development of effective implementation of machine learning algorithms

    The road travelled : after main‐group elements as transition metals

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    Since the latter quarter of the twentieth century, main group chemistry has undergone significant advances. Power's timely review in 2010 highlighted the inherent differences between the lighter and heavier main group elements, and that the heavier analogues resemble transition metals as shown by their reactivity towards small molecules. In this concept article, we present an overview of the last 10 years since Power's seminal review, and the progress made for catalytic application. This examines the use of low oxidation state and/or low coordinate group 13 and 14 complexes towards small molecule activation (oxidative addition step in a redox based cycle) and how ligand design plays a crucial role in influencing subsequent reactivity. The challenge in these redox based catalytic cycles still centres on the main group complexes’ ability to undergo reductive elimination, however considerable progress in this field has been reported via reversible oxidative addition reactions. Within the last 5 years the first examples of well‐defined low valent main group catalysts have begun to emerge, representing a bright future ahead for main group chemistry

    A Raman spectroscopic study of uranyl minerals from Cornwall, UK

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    Raman spectra have been collected using three excitation wavelengths for thirteen uranyl mineral samples, including novĂĄc̆ekite, and analysed.</p

    Climate Change Impacts on the Mediterranean Coastal Zones

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    Focus on research in Chile and Mexico

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    Editorial Preface to "Plutonium Futures - The Science 2008"

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    The fifth edition of "Plutonium Futures - The Science" Conference was held between July 7 and 11, 2008 at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dijon, the capital of Burgundy in France. This series of conferences, focusing on plutonium and other actinide elements in complex media and materials, was perhaps surprisingly only initiated in 1997 to enhance the dialogue among scientists on the fundamental properties of plutonium and their technological applications. The Conference has previously been held in Santa Fe (1997, 2000), Albuquerque (2003) and Asilomar (2006). For the first time, therefore, the Plutonium Futures - The Science Conference was held outside the United States. Co-organized by the Atomic Weapons Establishment of the United Kingdom, the French Commissariat à l¿Energie Atomique, and the JRCInstitute of Transuranium Elements of the European Commission, in collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Plutonium Futures Conference was co-sponsored by the European Commission, the AREVA company, the CÎte d¿Or Region, and the Pole Nucléaire de Bourgogne.JRC.E.6-Actinides researc

    Editorial Preface to "Plutonium Futures - The Science 2008"

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    The fifth conference on "Plutonium Futures - The Science" was held from 7 to 11 July 2008 at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dijon, the capital of Burgundy in France. This series of conferences, focusing on plutonium and other actinide elements in complex media and materials, was surprisingly initiated only in 1997 to enhance the dialogue among scientists on the fundamental properties of plutonium and their technological applications. The conference has previously been held in Santa Fe (1997, 2000), Albuquerque (2003) and Asilomar (2006). For the first time in 2008 this conference was held outside the United States. Co-organized by the Atomic Weapons Establishment of the United Kingdom, the French Commissariat `a l'Énergie Atomique, and the JRC-Institute for Transuranium Elements of the European Commission, in collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Plutonium Futures Conference was co-sponsored by the European Commission, the AREVA company, the CĂŽte d'Or Region, and the Pole NuclĂ©aire de Bourgogne.JRC.DG.E.6-Actinides researc
