500 research outputs found

    Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular disease and dementia: lump, split or integrate?

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    This scientific commentary refers to ‘Cerebral amyloid angiopathy interacts with neuritic amyloid plaques to promote tau and cognitive decline’ by Rabin et al. (https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awac178)

    Diagnosing vascular cognitive impairment: Current challenges and future perspectives

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    Cerebrovascular disease is a major cause of cognitive decline and dementia. This is referred to as vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). Diagnosing VCI is important, among others to optimize treatment to prevent further vascular injury. This narrative review addresses challenges in current diagnostic approaches to VCI and potential future developments. First we summarize how diagnostic criteria for VCI evolved over time. We then highlight challenges in diagnosing VCI in clinical practice: assessment of severity of vascular brain injury on brain imaging is often imprecise and the relation between vascular lesion burden and cognitive functioning shows high intersubject variability. This can make it difficult to establish causality in individual patients. Moreover, because VCI is essentially an umbrella term, it lacks specificity on disease mechanisms, prognosis, and treatment. We see the need for a fundamentally different approach to diagnosing VCI, which should be more dimensional, including multimodal quantitative assessment of injury, with more accurate estimation of cognitive impact, and include biological definitions of disease that can support further development of targeted treatment. Recent developments in the field that can form the basis of such an approach are discussed

    Abnormalities in cardiac-induced brain tissue deformations are now detectable with MRI: A case-report of a patient who underwent craniotomy after trauma

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    Background: Heartbeat and respiration induce cyclic brain tissue deformations, which receive increasing attention as potential driving force for brain clearance. These deformations can now be assessed using a novel 3D strain tensor imaging (STI) method at 7 T MRI. Methods: An 18-year-old man had suffered a traumatic brain injury and was treated with a craniotomy with a maximal diameter of 12 cm. STI was employed to capture cardiac-induced brain tissue deformations and additional time-resolved 2D flow measurements were acquired to capture cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow towards the spinal canal. Results: The craniotomy caused major changes in all aspects of the brain's mechanical dynamics as compared to healthy volunteer references. Tissue strains increased, particularly around the craniotomy, and directionality of deformations showed large abnormalities, also in the contralateral hemisphere. As the brain tissue could pulsate outward from the skull, physiological pulsatile CSF flow at the foramen magnum was abolished. Conclusions: This work illustrates how STI can assess physiological patterns of brain tissue deformation and how craniotomy leads to widespread deformation abnormalities that can be detected at a single patient level. While this case is meant to provide proof of concept, application of STI in other conditions of abnormal brain mechanical dynamics warrants further study

    Dynamic brain ADC variations over the cardiac cycle and their relation to tissue strain assessed with DENSE at high-field MRI

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    PURPOSE: The ADC of brain tissue slightly varies over the cardiac cycle. This variation could reflect physiology, including mixing of the interstitial fluid, relevant for brain waste clearance. However, it is known from cardiac diffusion imaging that tissue deformation by itself affects the magnitude of the MRI signal, leading to artificial ADC variations as well. This study investigates to what extent tissue deformation causes artificial ADC variations in the brain. THEORY AND METHODS: We implemented a high-field MRI sequence with stimulated echo acquisition mode that simultaneously measures brain tissue deformation and ADC. Based on the measured tissue deformation, we simulated the artificial ADC variation by combining established theoretical frameworks and compared the results with the measured ADC variation. We acquired data in 8 healthy volunteers with diffusion weighting b = 300 and b = 1000 s/mm2 . RESULTS: Apparent diffusion coefficient variation was largest in the feet-to-head direction and showed the largest deviation from the mean ADC at peak systole. Artificial ADC variation estimated from tissue deformation was 1.3 ± 0.37·10-5 mm2 /s in the feet-to-head direction for gray matter, and 0.75 ± 0.29·10-5 mm2 /s for white matter. The measured ADC variation in the feet-to-head direction was 5.6·10-5  ± 1.5·10-5 mm2 /s for gray matter and 3.2·10-5  ± 1.0·10-5 mm2 /s for white matter, which was a factor of 3.5 ± 0.82 and 3.4 ± 0.57 larger than the artificial diffusion variations. The measured diffusion variations in the right-to-left/anterior-to-posterior direction were a factor of 1.5 ± 1.0/1.7 ± 1.4 and 2.0 ± 0.91/2.5 ± 0.94 larger than the artificial diffusion variations for gray matter and white matter, respectively. CONCLUSION: Apparent diffusion coefficient variations in the brain likely largely reflect physiology

    A Case of Sporadic Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in an Identical Twin

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    Sporadic cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) is primarily attributed to heritability and vascular risk factors. Still, our understanding of the causative factors in cSVD lesion burden in the brain is far from complete. This is exemplified by this case of identical twins with remarkably similar vascular risk profiles, where one twin had developed severe cSVD on neuroimaging with cognitive deficits, while the other twin had no cSVD. This case highlights the need to search for further causes of cSVD, also beyond genetic and conventional vascular risk factors. Identification of other potential risk factors or disease mechanisms should be a priority for cSVD research to improve our understanding, prevention and treatment of this common cause of vascular brain injury with major clinical consequences

    High blood pressure predicts hippocampal atrophy rate in cognitively impaired elders.

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    INTRODUCTION: Understanding relationships among blood pressure (BP), cognition, and brain volume could inform Alzheimer's disease (AD) management. METHODS: We investigated Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) participants: 200 controls, 346 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 154 AD. National Alzheimer's Co-ordinating Center (NACC) participants were separately analyzed: 1098 controls, 2297 MCI, and 4845 AD. Relationships between cognition and BP were assessed in both cohorts and BP and atrophy rates in ADNI. Multivariate mixed linear-regression models were fitted with joint outcomes of BP (systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressure), cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination, Logical Memory, and Digit Symbol) and atrophy rate (whole-brain, hippocampus). RESULTS: ADNI MCI and AD patients with greater baseline systolic BP had higher hippocampal atrophy rates ([r, P value]; 0.2, 0.005 and 0.2, 0.04, respectively). NACC AD patients with lower systolic BP had lower cognitive scores (0.1, 0.0003). DISCUSSION: Higher late-life BP may be associated with faster decline in cognitively impaired elders

    В. Липинський про бюрократію ("Листи до братів-хліборобів"): до проблеми визначення теоретичного підґрунтя поглядів

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    Розглянуто формування поглядів В. Липинського на бюрократію під впливом ідей Ж. Сореля, Р. Міхельса, К. Маркса, А. де Токвіля. Стверджено, що основу його поглядів становлять ідеї про бюрократію, запозичені у Ж. Сореля та Р. Міхельса. Підкреслено, що під час розгляду проблеми бюрократії вітчизняний мислитель не звертався до ідей М. Вебера.Deals with the formation of attitudes of Viacheslav Lypynsky on bureaucracy under the influence of Georges Sorel, Robert Michels, Karl Marx, Alexis de Tocqueville. It is alleged that his views were based on ideas of the bureaucracy borrowed from Georges Sorel and Robert Michels. Emphasizing that, in considering the problem of bureaucracy Ukrainian thinker did not approach the ideas of Max Weber

    Impact of vessel morphology on hemodynamics of lenticulostriate arteries during atrial fibrillation

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    Lenticulostriate arteries (LSAs) are small perforating arteries mainly departing from the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and, less frequently, from the anterior cerebral artery (ACA). These arteries are responsible for supplying blood to important deep brain structures such as the basal ganglia. LSAs are susceptible to small vessel disease, which is one of the main mechanisms of subcortical vascular dementia development. In addition, there is growing evidence that an alteration of deep cerebral hemodynamics due to atrial fibrillation (AF) increases the risk of vascular dementia and cognitive impairment. In this complex context, an important role could be played by the almost orthogonal branching of these vessels. The purpose of this study, which combines CFD analysis of LSAs with 7T highresolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is to investigate the impact of different LSAs morphologies on cerebral hemodynamics during AF events