510 research outputs found

    Soft-pulse dynamical decoupling in a cavity

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    Dynamical decoupling is a coherent control technique where the intrinsic and extrinsic couplings of a quantum system are effectively averaged out by application of specially designed driving fields (refocusing pulse sequences). This entails pumping energy into the system, which can be especially dangerous when it has sharp spectral features like a cavity mode close to resonance. In this work we show that such an effect can be avoided with properly constructed refocusing sequences. To this end we construct the average Hamiltonian expansion for the system evolution operator associated with a single ``soft'' pi-pulse. To second order in the pulse duration, we characterize a symmetric pulse shape by three parameters, two of which can be turned to zero by shaping. We express the effective Hamiltonians for several pulse sequences in terms of these parameters, and use the results to analyze the structure of error operators for controlled Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian. When errors are cancelled to second order, numerical simulations show excellent qubit fidelity with strongly-suppressed oscillator heating.Comment: 9pages, 5eps figure

    Optimization of Short Coherent Control Pulses

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    The coherent control of small quantum system is considered. For a two-level system coupled to an arbitrary bath we consider a pulse of finite duration. We derive the leading and the next-leading order corrections to the evolution operator due to the non-commutation of the pulse and the bath Hamiltonian. The conditions are computed that make the leading corrections vanish. The pulse shapes optimized in this way are given for π\pi and π2\frac{\pi}{2} pulses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; published versio

    Water Arsenic Exposure and Children’s Intellectual Function in Araihazar, Bangladesh

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    Exposure to arsenic has long been known to have neurologic consequences in adults, but to date there are no well-controlled studies in children. We report results of a cross-sectional investigation of intellectual function in 201 children 10 years of age whose parents participate in our ongoing prospective cohort study examining health effects of As exposure in 12,000 residents of Araihazar, Bangladesh. Water As and manganese concentrations of tube wells at each child’s home were obtained by surveying all wells in the study region. Children and mothers came to our field clinic, where children received a medical examination in which weight, height, and head circumference were measured. Children’s intellectual function on tests drawn from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, version III, was assessed by summing weighted items across domains to create Verbal, Performance, and Full-Scale raw scores. Children provided urine specimens for measuring urinary As and creatinine and were asked to provide blood samples for measuring blood lead and hemoglobin concentrations. Exposure to As from drinking water was associated with reduced intellectual function after adjustment for sociodemographic covariates and water Mn. Water As was associated with reduced intellectual function, in a dose–response manner, such that children with water As levels > 50 μg/L achieved significantly lower Performance and Full-Scale scores than did children with water As levels < 5.5 μg/L. The association was generally stronger for well-water As than for urinary As

    Scalable design of tailored soft pulses for coherent control

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    We present a scalable scheme to design optimized soft pulses and pulse sequences for coherent control of interacting quantum many-body systems. The scheme is based on the cluster expansion and the time dependent perturbation theory implemented numerically. This approach offers a dramatic advantage in numerical efficiency, and it is also more convenient than the commonly used Magnus expansion, especially when dealing with higher order terms. We illustrate the scheme by designing 2nd-order pi-pulses and a 6th-order 8-pulse refocusing sequence for a chain of qubits with nearest-neighbor couplings. We also discuss the performance of soft-pulse refocusing sequences in suppressing decoherence due to low-frequency environment.Comment: 4 pages, 2 tables. (modified first table, references added, minor text changes

    High fidelity one-qubit operations under random telegraph noise

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    We address the problem of implementing high fidelity one-qubit operations subject to time dependent noise in the qubit energy splitting. We show with explicit numerical results that high fidelity bit flips and one-qubit NOT gates may be generated by imposing bounded control fields. For noise correlation times shorter than the time for a pi-pulse, the time optimal pi-pulse yields the highest fidelity. For very long correlation times, fidelity loss is approximately due to systematic error, which is efficiently tackled by compensation for off-resonance with a pulse sequence (CORPSE). For intermediate ranges of the noise correlation time we find that short CORPSE, which is less accurate than CORPSE in correcting systematic errors, yields higher fidelities. Numerical optimization of the pulse sequences using gradient ascent pulse engineering results in noticeable improvement of the fidelities for the bit flip and marginal improvement for the NOT gate.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Prevalence of Arsenic Exposure from Drinking Water and Awareness of Its Health Risks in a Bangladeshi Population: Results from a Large Population-Based Study

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    We conducted a population-based prevalence survey in Araihazar, Bangladesh, to describe the distribution of arsenic exposure in a rural Bangladeshi population and to assess the population’s awareness to this problem as well as to possible remediation options. Water samples from 5,967 contiguous tube wells in a defined geographic area were tested using laboratory-based methods. Additionally, for each well, the owner/caretaker (or a close relative) was interviewed regarding his or her awareness of the health consequences of As exposure. Arsenic exposure data and demographic characteristics for the 65,876 users of these wells were also collected from the 5,967 respondents. Among the 65,876 residents, more than half (54%) regularly consumed well water with an As concentration ≥ 50 μg/L—above the acceptable government standard in Bangladesh. Respondents were 15–92 years of age, with an average age of 42 years, and 43% were male. Presence of awareness was significantly related to male sex, nonlabor head of household occupation, better housing, and having had the well tested for As concentration. Most respondents (92%) expressed a willingness to take steps to reduce their exposure, with switching to a safe well the most favored option (46.2%). Willingness to reduce exposure was positively related to awareness of the health risks of As. However, the association between awareness and switching to a safe well [odds ratio (OR) = 1.25; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.01–1.54] was no stronger than the associations between awareness and using surface water (with or without treatments) (OR = 1.54; 95% CI, 1.22–1.95) or using an existing well after treatment or increasing the depth (OR = 1.34; 95% CI, 1.08–1.67). These findings suggest that health education programs may need to target individuals with lower socioeconomic status and that well switching should be encouraged with more appropriate health education. Increasing knowledge of the health consequences of As may be an important element in facilitating remediation

    Water Arsenic Exposure and Intellectual Function in 6-Year-Old Children in Araihazar, Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: We recently reported results of a cross-sectional investigation of intellectual function in 10-year-olds in Bangladesh, who had been exposed to arsenic from drinking water in their home wells. OBJECTIVES: We present results of a similar investigation of 301 randomly selected 6-year-olds whose parents participated in our ongoing prospective study of the health effects of As exposure in 12,000 residents of Araihazar, Bangladesh. METHODS: Water As and manganese concentrations of tube wells at each home were obtained by surveying all study region wells. Children and mothers were first visited at home, where the quality of home stimulation was measured, and then seen in our field clinic, where children received a medical examination wherein weight, height, and head circumference were assessed. We assessed children’s intellectual function using subtests drawn from the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, version III, by summing weighted items across domains to create Verbal, Performance, Processing Speed, and Full-Scale raw scores. Children provided urine specimens for measuring urinary As and were asked to provide blood samples for blood lead measurements. RESULTS: Exposure to As from drinking water was associated with reduced intellectual function before and after adjusting for water Mn, for blood lead levels, and for sociodemographic features known to contribute to intellectual function. With covariate adjustment, water As remained significantly negatively associated with both Performance and Processing Speed raw scores; associations were less strong than in our previously studied 10-year-olds. CONCLUSION: This second cross-sectional study of As exposure expands our concerns about As neurotoxicity to a younger age group