5 research outputs found

    Elucidating the role of ferrous ion cocatalyst in enhancing dilute acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently developed iron cocatalyst enhancement of dilute acid pretreatment of biomass is a promising approach for enhancing sugar release from recalcitrant lignocellulosic biomass. However, very little is known about the underlying mechanisms of this enhancement. In the current study, our aim was to identify several essential factors that contribute to ferrous ion-enhanced efficiency during dilute acid pretreatment of biomass and to initiate the investigation of the mechanisms that result in this enhancement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During dilute acid and ferrous ion cocatalyst pretreatments, we observed concomitant increases in solubilized sugars in the hydrolysate and reducing sugars in the (insoluble) biomass residues. We also observed enhancements in sugar release during subsequent enzymatic saccharification of iron cocatalyst-pretreated biomass. Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy showed that major peaks representing the C-O-C and C-H bonds in cellulose are significantly attenuated by iron cocatalyst pretreatment. Imaging using Prussian blue staining indicated that Fe<sup>2+ </sup>ions associate with both cellulose/xylan and lignin in untreated as well as dilute acid/Fe<sup>2+ </sup>ion-pretreated corn stover samples. Analyses by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed structural details of biomass after dilute acid/Fe<sup>2+ </sup>ion pretreatment, in which delamination and fibrillation of the cell wall were observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>By using this multimodal approach, we have revealed that (1) acid-ferrous ion-assisted pretreatment increases solubilization and enzymatic digestion of both cellulose and xylan to monomers and (2) this pretreatment likely targets multiple chemistries in plant cell wall polymer networks, including those represented by the C-O-C and C-H bonds in cellulose.</p

    Investigation of Spatially Non-Uniform Defect Passivation in EFG Si by Scanning Photoluminescence Technique

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    Presented at the 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Orlando, Florida; January 3-7, 2005. ©2005 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.This paper shows that both hydrogenation of defects from SiN(x) coating and thermally-induced dehydrogenation of defects are rapid and occur simultaneously in EFG Si during cell processing. Room-temperature scanning photoluminescence mappings, before and after the SiN(x) induced hydrogenation, revealed that hydrogenation of defective regions is effective and pronounced, with more than an order of magnitude increase in lifetime, compared to the rest of the bulk. In addition, FTIR measurements showed the concentration of bonded hydrogen in the SiN(x) film decreases with the increase in annealing temperature and time. However, the rate of release of hydrogen from the SiN(x) film decreases sharply after the first few seconds. Based on this understanding, a process was developed for a co-firing of SiN(x) film and screen-printed Al and Ag in RTP unit, which produced 4 cm(2) EFG Si cell with highest efficiency of 16.1%

    Copyright 2001 by Humana Press Inc.

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    Hydrolysates were obtained from dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of whole-tree softwood forest thinnings and softwood sawdust. Mid-infrared (IR) spectra were obtained on sample sets of wet washed hydrolysates, and 45C vacuum-dried washed hydrolysates, using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer equipped with a diamond-composite attenuated total reflectance (ATR) cell. Partial least squares(PLS)analysisofspectra from each sample set was performed. Regression analyses for sugar components and lignin were generated using results obtained from standard wet chemicalandhigh-performance liquid chromatographymethods.The correlation coefficients of the predicted and measured values were &gt;0.9. The root mean square standard error of the estimate for each component in the residues was generally within 2 wt% of the measured value except where reported in the tables. The PLS regression analysis of the wet washed solids was similar to the PLS regression analysis on the 45C vacuum-dried sample set. The FTIR-ATR technique allows mid-IR spectra to be obtained in a few minutes from wet washed or dried washed pretreated biomass solids. The prediction of the solids composition of anunknownwashed pretreated solid is very rapid once the PLS method has been calibrated with known standard solid residues

    Control of Doping in Cu<sub>2</sub>SnS<sub>3</sub> through Defects and Alloying

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    As the world’s demand for energy grows, the search for cost competitive and earth abundant thin film photovoltaic absorbers is becoming increasingly important. A promising approach to tackle this challenge is through thin film photovoltaics made of elements that are abundant in the Earth’s crust. In this work, we focus on Cu<sub>2</sub>SnS<sub>3</sub>, a promising earth abundant absorber material. Recent publications have presented 3% and 6% device efficiencies using Cu<sub>2</sub>SnS<sub>3</sub>-based absorber materials and alloys, respectively. However, little is understood about the fundamental defect and doping physics of this material, which is needed for further improvements in device performance. Here, we identify the origins of the changes in doping in sputtered cubic Cu<sub>2</sub>SnS<sub>3</sub> thin films using combinatorial experiments and first-principles theory. Experimentally, we find that the cubic Cu<sub>2</sub>SnS<sub>3</sub> has a large phase width and that the electrical conductivity increases with increasing Cu and S content in the films, which cannot be fully explained by the theoretical point defect model. Instead, theoretical calcuations suggest that under Cu-rich conditions alloying with an isostructural metallic Cu<sub>3</sub>SnS<sub>4</sub> phase occurs, causing high levels of p-type doping; this theory is consistent with experimental Raman and NEXAFS spectroscopy data. These experimental and theoretical works lead to the conclusion that Cu<sub>2</sub>SnS<sub>3</sub> films must be grown both S-poor and Cu-poor in order to achieve moderate hole concentrations. These new insights enable the design of growth processes that target the desired carrier concentrations for solar cell fabrication. Using the strategies described above, we have been able to tune the carrier concentration over >3 orders of magnitude and achieve films with p-type doping of ≤10<sup>18</sup> cm<sup>–3</sup>, facilitating future device integration of these films