4 research outputs found

    Einfluss des zuckerfreien Kaugummikauens bei ProthesentrÀgern mit Mundtrockenheit auf die Mundgesundheit und die LebensqualitÀt

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    Insgesamt nahmen 121 Probanden beiderlei Geschlechts mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 65,6 Jahren an dieser Studie teil.In der Anfangsuntersuchung wurde eine Befunderhebung durchgefĂŒhrt.Bei allen Probanden wurde die Gesamtruhespeichel- und die stimulierte Gesamtspeichelfließrate gemessen und der pH-Wert bestimmt. Die Probenden wurden in eine Kontroll- und eine Kaugruppe,unterteilt. Nach Abschluss der Stimulationshase wurden alle genannten Parameter neu erhoben.Auf der Basis der in dieser Studie gewonnenen Daten kann der regelmĂ€ĂŸige Gebrauch von zuckerfreien Kaugummiprodukten als wirkungsvolle Maßnahme zur Überwindung der Mundtrockenheitssymptomatik und der damit verbundenen Erhöhung der Mundgesundheit zum einen, der Verbesserung des Prothesensitzes und der LebensqualitĂ€t zum anderen empfohlen werden

    Detecting metal-rich intermediate-age globular clusters in NGC4570 using K-band photometry

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com”. Copyright Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s10509-009-0093-8Globular cluster systems (GCSs) of most early-type galaxies feature two peaks in their optical colour distributions. Blue-peak globular clusters (GCs) are believed to be old and metal-poor, whereas the ages, metallicities, and the origin of the red-peak GCs are still being debated. We obtained deep K-band photometry and combined it with Hubble Space Telescope observations in g and z to yield a full spectral energy distribution from the optical to the near-infrared. This now allows us to break the age–metallicity degeneracy. We used our evolutionary synthesis models galev for star clusters to compute a large grid of models with different metallicities and a wide range of ages. Comparing these models to our observations revealed a large population of intermediate-age (1–3 Gyr) and metal-rich (≈solar-metallicity) GCs, that will give us further insights into the formation history of this galaxy.Peer reviewe

    Satisfaction with psychiatric in-patient care as rated by patients at discharge from hospitals in 11 countries

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    Purpose: There is disregard in the scientific literature for the evaluation of psychiatric in-patient care as rated directly by patients. In this context, we aimed to explore satisfaction of people treated in mental health in-patient facilities. The project was a part of the Young Psychiatrist Program by the Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes. Methods: This is an international multicentre cross-sectional study conducted in 25 hospitals across 11 countries. The research team at each study site approached a consecutive target sample of 30 discharged patients to measure their satisfaction using the five-item study-specific questionnaire. Individual and institution level correlates of ‘low satisfaction’ were examined by comparisons of binary and multivariate associations in multilevel regression models. Results: A final study sample consisted of 673 participants. Total satisfaction scores were highly skewed towards the upper end of the scale, with a median total score of 44 (interquartile range 38–48) out of 50. After taking clustering into account, the only independent correlates of low satisfaction were schizophrenia diagnosis and low psychiatrist to patient ratio. Conclusion: Further studies on patients’ satisfaction should additionally pay attention to treatment expectations formed by the previous experience of treatment, service-related knowledge, stigma and patients’ disempowerment, and power imbalance.</p