2 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Effects Of Platelet‑rich‑fibrin on Postoperative Morbidities after Lower Third Molar Surgery

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to assess whether the use ofplatelet‑rich fibrin (PRF) decreased the pain, swelling, and trismus levels ofpostoperative third molar surgery. Materials and Methods: In a double‑blinded,split‑mouth randomized study, thirty patients (6 male/24 female, mean age20.32 years) with bilateral symmetric impacted third molars were enrolledin this study to receive surgery. The PRF mass was randomly placed in one ofthe extraction sockets, whereas the other socket was left without treatment.The outcome variables were pain, maximum mouth opening (trismus),swelling (edema), and the presence of dry socket which were measured using a10‑point visual analog scale, manual calipers, and 3dMD facial imaging systemwhich was used for the 1st time in the third molar surgery. Results: Statisticalanalyses revealed that there were no significant differences between the controland study groups regarding postoperative pain, swelling, and trismus (P > 0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that PRF was not observed to havea positive effect on postoperative discomfort, so even though, PRF is presumed tohave positive effects on healing and recovery processes.Keywords: 3dMD, pain, platelet‑rich fibrin, swelling, third molar surgery, trismu