30 research outputs found

    A SOA-Based Platform to Support Clinical Data Sharing

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    The eSource Data Interchange Group, part of the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, proposed five scenarios to guide stakeholders in the development of solutions for the capture of eSource data. The fifth scenario was subdivided into four tiers to adapt the functionality of electronic health records to support clinical research. In order to develop a system belonging to the \u201cInteroperable\u201d Tier, the authors decided to adopt the service-oriented architecture paradigm to support technical interoperability, Health Level Seven Version 3 messages combined with LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes) vocabulary to ensure semantic interoperability, and Healthcare Services Specification Project standards to provide process interoperability. The developed architecture enhances the integration between patient-care practice and medical research, allowing clinical data sharing between two hospital information systems and four clinical data management systems/clinical registries. The core is formed by a set of standardized cloud services connected through standardized interfaces, involving client applications. The system was approved by a medical staff, since it reduces the workload for the management of clinical trials. Although this architecture can realize the \u201cInteroperable\u201d Tier, the current solution actually covers the \u201cConnected\u201d Tier, due to local hospital policy restrictions

    A modular multipurpose, parameter centered electronic health record architecture

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    Health Information Technology is playing a key role in healthcare. Specifically, the use of electronic health records has been found to bring about most significant improvements in healthcare quality, mainly as relates to patient management, healthcare delivery and research support. Health record systems adoption has been promoted in many countries to support efficient, high quality integrated healthcare. The objective of this work is the implementation of an Electronic Health Record system based on a relational database. The system architecture is modular and based on the concentration of specific pathology related parameters in one module, therefore the system can be easily applied to different pathologies. Several examples of its application are described. It is intended to extend the system integrating genomic data

    A NLP Pipeline for the Automatic Extraction of a Complete Microorganism’s Picture from Microbiological Notes

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    The Italian “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (ISS) identifies hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) as the most frequent and serious complications in healthcare. HAIs constitute a real health emergency and, therefore, require decisive action from both local and national health organizations. Information about the causative microorganisms of HAIs is obtained from the results of microbiological cultures of specimens collected from infected body sites, but microorganisms’ names are sometimes reported only in the notes field of the culture reports. The objective of our work was to build a NLP-based pipeline for the automatic information extraction from the notes of microbiological culture reports. We analyzed a sample composed of 499 texts of notes extracted from 1 month of anonymized laboratory referral. First, our system filtered texts in order to remove nonmeaningful sentences. Thereafter, it correctly extracted all the microorganisms’ names according to the expert’s labels and linked them to a set of very important metadata such as the translations into national/international vocabularies and standard definitions. As the major result of our pipeline, the system extracts a complete picture of the microorganism

    A standardized SOA based solution to guarantee the secure access to EHR

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    Continued advances in science and technology and general improvements in environmental and social conditions is extending the population\u2019s life expectancy with the consequence that a person can undergo many episodes of healthcare during lifetime. In this context, the Electronic Health Record (EHR) represents a fundamental tool to support treatment continuity, education and research. The economic restrictions in healthcare and the need to increase efficiency in term of cost/effectiveness ration could lead institutional organizations to choose cloud solutions to host the EHR. In this paper, a cloud infrastructure architecture, focus on the EHR and based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) paradigm, which is able both to completely support technical, semantic and process interoperability, and to guarantee security, is proposed. In order to achieve this goal, the indications and the standards proposed by Healthcare Services Specification Project (HSSP) was adopted. Different situations can be managed by the proposed architecture and are described: the user access to an encrypted resource in EHR, the availability of EHR content for external Decision Support Systems, the update of EHR content, the management of semantic of clinical data exchanged among distributed healthcare organizations. Finally, the authors propose a discussion on the proposed solutio