4 research outputs found

    Viral metagenomics reveals persistent as well as dietary acquired viruses in Antarctic fur seals.

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    Viruses linked to animals inhabiting Antarctic latitudes remain poorly studied. Remote environments hosting large pinniped populations may be prone to exposure of immunologically naïve animals to new infectious agents due to increasing human presence or introduction of new animal species. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) inhabiting the Western Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands are challenged because of climate change and increased anthropogenic activity. In the present study, the fecal and serum virome of A. gazella was characterized by applying target enrichment next generation sequencing. The resulting viromes were dominated by CRESS-DNA sequences. Viruses known to infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts were also observed in fecal samples. Fur seal picornavirus was present in all the fecal pools studied suggesting it is a prevalent virus in these species. Six different viruses presenting similarities with previously described A. gazella viruses or other otariids and mammal viruses were identified as potential new A. gazella viruses. Also, diet-derived viruses such as crustacean viruses were present in fecal content. Penguin viruses, but not fish viruses, were also detected. Obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the viral community present in these species, which is relevant for its conservation

    Niche partitioning amongst northwestern Mediterranean cetaceans using stable isotopes

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    Ten species of cetaceans coexist in the Mediterranean Sea, one of the richest seas in biodiversity and endemisms worldwide. The conservation status of Mediterranean cetaceans has been a concern for many years, particularly due to increasing anthropogenic threats such as global warming and overfishing. We established the stable isotopic niches of carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur for five species of cetaceans inhabiting the northwestern Mediterranean Sea to elucidate the mechanisms of coexistence. The fin whale exploited epipelagic habitats with a low trophic level; the bottlenose dolphin was mostly neritic and had a high trophic level; the Risso's dolphin was oceanic and fed bathypelagically and at a high trophic level; finally, the common and striped dolphins displayed epipelagic distributions and similarly intermediate trophic levels. The isotopic niches of all species were exclusive except the common and striped dolphins, whose niches overlapped by 25%. These results suggest that the majority of species avoid competitive exclusion by trophic or spatial segregation with the exception of striped and common dolphins, in which interspecific competition is apparent. It is suggested that this competition brought the striped dolphin to displace the common dolphin from part of its distribution range, restricting it to the southern fringe of the western Mediterranean and, particularly, to the Alboran Sea. In this area, coexistence of the two species would be permitted by some degree of spatial segregation between them and a remarkably high productivity, all which mitigate competition

    Assessing the current status of Hexanchus griseus in the Mediterranean Sea using local ecological knowledge

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    Fishermen from 9 countries distributed throughout the Mediterranean Sea were interviewed between May and December 2019 with the aim of compiling information about the current impact of fisheries on a large deepwatershark species, the bluntnose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus). A total of 382 professional fishermenbelonging to 6 different gears (bottom trawling, bottom longline, drifting longline, trammel nets, gillnets andpolyvalent) took part in the study. Bottom trawlers were the most interviewed fishermen (n = 148) and the bestfleet coverage was obtained for bottom longline (38.89%). Results showed most captures of H. griseus occur in theWestern and Central Mediterranean Sea, particularly during the warm months of the year and most commonly bybottom trawlers and bottom longliners. At-vessel mortality (AVM) was rather low in all gears but a slightlyhigher degree of individual mortality is suggested in trammel and gillnets. The population trend of H. griseus inthe Mediterranean Sea could not be inferred from the interviews as answers were highly variable, but the overalltrend in some countries may suggest this species is showing signs of population decrease. The results of this studyare mostly aligned with the latest IUCN assessment but also recommend reviewing the current status of H. griseusin the Mediterranean basin. Further empirical research on post-release mortality would also be advisable toimplement measures that help reduce this source of mortality

    Winter distribution of juvenile and sub-adult male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) along the western Antarctic Peninsula.

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    Detailed knowledge of habitat use by marine megafauna is critical to understand their ecological roles and for the adequate management of marine resources. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) inhabiting the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean prey largely on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and play a central role in managing the krill fshery. Here, we assessed the demographic structure of three post-mating, early moult male haul-outs in the South Shetland Islands in early March and calculated the relative contribution of juveniles (1-4 years old) and sub-adult males (5-6 years) to the population remaining in maritime Antarctica after the breeding season. We also satellite tagged 11 juvenile males and four sub-adult males to analyze their movements and develop a species distribution model including both age classes. Our results highlighted the dominance of young individuals in the male population, revealed that they do not behave as central place foragers and identifed key environmental drivers that afected their distribution at-sea throughout winter. Predicted potential foraging habitat overlapped highly with the known distribution of Antarctic krill, and identifed the waters of the western Antarctic Peninsula and the Scotia Sea as the core of the distribution area of juvenile and sub-adult male Antarctic fur seals in winter. This pattern is similar to that of adult males but totally diferent from that of adult females, as the latter overwinter in areas at latitude 45-55° S. This segregation has implications for the ecology and management of the krill fshery