3,922 research outputs found

    Low-energy Electro-weak Reactions

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    Chiral effective field theory (EFT) provides a systematic and controlled approach to low-energy nuclear physics. Here, we use chiral EFT to calculate low-energy weak Gamow-Teller transitions. We put special emphasis on the role of two-body (2b) weak currents within the nucleus, and discuss their applications in predicting physical observables.Comment: 7 pages, Proceedings of Horizons of Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics (HITES 2012

    Few body Calculation of Neutrino Neutral Inelastic scattering on 4He

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    The inelastic neutral reaction of neutrino on 4He is calculated using two modern nucleon--nucleon potentials. Full final state interaction among the four nucleons is considered, via the Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method. The effective interaction hyperspherical-harmonic (EIHH) approach is used to solve the resulting Schrodinger like equations. A detailed energy dependent calculation is given in the impulse approximation.Comment: 4 pages; talk at 18th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB18), Santos, SP, Brazil, August 200

    The Coulomb interaction in Helium-3: Interplay of strong short-range and weak long-range potentials

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    Quantum chromodynamics and the electroweak theory at low energies are prominent instances of the combination of a short-range and a long-range interaction. For the description of light nuclei, the large nucleon-nucleon scattering lengths produced by the strong interaction, and the reduction of the weak interaction to the Coulomb potential, play a crucial role. Helium-3 is the first bound nucleus comprised of more than one proton in which this combination of forces can be studied. We demonstrate a proper renormalization of Helium-3 using the pionless effective field theory as the formal representation of the nuclear regime as strongly interacting fermions. The theory is found consistent at leading and next-to-leading order without isospin-symmetry-breaking 3-nucleon interactions and a non-perturbative treatment of the Coulomb interaction. The conclusion highlights the significance of the regularization method since a comparison to previous work is contradictory if the difference in those methods is not considered. With a perturbative Coulomb interaction, as suggested by dimensional analysis, we find the Helium-3 system properly renormalized, too. For both treatments, renormalization-scheme independence of the effective field theory is demonstrated by regulating the potential and a variation of the associated cutoff.Comment: accepted version; additional figure; additional discussion of renorm. and limit cycl

    A microscopic calculation of neutrino neutral reaction on 4He

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    An ab-initio calculation of the inelastic neutral reaction of neutrino on 4He is presented, including realistic nuclear force and full final state interaction among the four nucleons. The calculation uses the powerful combintation of the Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method and the hyperspherical-harmonic effective interaction approach (EIHH). The neutrino - nucleus interaction is taken in the impulse approximation. With respect to previous calculations, the current work predicts an increased reaction cross-section by 10%-30% for neutrino temperature up to 15 MeV.Comment: 3 pages, talk presented at the "19th European Conference on Few-Body Systems (EFB2004)", Groningen, Netherlands, August 23 - August 27, 200

    Low-Energy Inelastic Neutrino Reactions on 4He

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    The inelastic scattering of neutrino off 4He is calculated microscopically at energies typical for core collapse supernova environment. The calculation is carried out with the Argonne V18 nucleon--nucleon potential and the Urbana IX three nucleon force. Full final state interaction is included via the Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method. The contribution of axial meson exchange currents to the cross sections is taken into account from effective field theory of nucleons and pions to order O(Q^3).Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, corrected typos and added reference, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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