26 research outputs found

    Generic object-oriented models for the dynamic reconfiguration of protocol stacks in wireless 3G/4G mobile networks

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    This thesis studies research problems related to the efficient modeling, description and representation of the dynamic reconfiguration options pertaining to the communication subsystem of mobile devices and the associated access standards and protocol stacks enclosed therein. To this end, we introduce a generic object-oriented model that allows the description of all valid reconfiguration options in a technology-independent manner and supports querying these descriptions for particular properties. This is achieved by explicitly recording dependency and provision relationships between individual protocol layers as well as between entire protocol stacks in the communication subsystem. To select the most appropriate representation formats for the introduced information model, we identify and evaluate the related global standards. Furthermore, we validate the practicability of our model's design and representation format by applying them in the case of standardized protocol stacks for the GPRS, UMTS and IMS components of 3rd generation cellular systems. We also assess the complexity of our information model by developing a pair of algorithms that process relevant data (i.e., data whose structural organization complies with that of our model) to produce the set of all valid protocol stacks and access standards for a particular communication subsystem. As they differ in terms of their logical structure and information processing steps, we analyze these algorithms to devise mathematical formulas of the temporal complexity associated with such information discovery tasks over our information model. Finally, we develop prototype implementations of these algorithms which we subject to artificially generated load with particular statistical properties to measure their completion time and to assess their performance impact in a technologically realistic setting. We conclude the thesis with a summary of our findings and lessons learnt and provide directions for future work.Σε αυτή την διατριβή μελετάμε ερευνητικά προβλήματα μοντελοποίησης και περιγραφής των δυνατοτήτων δυναμικής αναδιαμόρφωσης των προτύπων πρόσβασης και των σχετικών με αυτά στοιβών πρωτοκόλλων μιας τηλεπικοινωνιακής συσκευής. Ως προς την δυναμική αναδιαμόρφωση των στοιβών πρωτοκόλλων μιας τηλεπικοινωνιακής συσκευής παρουσιάζουμε ένα γενικευμένο αντικειμενοστρεφές μοντέλο πληροφορίας κατάλληλο για την αποτύπωση των δυνατοτήτων δυναμικής αναδιαμόρφωσης των προτύπων πρόσβασης και των έγκυρων τρόπων συνδυασμού των επιμέρους στοιβών και στρωμάτων πρωτοκόλλων που περιλαμβάνονται σε αυτά. Ως βασική καινοτομία του, το μοντέλο αυτό εισάγει και επιστρατεύει συσχετίσεις παροχής και εξάρτησης μεταξύ των επιμέρους συστατικών μιας στοίβας πρωτοκόλλων προκειμένου να εγγυηθεί την επιθυμητή λειτουργικότητα. Προς την εξυπηρέτηση της καλύτερης αναπαράστασης και διακίνησης πληροφορίας σύμφωνης με το παρουσιαζόμενο μοντέλο πληροφορίας, αξιολογούμε τα υπάρχοντα διεθνή πρότυπα για γλώσσες περιγραφής της πληροφορίας, επιλέγουμε το καταλληλότερο από αυτά και προβαίνουμε στην πρακτική εφαρμογή του μοντέλου πληροφορίας για τα πρότυπα ασύρματης πρόσβασης GPRS, UMTS και IMS. Προκειμένου δε να αξιολογήσουμε την πολυπλοκότητα του μοντέλου πληροφορίας, αναπτύσσουμε (εκ του μηδενός) δύο νέους αλγόριθμους οι οποίοι, επεξεργαζόμενοι τις παραπάνω περιγραφές, παράγουν το σύνολο με τις έγκυρες στοίβες πρωτοκόλλων και τα πρότυπα πρόσβασης στα οποία και είναι δυνατό να αναδιαμορφωθεί το σχετικό τηλεπικοινωνιακό σύστημα. Αφού αναλύσουμε και εκφράσουμε πλήρως την χρονική πολυπλοκότητα των αλγορίθμων αυτών, προβαίνουμε σε μια πειραματική διαδικασία μέτρησης και καταγραφής της απόδοσης τους σε ένα περιβάλλον εκτέλεσης κατά το δυνατό πλησιέστερο με αυτό των ασύρματων τηλεπικοινωνιακών συσκευών 3ης και 4ης γενιάς. Ολοκληρώνοντας, αξιολογούμε τα αποτελέσματα της πειραματικής διαδικασίας προκειμένου να διατυπώσουμε συμπεράσματα ως προς την πρακτική εφαρμογή του μοντέλου πληροφορίας σε εγκατεστημένες δικτυακές υποδομές

    Application-Transparent Adaptation In Wireless Systems Beyond

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    The forthcoming wireless systems beyond 3G are heralded to trigger dramatic changes in the way that mobile services are being developed and delivered. User expectations are expected to raise to a significantly higher level, towards the demand for terminal-, network- and location-aware provision of ubiquitous, personalized multimedia services. Adaptability, a feature that did not attract particular attention from system and service developers of services in the pre-3G era, is widely recognized as a critical factor for realizing this vision. The present paper discusses adaptation of end-user services provided over next generation mobile systems, identifies relevant important issues and introduces a mechanism for deployment--time, application-transparent adaptation

    Evolving Perspectives of 4th Generation Mobile Communication Systems

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    The last decade of the 20 century has been witness to remarkable technological developments in the area of wireless communication technologies. Following the commercial deployment -- and subsequent worldwide success -- of 2 nd generation mobile telecommunication systems, such as GSM, standardization bodies, industry partners and regulatory fora from around the globe joined forces in producing the standards for 3 telecommunication systems. In parallel, the academic research community has been gradually shifting its focus in defining the scope of 4 generation systems. The present paper highlights fundamental concepts and presents key market developments in 4 communication environments. It outlines their major high level requirements and identifies the fundamental building blocks of 4 generation system architectures in terms of technological solution sets. Finally, it proposes a set of priorities for the 4 generation research agenda

    Enabling Delivery of Mobile Services Over Heterogeneous Converged Infrastructures

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    Traditionally, end customers have been offered different categories of communication, data and media services (e.g., fixed/mobile voice, fixed/mobile data, broadcasting) through vertically separated, rigidly integrated infrastructures. Major advances in a variety of technological fields, mainly in the area of mobile computing and networking, have created prospects for a fully converged environment, where ubiquitous access to an abundance of value-added services will be offered over a single, as perceived by the users, highly reconfigurable system

    On the Complexity of “Always Best Connected ” in 4G Mobile Networks

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    Abstract—Global developments in wireless communications have shaped a novel, user-centric vision for the next generation of mobile systems and wireless access network broadly termed “4G”. This widely accepted vision sketches a heterogeneous infrastructure comprising different wireless access systems in a complementary manner, where the user, supported by his/her personal intelligent agent(s), enjoys untethered connectivity and ubiquitous access to applications, value-added services and multimedia content over the most efficient combination of wireless and wireline systems available. We proceed to analyze the implications of this “Always Best Connected ” vision to identify pivotal concepts and formulate an appropriate model. Furthermore, we proceed to analyze the complexity of our proposed model by showing that, in principle, being “Always Best Connected ” translates to family of problems that are known to be NP-hard. Keywords-Mobile; wireless; 4G; service selection; utility I

    Service Provision Evolution in Mobile Communication Networks

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    Following the commercial deployment and worldwide success of 2 nd generation mobile telecommunication systems, standardization bodies, industry partners and regulatory fora from around the globe joined forces in producing the standards for 3 generation mobile telecommunication systems. In parallel, the academic research community has been gradually shifting its focus in defining the scope of generation systems. The present paper highlights fundamental concepts and key market developments in 4 generation mobile networks, outlining their major high level requirements and identifying the fundamental building blocks of 4 generation system architectures in terms of technological solution sets, proposing also a set of priorities for the 4 generation research agenda