2 research outputs found

    Is the reduced growth of the halophyte Suaeda maritima under hypoxia due to toxicity of iron or manganese?

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    For most plants, submergence in water is a rare occurrence, but for plants that grow on salt marshes flooding with seawater may be a twice-daily event. This is the case for plants of the halophyte Suaeda maritima, growing at low elevations on salt marshes. These plants are, however, smaller than those growing at higher elevations, where flooding is less frequent and the soil is better drained. We investigated whether the reduced growth brought about by flooding with saline water was a consequence of toxicity of manganese or iron. Seedlings of S. maritima were grown both in a sold medium (a mixture of salt-marsh mud and sand) that was either submerged twice a day or continuously flooded with half-strength seawater and in a hydroponic solution where the oxygen concentration was adjusted by bubbling with nitrogen or air. Hypoxia, reduced the growth of plants in both solid and liquid media and resuted in increases in manganese and iron in the shoots and roots. Experiments in culture solution showed that elevated levels of manganese were unlikely to be toxic, but that iron did reach toxic concentrations in flooded plants

    The effect of combined salinity and waterlogging on the halophyte Suaeda maritima: The role of antioxidants

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    Suaeda maritime is a halophytic plant and its habitat is salt marsh. In order to adapt to saline or waterlogged conditions, plants have evolved mechanisms that include antioxidant protection. However, the combined effect of salinity and waterlogging on antioxidants in S. maritime is unknown. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effect of saline-flooding on levels of glutathione and phenolic compounds (antioxidants) and the correlation between their concentration and activity in S. maritime shoots grown in their natural habitat and in a glasshouse. Shoots were collected from two different elevations (and so different degrees of flooding) of a salt marsh while other plants were grown in half strength seawater in the controlled conditions of a glasshouse for 8 weeks (drained and flooded). Shoot samples were used to measure dry weight, glutathione and its reduction state, malonyldialdehyde content (MDA), polyphenol content, superoxide anion and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) scavenging activity in the shoots of S. maritime. Growth of S. maritima was greater in plants growing on the high marsh than at a lower elevation and in drained medium as opposed to waterlogged conditions in the glasshouse. Waterlogging caused an increase in glutathione and its reduction state. The glutathione half-cell redox potential (E-GSSG/2GSH) was more negative in plant shoots grown under waterlogged conditions than in plants grown under normal conditions. Higher DPPH and superoxide anion scavenging activity was associated with high antioxidant concentrations (glutathione and polyphenols). Conclusions. Under saline-flooded conditions in the field and in the glasshouse, plants produced a higher concentration of antioxidants than under drained conditions. These result indicated that antioxidant molecules play an important role in S. maritima plants under combined salinity and waterlogging stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved